Reviews for Lex Talionis
greyeyedfyrestorm chapter 1 . 5/17/2018
I am sorry that someone posted this is their own name, attempting to take credit for your work. But thank you - for taking credit where it is due, for keeping this posted when your could have erased it out of anger, and for presenting such an amazing, compelling, emotional, (and remarkably smut free) story.
Nika's Quill chapter 2 . 2/17/2017
Don't know if you'll ever read this - you wrote the story FOURTEEN! years ago. But I wanted to say just how gifted a writer you are! Truly a chameleon! You we're able to capture the very distinct and different voice each character has and blended them together as expertly as Joss ever did.

Thank you so much for the enjoyable read!

Mendip123 chapter 2 . 6/9/2014
What a powerful read. I already wrote an essay of feedback about how great you are at writing Firefly, before I'd read this masterpiece! I found you on LJ and was delighted to find your stories on here too. I hope you still get the feedback and the satisfaction of knowing that the time you spent crafting this is so appreciated!
Gut wrenching and affecting and moving and very, very entertaining. Thank you.
Roger Kea chapter 1 . 12/6/2013
Thank you for this story. It reached in and played with my innards and that's as you know, a very good thing. If this were for sale I would buy it. If you wrote many more I would buy them too.
I am amazed at how much I care for Kaylee, how much it hurts to see this woman I know is not real, suffering. You captured the entire crew perfectly and I heard them all once again through your words. For that I want to thank you profusely.

I went to Comic Con last year for the 10th anniversary panel and got to meet Jane Espensen( wrote "Shindig" and Tim Minear the executive producer. Tim said that this script entitled "Dead of Alive", written by Cheryl Cain ("Writer of the "War Stories" episode, was indeed a real script that was possibly going to be shot. I imagine you know about this already, but if not, I hope you like it.
Also, I would truly love to read more Firefly from you.

Thank you again,

Roger " Jayne Tam" Kea
aka AnotherCoatOfBrown

Mierke chapter 2 . 9/20/2013
I loved this story - I love how you've taken Kaylee, the heart of Firefly, and made her into the centre of this story, with all the characters in her periphery. Your character voices are amazing and I love how you've played with the chronology.
brankel1 chapter 1 . 8/2/2013
Excellent job.
MarsStarPower chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
So I'd read this once before, and found it again. I love, love, love your writing style. It's so true to the syntax and language and semantics that Whedon created with the show and the culture. And I love the structure - the way you start with the initial discovery, and then weave old flashbacks with the more recent flashbacks that led up to the events at hand.
It's well plotted, and beautifully written. So much love for this. :)
Just me and myself chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
This was absolutely amazing! I could see this really happening if they had not taken Firefly off the air!
lacy curtains chapter 2 . 1/15/2013
You are Awesome! This may be the best Firefly story I've ever read. The language, the characterizations ... All just lovely. Added to a nice, long, engaging narrative, (which you actually completed!) and you win all the awards.

Sorry that someone tried to steal your work, but so glad that this story resurfaced.

Kudos, fellow Browncoat. ( Funny that you picked the name 'Castlebridge', though... Lol,)
oo0mocha0oo chapter 2 . 12/2/2012
Beautiful :)
Gemjj chapter 1 . 10/8/2012
This is truly amazing. I love it.
Augi chapter 2 . 9/26/2012
This is one of the best fanfiction stories I have ever read. The characters are more spot on than anything I have come across, and the plot could not have been better chosen. Choosing Kaylee as the victim in this story was genius seeing as how she is the most innocent and the most loved of any of the characters. You know well how to use drama and passion and I am very pleased to have come across this work.
mudpuddledemon chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
Really well done. Bravo.
MagicMariah chapter 2 . 9/16/2012
Such a great story, I wish I could articulate it more, but I just wanted to say that I was really impressed and I really enjoyed it. Very emotionally stimulating and I am sorry someone took credit for it, it completely baffles me why someone could justify that in their mind, but I am glad you had such a good attitude about it, it is very admirable.
asianchic510 chapter 2 . 4/9/2012
Just wanted to say that this is one of my favorite stories ever. I've been reading it (and rereading it) since I discovered it on your livejournal(?) years ago. You write the Kaylee/Simon dynamic so well, it makes me wish for what could have been. As far as I'm concerned, your fanfics are as good as canon to me. :)
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