Disclaimer: See first chapter. 'Shot Through the Heart' is a Jon Bon Jovi song.

Warnings: None really. Runs a little short.

AN: I was about to have Jack reply to 'how is he doing?' with 'shot through the heart, and you're to blame.' That's why I've got the chapter title as that. P

Crimson Ways
Chapter Twenty-five

Shot Through the Heart

It was before sunrise, and Jack was leaning against the window, observing the small riot occurring in the streets below. He looked over to Will, still asleep from the day before. He was very grateful at the moment that Will had talked him into turning him. Otherwise, he might have permanently lost Will.

A soft knock to the door brought Jack out of his thoughts. Quietly, he made his way to the door and eased it open. Millarca forced it open enough for her to get through and entered the room.

'By all means, come in,' Jack said with a sarcastic bow then shut the door.

'How is he doing?' she asked, taking a seat on the bed. She ran her fingers through Will's hair. 'Poor thing's all tuckered out.'

'He'll be fine when he wakes up,' Jack replied. He smiled softly at Will. 'I forgot how much dying takes out of a person the first time around.'

Millarca sighed wistfully and gazed at the ceiling. 'I remember when I first died... Mother and Father were so elated.' She lapsed into silence, then, remembering exactly how she died, her expression darkened. 'They received their comeuppance in the end.'

Jack nodded knowingly and went back to the window. Outside, the first traces of sunlight were becoming apparent, and the residents of Tortuga were ending their brawls.


Will awoke disoriented. As he sat up in bed, yesterday came back to in a flash and panic set in.

Will's quick breaths caught Jack's attention, and he quickly sat next to Will, taking him in his arms. 'It's alright, luv,' he said soothingly.

Will calmed immediately and gave Jack an uneasy grin. 'Sorry, I'm not used to waking up dead...or undead,' he explained as he ran a hand through his hair. He stopped when he felt strange clumpings of hair that he was certain were not there before we went to sleep. He pulled one forward to catch a glimpse. 'Jack? Why did you plait my hair?'

Jack fingered one of the braids and let out a soft chuckle. 'Didn't, mate. That'd've been Millarca's doing. I was wondering what she was tittering on about,' he replied and started finger-combing the braids out. 'Don't particularly suit you, braids.'

'Is there any reason as to why your mother was handling my hair?' asked Will as he managed to remove the final twist of hair.

'She wasn't harmin' anyone, and you seemed to have been enjoyin' it.' Jack stroked at Will's hair and smiled as Will leaned into the touch. 'See? Just like now.'

'Well, it certainly explains my dream.'

'And what dream might that be?'

Will turned to face Jack and gave him a thorough kiss. 'Wouldn't you like to know?' he replied and left the room.

'I'll assume that's my blood talkin'!' Jack called after before following. When Jack reached Will, he couldn't help but smile at his love's attempt to verbally reprimand Millarca for playing with hair that is not her own.

'You are aware that there is a perfectly good head of hair within your immediate vicinity if the desire should ever take you again,' Christine huffed jealously.

'But of course, my love,' Millarca replied sweetly. 'However, you would enjoy the act, therefore removing any enjoyment I would obtain.'

'I'm certain I could make such acts quite enjoyable for both parties,' Christine countered

Will blushed and looked away uncomfortably and caught Jack's eye. He smiled and offered Jack a tankard.

'Why thank ye, Will!' Jack exclaimed, taking the offered beverage and drinking heartily. Only to cough half it up in surprise. 'This isn't rum!'

'It's too early for rum.'

'I could name an entire slew of things it's too early for,' Jack said, looking at the tankard's content in disappointment, 'and rum isn't one of 'em.' He sighed longingly, but lifted the drink to his lips anyway. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw something sparkle.

Looking to the source, Jack paled and almost dropped his drink. Carefully, he sat down and leaned towards the others at the table. 'We have company,' he all but growled.

Millarca raised a delicate brow and looked through the spaces between the other patrons. Her eyes narrowed as she caught sight of the source of her son's unease. 'I believe that in these circumstances the proper term would be "scheisse."'

On the other side of the room, Wolfgang sat alone, wondering just how he was going to find the two vampires in Tortuga.


AN II: Yeah, yeah... It's kinda short. But hey! I updated! D That has to count for something, right? Had to go back and read the last two chapters to see where I was, then was totally thrown off by how I'd written the dialogue. Oh, yeah. Scheisse is shit. My favoritest German word.

It's been almost a year since I last updated (like DEA), and it's been up for almost three years like DEA, too! Yay! I'm such a slacker.