So this update is author Temporal Knight's fault, several weeks back we had a conversation about me continuing this story and my having no idea where to take it. Lily actually feels that I should just delete it since I'm kind of uncomfortable with the subject matter but I've already committed to it and I couldn't sleep, so instead of writing yet another story I decided to update an old one.
I know the subject matter is a bit...risque? Yet I hope you enjoy this admittedly short update but hey, it was written in 45 minutes, and hasn't been updated in three years.
Take what you can get, yeah?
Harry awoke groggily, head still fuzzy from sleep the first thing he registered was there was a weight across his body that should not be there yet he felt no urge to remove it. Cracking his eyes open slowly he was treated with the lust inducing image of his twin sister's nude slumbering visage, who was resting rather comfortably on his shoulder with her arm thrown across his chest.
Then last night's events crashed down on him like a car wreck and he froze up in panic.
He had shagged his twin sister.
For several hours, in several different rooms of the castle, and...
Holy shite he was in trouble.
Breaking loose from Lillith's death grip Harry stood up from the bed shakily as he swept a hand through his hair and leaned against the wall as he tried to process what he had done.
What they had done was wrong, so damn wrong, wrong on so many levels they had to likely design new levels solely for what had transpired last night.
So why didn't he regret anything?
There was mumbling from the bed a few moments later and soon his sister sat up, in the process the blanket that had previously been covering her fell away exposing her rather impressive baps. Uncaring of this Lillith stretched her arms out while cocking her head to the side with an audible crack following.
She winced at that while rubbing the side of her neck, "Ick, damn, must've slept at a weird angle, hey 'mione could you-" She cut off as she finally noticed the still very naked Harry standing by the wall as her eyes widened in surprise.
There was an uncomfortable silence for a time then she finally let out an exasperated sigh, she muttered to herself for roughly a minute before turning to meet her brother's gaze. She opened her mouth to speak but it shut almost instantly, the former Dark Lady was trying to formulate her words when Harry finally spoke up.
"Do you regret it?"
She blinked at her instant response, managing to shock herself and her twin in the process, a few moments later Harry nodded slowly before letting out a tired sigh.
"This is going to make things weird isn't it?"
Lillith tilted her head to the side while raising a brow, "Is it?"
Harry scoffed at that, "Are you saying you never want to experience what happened last night again? Ever?"
Her eyes narrowed minutely and soon her shoulders drooped slightly, "We're kinda fucked up, aren't we?"
Her brother shrugged, "A bit, but I have no regrets. Though I am in a desperate need of a shower...where the hell are we anyway I-" he cut off as a shower stall appeared in the corner. "Room of Requirement...right...well, shall we?"
He was very much distracted by Lillith's lithe form crawling across the bed and only shook himself from his reverie when her bare feet hit the floor.
"We shall."
Harry had never had a two hour long shower before, if anyone would ask his opinion on the subject his answer would be ten out of ten, would do it again.
When they finally reentered civilization later that day most people just shrugged their absence off as if it was expected, they had both put on an impressive show and were likely tired so were not judged for being a bit lazy. Hermione though...well she was not an idiot, she cornered the pair in an abandoned hall, a knowing smirk gracing her lips as she crossed her arms.
"Spill," the Potter twins froze up, and eventually Lillith caved under the glare of the chocolate diamonds staring her down.
Twirling her wand she threw up a dozen privacy wards before letting out a tired sigh, though it was Harry who spoke up first much to her surprise.
"Lillith and I had sex last night...all night...across most of the castle honestly..."
Hermione raised a brow at that while meeting Lillith's gaze evenly, "Oh really?"
"...Yes...And there were disillusionment charms in place don't worry, and...No...I don't regret it..."
Hermione smirked, stepped forward, then pulled Lillith into a passionate kiss, breaking away from the startled witch she strode towards Harry and repeated the process leaving the young wizard blinking in shock. Licking her lips the rising Dark Lord and Lady's top General smirked as she spun on her heel and walked away with a parting remark.
"Excellent, I did not want to make my move unless I could have the set."
The Potter twins stood there in silence for a time when Lillith finally asked, "What...just happened here?"
Harry tilted his head to the side and after a moment muttered out, "I think things just got even more complicated then they were beforehand..."
"Oh, is that all," Lillith scoffed out, a moment later the twins exchanged glances, then broke out laughing.
So opinions, should I just ignore and abandon this one, or try to make something out of it? I am well aware of how much work the earlier chapters need and I'm willing to work it over if there is an audience that wishes to see it progress but I'm not wasting my time on a yarn no one is reading. Also remember the length of this won't be standard, I was not joking earlier I literally wrote this 45 minutes so don't think this will be normal. I just have have the attention span of a kitten on speed and incredibly limited free time.