Shepard feels like she's been hit by a rock. And then realizes that's exactly what happened.

She struggles against the debris, leaning on her left hand. Her wrist jolts with sharp, screaming pain. Shit. It's broken. She cradles it to her chest as she rises out of her crouch, the wreckage falling away.

Ash lies prone on the ground near her, arms outstretched and legs in a tangle. An uncomfortable callback to a crucifix. Then Ash groans, proving she hasn't been sacrificed for this mission. Shepard kneels, touching her shoulder. "Ash? Talk to me."

"I'm here." Ash waves a hand and tests each limb, checking for breakage. "What happened? Where's Miranda?"

Shepard's gaze falls on more rubble. At Miranda beneath it. She's not moving.

"Fuck," Shepard breathes, rushing over. Reaching out with both arms to free Miranda and swearing at her useless left hand. Ash steps in and heaves the mess off of their XO.

She's very still. Her face is scraped up and bleeding. Shepard presses her fingers against Miranda's throat. Afraid that she won't feel—there it is. A faint but steady pulse.

"Wake up Miranda," Ash urges, shaking her. "Come on. Come on, we have to get out of here."

Miranda's eyes flutter open. She winces. "Ugh…my head. The platform…"

"Fell." Shepard says, slipping her good arm behind Miranda's shoulders, helping her sit up. "We gotta get the hell outta here. Can you walk?"

"I can run," says Miranda, one hand against her temple. "Just banged my skull a bit."

Shepard stands, careful not to use her bad hand to push up. Her right hand's the dominant one; it will shoot the pistol. And they'll need that firepower because Harbinger's back. The walls shake with his voice as his swarms and his Collectors attack.

They start running.

On the way into this damned place, they had taken down most of the enemies. But Harbinger still has bodies to throw at them. Shepard shoots and incinerates without discretion, ignoring the bastard's taunts. She doesn't give a shit if the Collectors are their genetic destiny—there is nothing right about what they've done here.

Her limbs feel like sludge as she pushes them forward, makes them dodge and duck around enemy fire. Miranda's just behind her, Ash a step ahead. Shepard's face is drenched with sweat. Just a few more steps to Garrus, she tells herself. To home.

She can see the Normandy ahead. Her omni-tool counts down the time. They're going to make it. Shepard swings around to wave Miranda on. A Collector's firing at their heels. Miranda flings her hand back with a biotic charge, the bastard goes flying. The airlock opens and she sees Joker firing off an assault rifle. Ash boosts Miranda up into the ship.

"Up you go!" Ash reaches for Shepard next and half-throws her to safety. More forces have gathered, shooting at the ship with everything they got. Ash turns around, pulling out her shotgun. Starts firing.

"Commander, no!" Joker shouts. Shepard's seen him somber, after their crew was abducted. But she's never seen him so terrified. Never heard him sound so desperate.

"Ash!" Shepard yells, adding her pistol fire to the mix. "Don't be a goddamn hero! Come on!"

Ash disposes of the last Collector and turns around. And then jumps out of the way as the crumbling base knocks away the platforms between her and the Normandy.

"Shit!" Joker cries. Shepard feels her heart has leap into her throat. No no no. She can't lose Ash. They can't lose her.

Ash backs away from them. The explosions are rocking the base to and fro. The Normandy can't remain here much longer. She sinks into a crouch and sprints towards their ship, taking a flying leap into the air.

She's going to make it.

She's not going to make it.

"Biotics!" Shepard yells and Miranda raises her hands, trying to pull their Commander to them. Straining as she pushes her biotics and her body past their limits.

Good thing, that Miranda's perfect. Because that lets Ash grab hold of the ledge. And that gives Miranda the last bits of strength to help Shepard bring Ash inside. Joker lets out a whoop and rushes to the console. EDI counts down. Ten seconds. Nine seconds.

The Normandy soars into the air, leaving the base as it burns. The three stand behind Joker, holding their breath as he tries to outrace the flames obliterating the base. There are others standing outside of the cockpit, watching. Waiting. Shepard's too afraid to look behind in case it jinxes their escape.

They zoom through the relay. Joker lifts his hands in victory. Says loud enough for the crew to hear: "Back in the Terminus Systems, Commander. Mission accomplished."

The ship echoes with jubilant cries. Shepard grins at Ash, giving her a salute. Ash returns the gesture. And then they and Miranda are knocked over by their cheering squadmates. Shepard doesn't know whom she's hugging or being hugged by or who's giving her a big kiss on the cheek. It's the best orgy she's ever been in.

Someone's pulling her by the waist out of the fray. Garrus. He takes one long look at her before kissing her with all the energy left in him. Shepard returns the gesture, blocking out the noise and celebration around them.

After things have settled, Ash addresses the squad and crew.

"This ship is no longer with Cerberus. In a few hours, we'll be docking at Nos Astra in Illium. Everyone who wants it will have shore leave." Ash sets her hands on her hips. "If you wish to take a shuttle from there, please feel free. All of you originally signed on with Cerberus and I won't keep you here if that's where you want to be.

"But if you want to stay on while we plan our next move, we'd be glad to have you. We can't pay the wages Cerberus did but we'll still pay well and we won't change the way things are run here."

Twelve crewmembers approach Ash and Miranda after. They have families to support or pensions to think of or just need to leave space after their abduction. But each one thanks the Commander and expresses how honored they were to serve her. The rest remain, also taking the time to thank Ash for the rescue. To swear their loyalty to her.

Not everyone takes shore leave once they get to Nos Astra. Some want to sit and recover on their own and take comfort in being back on the ship. The rest flood the docks en masse, putting officials in a slight panic. Ash has to reassure them before they can move on. They don't get far before a familiar face appears, calling out Ash's name.

Liara rushes to Ash, grabbing hold of the Commander's hands. Pressing them to her heart. "You're okay!" She slumps with relief. "Thank the Goddess. It was a success?"

"It was a success," Ash confirms, smiling. She sends an embarrassed glance at the on-looking crew and squad. "All of you can keep walking."

Shepard clears her throat. "Kiss her first!"

"…Shepard," their Commander hisses, cheeks turning red. "Haven't we talked about you trying to take command?"

"Maybe," Shepard shrugs. "Doesn't mean you shouldn't give her a kiss."

"I agree," says Liara with a grave expression and twinkling eyes. "Besides, you did say that Shepard often has good ideas."

"Did she now?" Shepard grins.

"Never you mind," says Ash before turning back to Liara. She sighs. "And alright. It is a good idea."

The crowd whoops and applauds as their Commander kisses Liara. The Nos Astra officials pop up again, telling them to quiet down and keep moving.

Without Cerberus funding, the trip to the club might've been a pretty dull affair. Good thing Kasumi's been stealing from the organization for a while now. And Liara's done a few favors for the club owners. Information broker business.

"Speaking of," says Ash, as she inspects her large green cocktail. Liara's fiddling with Ash's hair. "I know you two requested a few days off but Liara has some work for us to do while we're making plans."

"Sorry Ash." Shepard leans against Garrus. "Can't you manage without us?"

"I prefer to have a good sharpshooter with me." She sighs. "But after what we've been through…I guess it's alright. As long as it's a few days."

"Don't worry, we'll be back before you know it." Garrus runs his hand down Shepard's arm, eyes focused on her thigh-high boots. He's been squirming since she put them on in the Main Battery. "Ready to get our vacation started, Shepard?"

"Almost." Shepard reaches behind for the zipper of her dress. "I promised the crew a welcome back present."

"A round of drinks on you?"

"Not exactly." Shepard pulls up a chair and stands on it. Lets the dress fall around her ankles.

Ash jumps to her feet. "Shepard what are you-"

"Oi!" Shepard cups her hands around her mouth. "Daniels! Donnelly!" The two engineers—and everyone else—gawk at her. She can see Donnelly turning scarlet.

"Welcome back!" She shouts, flinging her bra into the crowd. They respond with a roar of yelps, whistles and cheers. Ash covers her face, shaking her head.

"Crap. Bouncers." Garrus points. He snatches Shepard up by the waist; throwing her over his shoulder as he retrieves her dress. She waves to the crowd, letting Garrus carry her away.

"What am I going to do with you?" Garrus asks, setting her down well outside the club. A new crowd stops to watch her pull on her dress.

"I have a list," Shepard laughs. "But it should wait till we get to the hotel."

It's the same hotel as before, with a room almost identical to the first one. This time, they're not exhausted. Garrus throws her onto the soft bed, pinning her beneath him.

"Oh I'm sorry," Shepard blinks. "Did you want to have sex? I don't know…"

"Uh huh." Garrus draws his tongue down her throat to her collarbone. "I don't believe you."

She chuckles and pushes at his shoulder, flipping their positions. "I almost feel guilty. Us being here when Ash has missions to complete."

"There are other squadmates. Not as good as us, but who is?" Garrus pulls her down to him. Strokes the curve of her shoulder "Besides…I have a feeling there will always be plenty of battles for us. We attract trouble."

"Or we are trouble." Shepard relaxes against him and his caress. "Whatever we face…glad you have my back."

He removes his visor, allowing them to look at each other without obstruction. His eyes are really too pretty. Like the rest of him. And he's all hers.

"I'm glad you have mine." His arms squeeze around her. "But that's what I'd expect from my hero."

"Oh don't you dare start that again." She struggles against his grip to loose her arm and swat him. "You're just a big tease."

He chuckles, flashing his teeth. God, his smile makes her feel so happy. He makes her feel so damn right with the world. "Well, show me what you'll do about it."

So Shepard does.

A/N: And that is the end. I really enjoyed writing these two stories and tackling these characters in a different way. Thank you again everyone who read and commented and favorited!