A/n: So here's the last chapter! Hope you enjoy. I'm going to dedicate this story to Jeni because I want to wish her good luck with her new book that's gonna be kick-butt and sell millions of copies in hundreds of languages all over the world... and then she'll move me and Kat into a big house. Good Luck Jeni!

In the containment of my dreams, I was running. Cutting through the woods, down a beaten, worn path. It was dark and suddenly I found myself no longer able to see the path. I wasn't even sure I was on it anymore. The wind stung my face, the dead leaves crackled under my bare feet. I was running. Dodging trees, getting far away. From what?


"Yumi?" Who called my name?

"Yumi!" Run. That was my only thought. My heart was beating out of my chest, ears pounding with its rhythm. I pushed myself in fear. I heard my own voice scream out 'Faster!' I could feel my chest tighten. My body heaved in exhaustion.

"Stop!" The voice was pleading.

And I wanted to. I just couldn't. I was always… running. I could feel the gravel and dirt under my feet. What was I running from? A blur of black and green was all the path was now. The moonlight flickered behind the trees as I passed, the glint catching my eye. And then, in a second, it stopped. I tripped, I was falling. The air rushed around my face, heart stopping.

I heard myself scream as I shot up in bed, drenched in a cold sweat. Just a night mare. My stomached tightened. Where am I? There's a lump at the end of my bed. Wait. This is not my bed…

Aelita. I'm in the dorms. Right. I must have fallen asleep.


It was a nightmare. Only a nightmare. I wasn't really running.

The lump at the end of the bed moved. Well, not really a lump. Aelita. Great friend, huh?

"Yumi?" Her groggy voice called out. "What time is it?" … 2:07 am.

"Er.. It's Sunday." Not a lie.

"Are you ok?" She sat up, turning the lamp on her night stand on.

"Yeah." Also not a lie. Really. I'm fine.

"You never finished the note," she yawned. Crap the note.

"Where…?" Where did I drop it? Where did it go? NO! I'm not panicking.

Now awake, my pink haired friend pulled a paper from her nightstand.

"You fell asleep." The day's events slowly creeped back through my mind. I liked it better when I didn't know where I was.

Slowly I opened the paper, looking at Ulrich's neat print in the dark.


This is such a mess, just let explain ok? I'm not going out with Emily. Please don't stop reading, rip this to shreds and call me a liar yet. I'm not finished. Her ex-boyfriend is in town. Her abusive ex-boyfriend. I'm just pretending while he's here, you'd do the same for a friend right? Especially to keep them from getting hurt, right? I really wanted to ask you today, but Emily called me in hysterics last night around eleven. I promised not to tell anyone, but Odd heard. I just can't stand you mad and avoiding me. Yes Yumi. Don't give the paper that blank 'I'm innocent' look. I know. And Odd told me. Give Emily one more day, ok? One more day. You may not like her but you really don't want her hurt do you?



I stared at the last two words on the page. He really didn't mean 'love'. He probably meant 'your friend' or something. What? NOT THAT LOOK AGAIN. Every time I say something! Aelita read the paper and looked at me with a smirk. Her too? Some friend!

"Go talk to him."… Is the girl out of her freaking mind? It's 2 in the morning!… So, I grabbed one of her hair ties and pulled back my matted hair quickly and slipped out of the room into the darkness. Terrific. Another chance to test my stealth. I moved down the stairs, barely able to see the landing as I got down the first flight, the second was all luck, no talent. I opened the door to the boys floor silently, careful to not let it slam. I counted off the doors in my head until I reached his. Was I really going to open his door at two in the morning? My hand touched the cool metal, jolting me from my thoughts. Looks like my mind didn't get a say in things. The door was unlocked, as always, and I slipped in, holding my breath. Both boys were asleep. I looked over to Ulrich's bed. And before my mind had time to react my legs were carrying me closer.

'This is insane. It's two am Yumi! Go back to Lita's dorm and sleep. You need sleep. You're not in your right mind.' Am I ever? I reached down and tapped Ulrich's shoulder. He jumped a little, and sleepily opened his eyes.

"Yumi? What- What are you doing here?" He took out his ear plugs, sitting up, making room for me. I sat down silently next to him.

"I'm sorry," I finally said. Sorry? Sorry for what? You didn't do anything. He's the one that lied. Right? RIGHT!

"Yumi, what do you mean sorry?" He chuckled as my eyes adjusted.

"Well, one for practically throwing myself at you," I teased. What am I doing? Setting myself up to be shot down again?

"Anytime." He's just teasing back.

"And also, for doubting you. That you wouldn't tell me about you and Emily.."

"There is no me and Emily, Yumes. I mean it." He means it right? What's on my.. Oh no. Not again. "Yumi.. Are you.. Crying?" NO! I'm not crying… more bush dust?

"I-" my voice broke off.

"Come 'ere." He wrapped his arms around me, and I allowed myself to burry my face into his chest.

"I'm sorry. I though- I could have, but I didn't and, all this, I-" Is he laughing at me? I moved myself onto his lap. He tensed a little. "If you hate me, tell me in the morning ok?" He tried his hardest to smoother more laughter. He tightened his grip and kissed the top of my head.

"I love you, Yumi." Sure, he says that now. But does he… wait what?


"You can hate me in the morning too." He was smiling. I knew it. I could feel it.

"I love you too," I murmured. He gave my waist a squeeze and moved me off his lap, laying back down on his bed. I can't sleep in here. Odd will wake up and see up. We'll never live it down.

Of course, without another argument, I felt myself slip between the sheets. The whirlwind that was my mind finally had shut up. I wrapped my arms back around him and pressed my lips to his.


That's what I thought I said. Don't look at me like that. You make me feel crazy. I fell asleep like that, pushing the thoughts of morning out of my mind. All I wanted was to stay like this.

My sleep was peaceful. Dreamless. My minds rambles were silenced. When the sun finally crept into the room, I cracked my eyes slightly to see Ulrich. Hair tousled and still asleep. I've never been so warm and comfortable in my life. I closed my eyes, resting my head back on his pillow. A few more hours wouldn't hurt anyone.

How wrong I was.




"Wakey, Wakey lovebirds." That sounds strangely like… I rolled over, Ulrich's arms still wrapped around my waist. Odd was sitting cross-legged on his bed, camera in hand. If this wasn't the best day of my life I'd kill him. Ulrich stirred a little before waking up. He pulled me against him, grinning like a fool.


"What was that?" he mumbled against my neck. Ow.. That felt so good.

"Odd," I answered.

"Kill him now or later?"



'..Yeah… later!'

"Later," I sighed, closing my eyes again. When we got up he'd go pretend to be Emily's boyfriend again. Play the big hero against her ex. Right now, he's mine. And as for tomorrow…. Well do we really need to talk about it? I'm comfortable the way things are. While Odd went picture happy, I found my mind content with drifting off to sleep. Of course, no one actually lets you sleep Sunday morning. There was a hesitant knock on the door.

"Come in!" Odd sang.

"Oh. My. Gosh." Aelita. I gave her my best 'why-can't-you-people-leave-me-alone?' groan.

"Yumi?" That one doesn't sound like Lita that sounds like… oof. Jeremie. Oh, this is going to go over well. "What are you- did you? Why..?"

"We could run now you know," Ulrich muttered. Ow, it sounded like such a plan!

"I told you to talk to him… and I thought .. And you.. And him.. Did." Jeremie's face was priceless. I finally sat up, but not to be separated from Ulrich long, he gathered me onto his lap.

"I just slept in here Jer," I yawned.

"And long enough. I've been up for hours! It's like, ten." Ulrich stiffened.

"Ten? I told Emily I'd meet her at 10:30. Yumi .. Listen I.."

"Don't worry about it. Go on. Who knows if that cretin's still hanging around." A quick kiss on the cheek and he was gone. I fell over as the door closed. Three pairs of eyes stared at me. ..

It's close enough to 'Happy Ever After' I never was one for fairy tales.

What? Do I REALLY look like a princess to you? I don't do fairy tales.


Tina:... no its not. cuz they go out in the end. annddd you didnt so HA.


Red Wolf Goddess: Thanks! I read!

deadinside72: thanks for reading!

Shakespeare's2Juliet: Thank yo! hope you enjoyed!

broke3n h2art: Thanks for the add! hope you enjoyed.

Tsuraku Nami: I know, baddd authoress. bad! soo slow. thanks.

Knightx: Yeahh.. it sucks. its like withdraws. thanks for reading.

DemonDaughter: Now you know. thanks for reading.

top20fan13: thanks you! hope you enjoyed!

Amaherst: thanks for reading, as always!

iamrandom: thanks! hope you liked.

CodeLyokoFreak91: Thanks for reading!

HiddenDramLuv2006: Congrads. You were the review of the day, your review for some reason made my whole day. Thanks for reading!