Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, Naruto, Overlord, and Star Trek Online. All stories are on hold due to depression, moving house and work. I cannot regally put chapters of any quality out at this time despite how much I want to. To Boldly Go is my current main project, however I'm not happy with some of it and I MIGHT re-write the re-write. My HP Overlord crossover is on partial hold, and I'm considering a rewrite. HP & The Loaded Dice pre-rewrite is now backed up on hpfanficarchive, the re-write is currently canceled. Naruto story is on hold due to lack of time and failer to get a vital scene to work. Am going through an Hp phase but also read Halo, Mass Effect, Wh 40k, GoT and other that catch my eye. Suffer from Dyslexia, and spell check sometimes take to long. So sorry if I spell something wrong. Have a few plot bunny simmering that I may get round to posting with some tidying up, but for now just the one tale I'm posting. Oh and on the subject of slash just to get it out the way. I don't mind it if the writer is doing a master piece but I avoid. Finale Oh: None of my stories will feature rape (though there may be close calls), or alternate endings were the main character is abounded by their life partners, thus ruining the story when ever you think of it (I'm looking at you PrefesserN writer of If Wishes Were Hippogriffs [I mean really! Way to ruin a wonderful afternoon of reading, by going "And they lived happily ever after ...Wait no... forget the last two chapters, they could all betray Harry"]). Things I cannot stand is stories: Rape, Males with sparkly skin, Sudden unexplained power ups, Mental corruption/degradation of characters, Hero's not saving all the slaves (e.g. attacking the slave market for 1 girl but leaving the rest in chains.) Story Status: My Harry Potter story (HP&TLD) is currently scrapped and but might one day be redone. Overlord HP crossover story is pretty much on hold due to time constraints, though I do add to it when inspiration strikes. The Naruto story I've been working on is currently on hold as I can't get a vital scene to flow. To Boldy Go is currently my main project, with 99% of my available time going into it. Plot Bunnies: Game of Thrones, High school DxD, Avatar (TLAB), Naruto, SWTOR. Readers who are fed up of searching for Harem story only to find the search engine to come back with story saying "This is not a Harem" or "Not a Harem Fic" Unite! Help us rid the net of improperly labeled stories. |