Spoog ordered that Dib rest in bed for at least another month after what he saw when Dib tried to leave. Apparently his wounds had never completely shut, and he had started bleeding heavily once again. Luckily, he didn't go away this time.

Dib and Spoog had a rather loud argument over the matter. It was so loud, I could hear all the way from my new dormitory. It seemed the Dib-human was rather annoyed that he would be out of commission for so long. It also seemed that Spoog didn't care.

My new dormitory was even better than my temporary one had been. This one was more personalized, with Earthian reading materials and various little accessories lining secret storage compartments (which I assumed were for storing clothing). One that caught my attention right away was a small figurine. I think it was the original human ideal of a Martian. It was small, green, and had a big head that…sort of 'bobbled' around when poked. Of course it was technically incorrect, but that didn't really matter.

I quickly discovered within a couple of days that life in a secret base isn't as glamorous as it seems. Of course, it never really appeared very glamorous in the first place.

Even though I had only just been recruited, I was forced into the training later than day. It was nothing as intense as I had gone through to become an Irken invader, but it still proved fairly challenging. It consisted mostly of tests of physical endurance and weaponry, along with some scientific trials. I finished with one of the highest scores in sharp shooting they had seen. Of course, I wasn't surprised by this at all.

After my seven-day training period, they almost immediately placed me in the research department. I was slightly agitated; after all, I had received excellent scores in most of the weaponry and other war-type training courses, but I kept my mouth shut. The missing information in their alien species charts had almost been completely filled by the time I was done with them.

It was an extremely simple job that really required very little work on my part. I was easily able to skip out and go visit Dib in their pathetic excuse for an infirmary daily (and sometimes nightly). Sometimes we would talk and sometimes we wouldn't, but the Dib-human was still rather weak. I never stayed very long.

Only about a week later, Spoog came up with another job for me to do. He said he had cursed himself for not thinking of it sooner. Then he asked me a rather odd question.

" Zim…do you have any experience with aircraft?"

" Aircraft?" I questioned him, " What kind?"

" Well…I was thinking spaceships, but anything will do really." He laughed.

" Of course I do." I informed him, remembering fondly my voot cruiser and my other vehicles.

" Well then Zim…" He said, playful smacking me on the back, as humans tend to do, " You're going to be our head engineer."

This…engineering as Spoog called it, was a much better duty for me than researching. It was a subject I was actually advanced in, since Irken technology far surpassed Earth's and since I had incredible knowledge of the subject. Of course, it wasn't exactly an easy task that Spoog was asking of me. He wanted me to create spaceships for them, vessels so that they could take battles into space and away from Earth. It was a rather good idea in theory, but I wasn't certain if I would have all of the right materials.

Spoog surprised me however. He showed me to a room stocked to the ceiling with old parts, random scrap, and old engines. I even saw pieces from old Irken ships that had crashed in that rainy battle. There were also many tools scattered about in every direction.

What shocked me the most was one box in the corner. Rummaging through it, I found many of my old tools, from my base. I pulled out my electrical prongs, staring at them.

" Dib brought that box in one day." Spoog scratched his head, " No one could figure out how to use anything in it though."

Immediately, I brought them together and pulled them apart, almost attaching a sparkly blue string across the top. Smiling, I remembered that I could use this to charge all of the other electrical appliances I needed. Spoog was simply amazed.

With that discovery, I accepted my assignment gladly. It would take a lot longer than it normally would, simply for the fact that I would have to improvise on so many things, but I was ready for it. I informed Spoog that I would need some kind of basic shell to start with, as these were my only materials. He didn't say anything to me, but spent almost three days trying to get a human transport vehicle into the gymnatorium. Also, he recruited some of my engineering assistants to place a temporary blue…shielding I suppose…over the hole in the ceiling. I believe they called it a tarp.

I was amazed. They had cared enough about me to make sure I didn't get hurt. It was touching, really.

After almost a week of preparation, it was finally time to get started on this new project. I hadn't been so excited about something in ages. My assistants tore out the backseat and I quickly began welding and wiring. Eventually my helpers left to go sleep, but being an Irken, I really didn't need rest. My pak was able to recharge me. They were astonished to finding me working when they returned in the morning.

Things went on like that for a month (or maybe it was two…). The small insect-like car was quickly being transformed into Earth's first efficient space vessel. Soon my assistants were only doing mediocre tasks, like handing me materials. I was still working just as hard as I had been on day one however. I was fascinated by my work and found myself getting caught up in it. I hadn't even visited Dib since I was working in research.

I really did miss my visits to his room. Vaguely, I sometimes wondered if he missed them as well. With another connection of wires, I promised myself I would visit him for the whole day just as soon as I had finished this project.

One day though, I was startled out of my precious work. My workers were still in bed sleeping when a lone figure snuck up behind me. In almost a deep trance, I didn't notice him.

" Hey Zim."

I fell over backwards and hung by my knees from my working platform, gazing at my visitor. All I saw though, was Dib standing on his head.

" Dib!" I flipped right side down and dangled my feet over the edge of the flimsy platform to get a better look at him.

He certainly looked better than the last time I'd seen him. He still wore bandages around his large head and his glasses were still cracked, but he still seemed like he was healing somehow.

" When did you get out of the infirmary?" I asked him, trying not to sound as excited as I was.

" Well, let's just say I'm out for good behavior." He said with a wink, " They just want me to try walking around for a bit. You know, to see if I can handle it."

" Oh…" I said, inspecting him up and down with my eyes, " …it seems that you can."

" I've only been out five minutes, Zim." Dib rolled his eyes.

" …I knew that." I said, hoping he'd buy it.

There was never any fooling Dib though. He just shook his head and walked closer to me, staring up at my prized project. There was little to be said about the incomplete beauty, other than its obvious marvelousness.

" Wow…" Dib said in awe, just as he should have been, " So this is the 'UFO' everyone's been talking about."

" It's not a UFO!" I snapped, " It's…er…well I haven't quite decided what to name it yet. I can assure you though, that it will be a much more amazing name than UFO."

Dib tilted his head to one side, gazing at the welded mass of yellow and steely gray metals.

" It looks…kinda like your old ship." He observed.

" Well of course!" I said, " It's modeled after one of my finest vessels, thus it shall be just as amazing. Perhaps even more so."

Dib stared up at me for a moment or so. Much to my surprise, he laughed. He began laughing so hard that he had to bend over slightly and hold his head. It wasn't something that I was used to though. I was used to his cold laughs and sarcastic sneers and insane chuckles. This laughter though…it seemed warm and not really negative at all.

" Zim…" He said, catching his breath and smiling up at me, " You…you haven't changed at all, have you?"

I blinked at the strange and delusional wounded human below me.

" What do you mean?" I asked.

The Dib was still giggling. He put his hand over his mouth to try and silence it, but it just rolled out of him. After a good laugh, he placed a hand on his forehead, taking in a deep breath.

" I was just afraid that I'd ruined you…" Dib said with a relieved smile, " …But apparently I hadn't. You're the same as you always were. Exactly the same."

It was a thought that I hadn't even had time to think about. I'm sure Dib had though, all alone in that hospital room. It hadn't even occurred to me that he would possibly heal before I was finished.

Had I really remained unchanged though? After everything that we had been through…was I really the same as I had been before?

Somehow, it didn't seem possible. Something was different, but I couldn't place my finger on what. I knew I couldn't possibly be the same.

After I realized I'd been quiet far too long; nine years far too long, I spoke up again, to break my uncomfortable silence.

" Well of course not!" I scolded him, " Did you honestly think anything could ruin as amazing an Irken as ME? Pfft. How dare you think such unthinkable thoughts?"

This only made Dib start laughing again. He looked strange when he was laughing. So calm…so…at peace with himself. It was a look I hadn't seen on his face since before we began. It was something that had been extremely rare in the past nine years, just like this laughter of his. It was something that brought a smile to my face.

" You know…" I sad, flipping upside down again, " You haven't changed either. Not really."

Dib's sweet laughter slowly crashed into a halt. He slowly turned his large bandaged head back my way, to stare in disbelief.

It was true though. I had thought that all of those nights in that cage were my reality, and that all of my past was just some beautiful nightscare…but that wasn't right. Those nine years, almost that entire decade, was the dream. Out lives were beginning again now.

I think Dib realized this too, because we both started laughing. Our laughter echoed off the gymnatorium walls and it seemed to bounce its way to the stars. Laughter was strange and contagious in that way.

It was really funny when we thought about it. So many years ago, all that Dib had wanted was me captured. All I wanted was the Earth invaded and Dib's demise. In strange ways, we had both gotten exactly what we wanted. Existence was funny like that.

Ironically enough, it turned out the things that we had leased wanted, were the things we needed the most in this strange, horrible world. Each other. We were fierce enemies turned into companions or perhaps something more. It was a strange thing.

As our laughed carried on to the stars, to mock anyone that dared to cross our path, we were fairly certain of but one thing. One thing that carried beyond the stars and even deep space. This was all that we would ever need.

(A/N: Ta da! Now, some of you have been asking about a sequel...honestly, I hadn't even thought about writing one. XD I'm not going say definately not [incase I winding up eating my words], but if I do decide to, it won't be for a little while. So I hope you enjoyed the ride! Please R&R, one last time. : ) )