Author has written 11 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Buffy X-overs, Farscape, Firefly, and Battlestar Galactica: 2003. I got bitten by the fanfic bug a while ago, starting with the various incarnations of "Star Trek", and "The X-Files". From there I was led into the "Buffy"/"Angel" fandom through an X-Files/Buffy/Angel crossover, "Vesparys" by Nynaeve. I started to look into the Buffy canon then, got hooked, and in a little while began actual fic writing with the vignette "Moonwalk".In Real Life, I'm a law student at the end of my studies, embarking on a career in the law, which doesn't leave nearly as much time for writing as I'd like. My updates, unfortunately, are not as frequent as they could be, though I hope to improve that. My pen name comes from the Buffy Cross & Stake board, where I post infrequently enough not to qualify as one of their regulars. Like most authors, even part-time hobbyist authors, I thrive on feedback. 11/11/03: Still on hiaitus. This is why my ident says "irregular". |
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