Author has written 16 stories for TV X-overs, Now and Again, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Power Rangers, Stargate: SG-1, Tomorrow People, He-Man, and Spider-Man. A crossover fanatic who spends too much time on fanfic. Favorite shows include The Tomorrow People, Samurai Jack, He-Man, Now and Again, Witchblade, Powerpuff Girls, The Lone Gunmen, Stargate SG-1, Charmed, Firefly, John Doe, Buffy, Angel, Power Rangers (some incarnations), Leverage, House, MD, and Pushing Daisies. Haven't been able to finish a fanfic since December 2003. Grad school did a number on the creative process for me. If the imspiration ever comes back... we'll see. I work all day in front of a computer and don't always want to turn mine on when I get home, and judging by the way my office keeps blocking sites I visit, may be next. (They just blocked LiveJournal today as I write this. Sob.) NOTE TO REVIEWERS IN GENERAL: If a story has not been updated for a while, screaming at the author is the LAST thing you want to do. If anything will kill an author's inspiration to write a story - especially when he/she is stuck on it - being screamed at for not updating will make it WORSE. This behavior was the final nail in the coffin for "Sharp Edges," the Witchblade/BtVS crossover I was working on from 2002-2004, got held up by muscle pain and health complications and a lack of inspiration, and the day after I'd spent hours trying and failing to make a chase scene work got an abusive review from someone who bitched me out for my lack of progress. That was just the final straw and any remaining inspiration to work on the story just dried up. Don't ruin it for the rest of the readers, please. Most authors who hit writers' block are probably as frustrated with it - if not more so - than you. Accusing them of laziness will only make it worse. Knock it off, please; I'm tired of screamers killing progress on excellent WIPs. (I'm not just talking about my stories. I've seen it happen for some others, and wanted to throttle the twit who sent the author over the edge.) "Special Case" might be pulled for rewrites. I don't know. The unfinished sequel is 12 years old now and I have the feeling any ideas I had for it have probably been negated by canon. UPDATE: I've actually started writing fanfic again after 7 years of nothing. I blame the Captain America movie. Because 's interface does not like me, I've been posting new stuff at A03. You can find my other stuff there: http:///users/Mandolin I may crosspost some of it when I get the time to mess with . |