Author has written 21 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gravitation, Saiyuki, Fullmetal Alchemist, Loveless, Mass Effect, and Sherlock. I'm a nerd. A big old nerd. :) I am very happily married to a fellow nerd, and we spend our days working, sleeping, and playing video games, mostly. I've had this account for YEARS, and I'll go in and out of the swing of actually posting anything. It happens. But I adore fanfiction and all my head cannons and OTPs. And even when I'm not on here, there are other things I get pretty active at. I'll toss a few of the prominent ones on here. http:/// My Tumblr account. I'm so addicted to that place. http:/// My podcast. There are four of us and we talk about anything pop culture related. We update every Wednesday! My YouTube account. A couple of years ago, apart from writing fanfiction, I would spend the other half of my time making anime music videos. There are still a great deal on here, even after they got more stingy about the content you could upload. I guess these are the most important ones. So yeah! Check me out, and hopefully you will enjoy what readings I have to offer! :3 |
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