Once Upon A Time

A/n Well.. this was in my head. Yumi seems sane, like she has everything undercontrol. Ever been inside her head? Just in my head. 3 chapters, 4 tops. (We all remember what happened i said that last time though)

Disclaimer: I don't own CL

Once upon a time her life was anything but a fairy tale. With every hour her prince was looking more and more frog like, not to mention the fact that she played second best to the real princess.. And with the big ball (school dance) approaching, she doubted she'd be swept off her feet. It's funny what a children's bedtime story can do to our minds.

My name's Yumi. Im 23 years old and living with my best friend in south Paris. Ha. Lying. I bet you actually believed me too. My name is Yumi, I'm actually 14 living with my parents. But we are south of Paris. My best friend lives at the school. Kadic if you want to be picky. Right now I'm searching the campus of said school for said friend. Actually, four friends.

"Yumi! Over here!" I turn to see Ulrich waving from under a tree. To his left, Odd. Hmm. It's 7:30? That must be his fifth banana. To his right, Jeremie and Aelita, laughing at some inside joke that would make no sense to anyone else... Is that lip gloss on Jeremie's face? And perched on his lap, smiling brightly, Emily. Wait. ON HIS LAP? I have to hold my breath to keep from hyperventilating. Or crying. Crying would be bad. I don't cry. I avert my eyes to Odd and realize only now that he looks rather ticked off.

"Hey!" I manage to say cheerfully without my voice cracking. Emily looks less than thrilled to see me. Aelita and Jeremie stop laughing and look in my direction. Ulrich dumps Emily off him and runs to meet me in a … don't look at me like that. Ok, So he just sits there and Aelita gives me an apologetic look. I smile back.

"This is new," I say trying to sound 'friend like' and not 'how could you, you back stabbing little-' well I'm sure you see the point. Ulrich's eyes dart behind me and then back to me. He lets one arm slip around Emily's waist, who smiles even brighter. Odd glares at her and then looks at me. I can tell he's trying to talk to me through telepathy. He's probably saying something like 'I told you to stay home' or 'Do you see what my ex-best friend has on his lap?'. Something like that. Or maybe he's still hungry. One or the other. My eyes move back to Ulrich as I shift uncomfortably. Where, exactly, am I suppose to sit? I pick in front of everyone, and plop down where I was standing. Ulrich looks nervous.

"Not completely new," He said carefully. Why was he choosing his words so carefully? Why am I asking? No one will answer. Aelita rolled her eyes.

"Come out of your head Yumi. We have class." She stood up and headed towards the school. Which blew up. Boom. No more Kadic. … Ok so it didn't blow up. I got up and followed her. Casting an icy look over my shoulder hoping it would cause Emily to fall over. It didn't. I hear Odd mutter something like 'Yeah, I'm sure she'll understand,' in a sarcastic tone. Something tells me I'm missing part of this story.

"So Ulrich and Emily huh?" Great Yumi. Why don't you just paint yourself green? I'm sure no one will notice.

"He said he'd explain later. I'm sure there's some reasonable explanation," She answered. Yeah. They're getting married. Or she's pregnant. Or he's pregnant. Excuse my rambles.

"You are a hopeless optimist," I sighed. She just shrugged. We walked into the class. Aelita had managed to get put into my AP history, whatever-it's-called class (I can never remember the name.. Yet I'm passing) I'm not even sure how I ended up here.

"Good morning girls," the teacher smiled. Yes. Grand morning. Excuse me teacher? May I go throw up? I think your cheeriness is making me ill. EMILY AND ULRICH. Tell me how it's a good morning? Or even a semi-descent morning? Even XANA wouldn't like today's morning. He would turn right back around and hide in his Xana-lair/cave. I can never decide which one he would have.

"Good morning," I answer back. I pull out the mental snap-shot I took of the happy couple as I sit down. Why did he have to rub it in my face?

"Today we'll be studying World War 1's effect on France," the teacher announced. .. Does he expect cheering? No one even likes history. Well, except Aelita. But she doesn't count because she was locked in a computer for fourteen years. Air interests her. I go back to my mental Emily bashing while the teacher teaches the lesson. I'll read the chapter in the book tonight. Not that it's important. Stupid war, cutting into my time. I have a good system for this class. I pretend to listen, and then I copy Aelita's well written notes. Hmm.. I wonder what Ulrich is doing right now? .. I bet he's in class. I bet he's sitting next to Odd. I bet Odd's sleeping. Maybe Odd's being the great guy he is and shooting spit balls across the room at the back of Emily's head. Ha. That'd be great.

"Is there something funny Miss Ishiyama?" Yes. Odd is shooting spit balls at the back of Emily's head. That is very funny. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.

"No sir." I drop the grin. Never grin when you're in trouble. You'll end up in detention with Jim. Again. The teacher turns back to the board and Aelita elbows me in the ribs.

"Stop zoning out," she whispered. I wasn't zoning out. I know exactly what was going on. The teacher was teaching, and I wasn't paying attention. See? Defiantly not zoning out. Ew, I bet Ulrich's zoning out thinking about Emily. I finally decided against better judgment to listen to the rest of lesson. Which happened to be about another eleven and a half seconds. Wow. Maybe I did zone out. I grab my books and Aelita's notes and we head out into the halls.

"Want to go to the library with me? We have twenty minutes till our next class." Aelita glances down at her watch.

"Can't. Got a hot date." Haha. Always wanted to say that. She gives me an eyebrow lift.

"With who?" She asked.

"Don't know. Haven't decided." She shakes her head and I walk towards the court yard. I am NOT going to spy on them. Don't even act like that's what I was going to do. I would never think of spying on my best friend and his ….er.. Girl.. Friend. EW. That's so weird to say. I just happen to be walking in their direction, crouched down so they can't see me. Perfectly normal. I feel like a ninja. Minus the mask. And the coordination. I almost fall about six hundred times. Finally I pop my head over a bush to watch them. Not SPY, watch! Please don't be making out, please don't be making out, please GOD don't be making out. There they are. Sitting on a bench. Together. .. Then the bench breaks and they both fall on to the ground and Emily hits her head and dies. … What? Ok fine. They're just sitting there.

"You didn't have to do that you know. Yumi's going to be mad," Emily says quietly. .. I hope I don't throw up.

"It's ok. I wanted to. Right now, all that's important is that you're-" La La La La La La! Can't hear him. Can't HEAR HIM! NO! I am NOT crying. I got bush dust in my eye. Yes, bush dust. Got a problem with that? I leave the two and head back to the school to find someone normal to talk to. Like Jeremie. Well, being that smart isn't really normal but he's semi-normal. Don't question my definition of normal. Let me think. Today ends in 'Y' so Jeremie will be in his room working on his computer. I walk calmly.. What? UGH. I run like I'm on fire to the dorm building, up the stairs and down the hall to Jeremie's room. I open the door without knocking, like always, and throw myself down on his bed.

"Tell me they weren't making out and I promise I won't ask any questions until you're done ranting," he says without looking up. See? NORMAL!

"They weren't making out." Yet. Or while I was watching. I bet they are now. I really am going to be sick now. I hope she gets mono. Deep breath. Not nice to wish bad things.

"I hate her." That's plain enough. "Why would Ulrich pick her? I mean, sure she's pretty, and nice, and funny, and… but she's Emily! And did he have to rub it in my face? I mean come on! He's knows I hate Emily. She's EMILY! She comes along and the rest of us stop existing? It's so unfair. And do they have to hang all over each other? I think I'm going to puke. I've wanted to puke since I got to the school. I-I mean how could he treat me- I mean his friends like that." By now, I sound pathetic. But I don't care because it's Jeremie. And I can tell him anything because he's wise beyond his years. Not to mention half the time he's not listening.

"Are you crying?" Apparently this time he is.

"No. I got bush dust in my eyes."


"Don't ask.. It's a complicated story." He sighs and turns around in his chair.

"I know Yumi. That you like him. We all know, and I get that you're upset. What I don't get is why you don't just go talk to him about it." Oh yes. Ulrich, you're dating Emily and I just wanted to tell you now that I'm in love with you. He'd run right to me, dump Emily and run right to me. God Jeremie, say something useful. And then I cheered immediately back up and ran to confess my love. Right.

"I can't talk to him! He's with Emily all the time!" That's a fair argument.

"Yumi, they've been together today, that's it." Touché. I guess now would not be a good time to run the Ulrich-pregnant idea past him. He gives me a sigh of pity. Eh, What the heck? Good of time as any.

"I have a theory."

"This would be a lot easier if you just talked to him," Jeremie rolled his eyes turning back to the computer.

"You didn't even listen to my theory." Ew did I just whine that? I think I did.

"Well here's my theory. You don't want to talk to Ulrich because you're afraid and you don't want him to date anyone else while you're still mustering up enough courage to talk to him about you two." … Oh, he's good.

"No! Not true at all. I'd talk to him.. It's just… shut up Jeremie." Sigh. Is he smirking at me? Ugh, stupid genius. Thinks he knows everything

"Has he ever.. Talked about Emily?"

"Yeah Yumi. All the time. He's always babbling on and on about her. Oh wait, that's you that he babbles on about. I'm telling you, talk to him." Blah Blah Blah. Talk to him. How does that help me?

"Last question. Why was Odd mad?" Yes Yumi. Change the subject. That will make it all go away. As long as you don't live in reality. I should really read the instructions when I use things like this.

"Can you get anymore clueless?" Jeremie asks. Yes. I can… I mean, let's not be confusing ok? Ok. So I thanked Jeremie, hoping he would laugh and say he was kidding and volunteer to go talk to Ulrich. No dice. Yeah, know what? No dice is a stupid saying. There was no dice to begin with. Why would they give you dice anyways? What are you going to do with dice? Play monopoly? So I go back to class, and sit next to William because I have to. And then I go to lunch. And sit next to Aelita because Ulrich is sitting with Emily. Correction. Ulrich is sitting at a table. Emily is practically straddling his lap… ok so she's just sitting on his lap innocently but STILL, the details are not the point. She's clingy. That's the point. I pick at my food, trying to not look like I'm watching them. I'm not watching them. I'm not. I'm just looking in that direction. Odd kicks me from under the table.


"Are you hunger striking because he's with her?" I push my tray at him. I can see Aelita glare at him from the corner of my eye. Ulrich glanced at me and I moved my eyes slowly away from him to avoid eye contact and to avoid the fact that I was watching him. Not THEM. Him. In the back of my head I could hear Jeremie rambling about something pointless… well pointless to me. My eyes drifted back to Ulrich. He was smiling. It was a fake smile. .. REALLY. I can tell. I bet Emily can't.

"She didn't hear a word you just said Jeremie," Aelita muttered.

"Hmm?" I turn to face my friends. The three give me a dry look. Blah Blah Blah. Your lives.

"Sorry. Tired. Didn't sleep a lot." I fake a convincing yawn and rest my head against my hand. Odd finished off his, my, lunch and stood up to throw his tray away. I knew this before he waved his hand in my face. I did. While I was paying attention, I decided I don't care what Ulrich does. I mean I care, we're best friends, but I don't care. If he wants to waste his time on Emily, good. He can. Waste his time, not spend it with us. I don't care. Don't smirk at me. I don't. I DON'T CARE!

"Yumi, just listen for five seconds?" I turn back to Jeremie.

"Sorry Jer, one more time?" I heard him the first time, but it's always good to hear it a second time..

"I said, I finished my new program." He looks annoyed with me. But sympathetic at the same time. Hehe.. He kinda looks like a fish.

"Program. Finished. Got it." I gave him a thumbs up and he rolled his eyes.

"Any idea what the program does?" I frowned. "Didn't think so. I'll tell you later. I have to get back to my room to run some more tests." We wave and he leaves. Sighing, I noticed Sissi fuming at her table. She was muttering to herself and probably plotting Emily's death. Did you know there are over 200 ways to kill someone with a plastic spoon? Neither did I until one of Hiroki's creepy friends told me. I think he has a book on it… maybe I'll borrow it. What? Don't look at me like that. I'm not crazy, just curious. Whatever Ulrich's saying to Emily, she's laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world. The whole cafeteria can hear her. I'm not jealous. I'm not.

Thank god for Saturday. Half days, and the rest of the afternoon to do whatever we want. I finish lunch (not that I actually ate) and head off to Jeremie's room once again. He prepares himself for my next rant but instead, I just drop myself down onto his bed.

"Tell me about the program."

A/n Well there's chapter one. hehe.. this is going to be YxU.. please dont kill me. lol. R&R i working on Runaway Summer right now. Thanks