Author has written 69 stories for Power Rangers, Highlander, Queen of Swords, Misc. Movies, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, X-Men: The Movie, Airwolf, Chalet School, StarTrek: Deep Space Nine, CSI, and NCIS.
Hi, I'm Rach and I'm a fanfiction writer...
I've been a writer for more than twenty years, more than ten of which have been online and a member of this site and not all of which have been spent writing fanfiction.
About The Stories
-The Identiverse saga is a PRTF series, beginning with "Identity" and ending with "Far Future 5: Five by Five".
-The Thousand Years Universe is a Highlander series. Most of the stories aren't currently available as I've been working on rewrites what whatnot. Posted here are some of the TYU short stories.
-Learning To Fly is my big project for the CSI world.
-Coming Back To Life is my au season 8 NCIS series.
-A Kind of Magic is another NCIS series, set in season 6 and a crossover to boot
-The rest are random short stories that I've written simply because I got inspired. They span several very different fandoms. Some are tied together as trilogies or duologies, most are short and standalone.
General Note:
I very, very rarely outright give up on a story, although it can take me a (long) while to get some of them done. What TENDS to happen is that I get so far with a given story and hit a massive wall of writer's block. Often what happens then is that I either chip away at it - sentence by sentence, if I have to! - OR, if the story's part of a series, I write beyond it, which means that when the block eventually goes, you usually get a torrent of stuff. So stick with me; it'll be worth the wait - eventually!
Current Work:
-Soaring Eagle - This is now entering its ninth year of being a work in progress. I really AM hoping to wrap it up without it reaching a decade of being unfinished!
-Red Rain - The first major story in the LTF series, the updates have been a little sporadic due to a combination of things (including writer's block). I'm still very much working on this and am now at the point of having upwards of 20,000 words written beyond the point I'm stuck at - so once I DO get that resolved, there's at least four chapters ready to go, and that's not counting side stories and backstory that I've been evolving too...
-A Kind of Magic - This is the first story in a five-story series which (nominally at least) updates every Sunday/Monday
-Learning to Live - This is the second major story in the CBTL universe and is going to update (hopefully) every other Friday.
Future Plans:
This breaks down a little like this:
1) Continuing on with LTF - Lots and lots of plans, most of which have at least something sketched out for them...
2) Continuing on with CBTL - In Vino Veritas (a connected short story) is going to be posted shortly and then Learning to Live will kick off with a post this Friday and then updates fortnightly. I'm also working on Before the Dawn, Movin' On Up (which, irony of ironies, is actually almost finished!) and the still untitled final story. There's also, quite possibly, another story to slot into the series between Learning to Live and Before the Dawn. That's also currently in search of its title, but it has a plot to die for. Literally...!
3) Continuing on with AKOM - There should be a new posting on this either today or tomorrow and then hopefully a nice series of updates every Monday until it's done. History Repeating will be posted as a stand-alone story as AKOM winds down and when AKOM finishes, the third story, Who Wants To Live Forever, will start. Don't Lose Your Head and Princes of the Universe will be the stories that round the series out.
NB For anyone looking for a quick HL primer, http:///289827.html should provide you with everything you need to know...and probably a little bit more. (If there's anything missing, just drop me a comment [I do accept Anony-mice on my LJ so even if you don't have a live journal account, you should still be able to let me know!]).
4) Bitter and Blue - The first story in this series is tentatively called Willkommen In Deutschland and will, most likely, be posted as a long one-shot, probably when A Kind of Magic finishes up. The second story in the series, Silverbells and Ammo Shells, will follow on fairly close behind and is also a one-shot. Bitter and Blue (which is a massive, brain-eating monster), China Girl and Family round out this series.
5) Sins of the Father - This is a story that's been in development hell for a while and is a kind of a follow up to my DS9 story 'Galitep' and also follow up to the DS9 episode 'Second Skin'. Look out for a prologue coming to the DS9 section soon!
6) Free Fallin' - This is a full-blooded Airwolf story that's, quite literally, been in development hell for the last fifteen years...and is STILL on the back burner, although it's edging closer again as certain of the more troublesome plot elements are finally making sense. It WILL happen, though...!
7) Twisting the Universe - This is a project that is likely to be noodled around for much of this year and probably won't see daylight before September, but I wanted to serve up some early notice. It's going to be another crossover story, but hopefully it's going to be a crossover story that's done in a very different way to the usual. The base universe is going to be NCIS, but I'll keep the crossover element under-wraps for now. Let's just say this one could be a very serious mindscrew!
There's also the possibility of some new Identiverse work showing up but don't hold your breath on that score!
To keep track of where I am and what I'm doing, wander by my LJ: http:///