![]() Author has written 27 stories for Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, One Piece, Legend of Zelda, Legal Drug, Saiyuki, xxxHOLiC, and Harry Potter. I am... Second Year College Student Female 20 years old Starting new classes soon I work at a local Deli and don't get paid enough for my work. Damn whores. I've been a member here for 7 1/2 YEARS! That's pretty scary if you think about it. Makes me feel extremely OLD. I'm an old lady~! XD CONTACT INFORMATION AIM: Splushi1144 E-Mail: Splushi1144@ My DeviantART: http:/// My LiveJournal: http:///profile Feel free to friend me at my journal! I'm very open to friends! XD I mostly talk about fandom and stuff so...yea. Though, comment in one of my entries and let me know who are you or at least how you got to my journal. o_o; DISCONTINUED OR ON HOLD... Blind: Yami/Bakura fic. Hybrid Theory: A Malik/Marik fic. Please Kill Me: Ryou/Bakura Student Project: Ryou/Yuugi Can't Take it Back: Bakura/Yami, Hinted Ryou/Yuugi Alone Forever: Zoro/Sanji Control: Doumeki/Watanuki IN PROGRESS A Portrait of Time: (Hary Potter) Salazar/Harry Quotes "Anime is like crack, only more expensive and without a rehab program" -- Toby-Chan1 "In the future I see my head and my hands going whaoooooooo!" -- Melody looking into a crystal ball. "That's not all I'm good at :Wink: I rock at solitaire." - Andy "That's why you go to college, so you can bullshit with credentials." -- Katia-chan "67 is a boring number. I can't even make dirty jokes about it!" -- hoggege "I don't want to die so goldfish can have more fish porn!" -- hoggege "I have common sence . . . I just choose to ignore it." -- Me "If I want a change of scenery, I'll just look out a different window." -- No idea Zoro: The Marines kept telling me, "Go North! Go North!" So I climbed up here. Sanji: "North" and "Up" are two different things! -One Piece, 124 End Andy: So at 1,000 miles an hour, the wind chill at 10,000 ft. would kill you. Em: But it’s Disney magic. Andy: Shes half naked. Em: But it's Disney magic. -- Emily and Andy talking about Aladin Most resent Updates A Portrait of Time -- 03 Last Updated Bio: 12-28-08 Last Updated Story: 2-11-08 ‘Why does it matter if the ending is happy or not? Just because you close the book doesn’t mean that something else didn’t happen. Something always happens after the story is over. They don’t ever end, because the sun will always rise on a new day. Besides, I could just write a sequel and kill them all.’ -Gravitation story: NO ESCAPING FATE http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/3013751/1/ |
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