Keeping Thieves Happy
By Santana
Authors Notes: Don't ask me how this came to be. The one thing I am certain of is that I made Chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast yesterday morning….and last night I thought that one might make a good snack….it did. Then the line, "Eliot Spencer had learned several things after getting to know Parker. Fortune cookies made a good breakfast, and chocolate chip pancakes made an awesome desert,or snack," popped into my head and tada…the following was born. G BTW…There Is one more chocolate chip pancake in the fridge….along with quite a few plain ones…do you think my son will miss it???
For Greedy Monkees….who also like Nesie's Chocolate Chip Pancakes too.
~~ Eliot + Parker + Alec + Sophie + Nate = Leverage ~~
Eliot Spencer had learned several things after getting to know Parker. Fortune cookies made a good breakfast, and chocolate chip pancakes made an awesome desert,or snack.
He caught her on numerous occasions, raiding the fridge for leftovers, and walking around munching on the pancakes like cookies. So he had started keeping a batch in his fridge at home, just to be sure to have some on hand should she decide to....drop in. At the office, he would bring his breakfast, and always made sure he had one extra for Parker. He didn't mind keeping the young thief happy….as long as the other team members didn't know he was doing it. After all, he had a reputation to maintain.
~~ Eliot + Parker + Alec + Sophie + Nate = Leverage ~~
"What are you eating?" Alec asked Parker, as he came into the kitchenette for a soda. The young blonde was sitting on top of the counter, swinging her feet happily.
Parker hid her hand behind her back so Alec couldn't see, "Nothing." She mumbled with her mouth full.
"Looked like something to me...and smells like…chocolate,
and believe me, I know chocolate." He sniffed a few more times
for effect.
She swallowed quickly, and showed Alec the nibbled on item.
"What the heck is that?" Then he leaned in to inspect the item closer, "a pancake?"
She nodded, and clarified, "A chocolate chip pancake."
"I didn't know you cooked." He said with admiration.
"I don't." She said, taking another bite.
Knowing of only one person on the team that actually liked to cook, he set his soda on the counter and glared at the young woman. "Where'd you get that?" Even though he didn't want to hear the answer he knew was coming, he just had to ask.
Again Parker smiled…she knew she had something special. Not everyone got one of Eliot's special pancakes. "Eliot brought it for breakfast. "
Crossing his arms over his chest, "Does he know you got it?"
Parker looked thoughtful, but didn't answer.
"Oh hell no....I'm not getting in between a man and his breakfast. You're on your own girl." Hardison said, picking up his soda and backing away from Parker, as if being near her might be hazardous to his health.
"But he brings them everyday...and he leaves one in the fridge....everyday...just one. It's so lonely in there and sad. It wonders why no one will eat I make him happy and eat him." She smirks and pops the last piece into her mouth. "Be happy little pancake. You are very much loved." She says with her eyes closed, enjoying the fleeting taste of chocolate on her tongue.
"Just remember what I said…you…are…on…you're…own." He emphasized with a pointing finger. "That man can kill with an appetizer. I'd hate to see what kind of damage he can do with a chocolate chip pancake."
Parker merely smiled and hopped down from the counter, her pony tail swinging and Converse tennis shoes squeaking happily on linoleum, as she pranced out of the room.
Alec sent up a silent prayer for her safety.
The End