Author has written 72 stories for Code Lyoko, Bones, Dark is Rising Sequence, Gundam Wing/AC, Leverage, and Inception. Lets get one thing straight: I love Angst. Name: Jaelee Age: Timeless Current Favorite Quote(s): I prefer not to dwell when passing through insanity lest it lingers. --An Odd Little Survey - Jeremie Belpois Tracy's staring at the mirror --What Happened to Lani Garver - Carol Plum-Ucci Fav. Shows: Copper, The X-Files, NCIS, Gundam Wing, Code Lyoko, Law and Order, Law and Order SVU, Leverage, and Bones. Fav. Movies: Jurassic Park, Lord of the Rings, Pirate's of the Caribbean (all), Dirty Dancing, Saw 1, Titanic, Alice in Wonderland, The Avengers, Inception, Harry Potter, Shutter Island, Annie, Anastasia, Quest For Camelot, Hidalgo, A Perfect Murder, Chronicles of Narnia (all), Disturbia, Dark Knight, Dark Knight Rises, Inkheart, Mamma Mia!, and Crimson Tide. Fav. Books: The Dark is Rising Sequence, The Unicorn Chronicles, Inkworld Trilogy (Inkheart, Inkspell, Inkdeath), Thirteen Reasons Why, The Body of Christopher Creed, What Happened to Lani Garver, The Temperance Brennan Novels, Graceling, The Circle of Magic Quartet, Jurassic Park Twilight, Midnight Predator, Demon in My View, Daughters of the Moon, Midnighters, Peeps, The Fountainhead, A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, The Cup of the World, Howl's Moving Castle, The Chronicles of Chrestomanci, and Artemis Fowl. Special Note: So I haven't been on here in ages, so I thought an update was in order. Also, I've joined the writing site, Figment: http://. Let me know if you're on it too or if you want to look at any of my writings on there. :) Fav. Pairings (in order of preference unless otherwise stated): Code Lyoko: UlrichOdd, UlrichEmily, OddAelita, JeremieAelita, OddSam, UlrichYumi There are more but those are the ones I'm really specific about. Basically, if it's well-written and believable I'll read it and most likely enjoy it. So feel free to recommend fics! Self-recs are fine too. Icon: Created by RenaYumi. Upcoming Fics: C'est La Vie - CL. Many pairings. This is the fic that includes Purple Frogs... and Pink Clouds. It's many chaptered and chronicles their lives through the series. Currently being posted on my LiveJournal (Homepage link) with graphics. Currently up: September, October, and November of Year One. Will begin being posted here (sans graphics) January 1, 2013. Odd - CL. Working title. 25 Things Odd doesn't talk about. Will be posted once "Ulrich" is complete. Elisabeth - CL. Working title. 25 Things Sissi doesn't talk about. Will be posted once "Ulrich" is complete. Yellow - Inception. Currently on my LJ but will be transferred over here starting November 1, 2012. Cartography of a Memory - GW. Trowa tries to overcome his amnesia. Currently no pairings but may turn into 1x3. Cruise Control- NCIS. TIVA friendship. In-progress (slow progress). If Everybody Cared - GW. 1x3. Angst. Lips of an Angel - CL. OU, UY, O?. Angst. Holiday - (Title subject to change). CL. OA friendship. Everytime We Touch - Twilight. Songfic. BellaxEdward-centric. Carry On Dancing - GW. 6x9. Songfic. Crash and Burn - CL. Songfic. Sea-Salt - GW. 1x3. Fluff-Angst. The end of Heero's search for redemption seems as bitter and turbulent as the ocean. Butterflies - CL. Sequel to Dragonflies. Ladybugs - CL Sequel to Butterflies. Collision - CL. "His life just isn't what he expected it to be." Magnetism - POTC. JackWill. Summary coming soon! Series Fics: The April Fool - This is a series I'm working on with the wonderful RenaYumi. You can find all the insane (odd) parts on her account and all the sane (even) on mine. I hope you enjoy. Also includes The Pumpkin King located on RenaYumi's account. The above has been discontinued on my part. Please see RenaYumi's account for the rest of the story if you wish to. Requiem For A Lost Childhood - GW. Follows Mariemaia as she becomes the Almost Ruler of the Earth Sphere Unified Nation and the events following her collapse. Mostly Heero/Mariemaia friendship with other characters. Currently consists of Of Salty Shapes and Slipping Sand, Just A Kid, Of Old Photographs and Tiresome Emotions, Of Pain and Strength, Of Teardrops and Misleading History, Of Shopping, Seagulls, and Sunburned Noses, Of Chimps and Children, Of Pets and Parties. ..:Reviews:.. I reply to 99.9 of the reviews. The .1 that aren't replied to are the ones that don't leave email addresses/are anonymous. I tolerate flames - barely as long as the flamer is either logged in or leaves an email or something. Hell, even if they PM me later. I don't like someone simply flaming without letting me defend my writing. It's rude. Constructive criticism is always appreciated, even if I do grit my teeth when I read it. I like reviews, I love reviews. I love hearing why you liked them, if they were predictable, what your favorite parts were, what your least favorite were, etc. It gives me a sense of fulfillment...or an oversized ego - whichever. That said, please, read, enjoy, review! -- Jael -- |
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