Well I have a couple of things to say before we began with the story.
Firstly, for me mid-day meal is Lunch, Night-time meal is Dinner, I have no idea what supper is and breakfast is well… breakfast obviously (it seems that one is universal), I will be using these terms a lot in the story and thought to clarify any confusion before it occurs. If you have a problem then I humbly request your pardon as well as state that I have no intention of adjusting what I have just written.
Secondly, if anyone would offer to be a beta-reader, I would appreciate it… as well as some instructions as to how those work. A lot of people tell me I should get a beta-reader, though no one says how to get one, or how they work.
Well, my rant is hereby over and I have to say that I thank you for bearing with me, though it still feels like I am missing something…
Oh Yeah, I neither own nor have any affiliation with the Harry Potter series…
One thing that one could never called Tom Marvolo Riddle, commonly known as Lord Voldemort, was stupid. Evil yes, Crazy yes, Insane yes, but not stupid, unless there was a complete different meaning to that word, one could never truthfully call him that. This was an orphan who had absolutely nothing and ended up bringing Wizarding Britain to its knees and nearly conquering it altogether, on 3 SEPARATE occasions. A person like this could certainly NOT be called stupid.
Voldemort knew that his Horcrux's were being targeted, he knew that the diary, ring, cup had already been destroyed and though he knew that it was unlikely that the Diadem had been discovered and subsequently destroyed, it was still a possibility. He had only one secure lifeline, and that was his familiar, Nagini and only a stupid person would bring such a thing into a battle zone, the chances for it to be destroyed, though slim were still there. However if he gave the illusion that it was destroyed, then on the off chance he fell, hopefully the person that did him in would be lulled into a false sense of security which he could capitalize on until he was ready to make his return.
The plan worked perfectly and his resurrection for the second time was completely unknown. Bone of a father forcibly taken, he had the entire skeleton and there were enough non decayed or contaminated bones there for 273 resurrections. Flesh off a servant willingly given, again something that he had more than enough off, there would after all be many in Britain alone would were eager to serve him, especially after the war. Blood off an enemy forcibly taken, now there was the problem… While he would have preferred to have taken Potter's blood again, it was near impossible considering who he was always in the limelight, not to mention that the last time he did so the boy had managed to escape, something he seemed to have a real knack for. No, Voldemort didn't need the risk since he was in a much worse state of affairs than he was in that graveyard where he had undergone his first rebirth.
Fortunately there were other options… options that would yield just as much fruit as Potters blood would. The Dark Lord had initially chosen Potter because he was the one who had vanquished during the first war, there by incidentally being recognized as his greatest enemy (a title which he would truly earn in the years to come). That being said the magic that governed the dark arts considered the blood of a betrayer to be just as potent if not more than the blood of an enemy.
The Death Eaters who had pleaded Imperious after he had fallen would not be considered as betrayers by the Dark Magic, as they were simply attempting save themselves after they had thought that their lord had fallen… Nor was he willing to risk Severous Snape, for Voldemort himself was not sure of his allegiance at that point and should it be so that the Potion Master was loyal to him, and he had used his blood for the ritual… well the consequences would be dire…
Fortunately both Draco and Narcissa Malfoy had made their side clear in the battle at Hogwarts, loyal to Potter who was his one true living enemy in Wizarding Britain, despite swearing their loyalty to him. They had betrayed their lord and were considered as betrayers by the dark magic and their screams as he took their blood would be one of his fondest memories after his third rebirth. Then along side Lucius, their minds were broken and remade to suit his needs. Lucius, his now loyal pet, granted him access to the Malfoy family's wealth, and placed in charge of all logistical and transactional matters, for that was where his strength truly lay. Narcissia was reborn and retrained into become his left hand and his fiercest witch, so as to replace her sister Bellatrix, who had fallen during the battle at Hogwarts. Draco, who showcased remarkable combat abilities now that he no longer had a pampered prince's and coward's mind and became the strongest wizard in his service, his battling abilities mirroring Voldemorts, save with less power and experience.
Safe to say that this time his resurrection was completely unknown to the outside world that was until 4 years later after his second defeat at the hands of Harry Potter he made his reappearance when he attacked the Hogwarts express and held its passengers for ransom. That was the start off the second war and it was not just against Britain and Ireland. But against a majority off the Magical Europe, he knew that year by year the magical community was getting smaller and smaller and he was determined to put an end to it, the survival of Magic and its wielders was always his goal and to accomplish that he had been recruiting and spreading his agents throughout magical Europe ever since that night Wormtail had resurrected him in the graveyard. And even after his second death, the preparations had slowed down, but despite that, he was able to get everything in place, after which he made the final attack.
What he had not counted on was the utter lack of knowledge that his counterparts overseas possessed about Muggles. In Britain and Ireland he was able to rein his follower in, declaring outright war on their magical communities while keeping their Muggle counterparts largely ignorant to it, unfortunately in places like Albania, France and Bulgaria, his followers attracted to the attention of muggles and thus the world at large was introduced to the magical world, in the worst way possible.
The muggles fought against the magical, who were in a civil war with each other, and of course there were those places like U.S.A, Japan and India who sided with their magical communities against the world at large. Thus World War 3 began, where Magical fought Magical, Muggle fought against Muggle and most importantly Muggle fought against Magical.
The results were catastrophic, in less than a year the overall human population of the world numbered less than 100,000 (which was approximately the magical population of Wizarding Britain before he started hisoriginal campaign). He knew, well before that then, that he had to fix this… and so he did. While his followers were busy fighting the war he gathered the smartest of those he had with him and began researching a new project. With the Mirror of Erised, Darkest of Dark magic, the Sands of Time, and the world's knowledge of both of those subjects, he set out trying to find a way to return his soul, or if that was not possible, his memories back to the time off his original resurrection.
And now it was done, after years of research (thanks to extremely liberal use of time turners {shame they couldn't be used in battle}) it was complete. His followers stepped back as the mirror glowed with a purple Aura. He smiled as Nagini slithered out off his lap before he rose out from his black throne. However, he only had a few minutes to smile and admire their handiwork before the room descended into chaos.
The windows off their warehouse they were currently in (the ritual had to be done on land without any serious magical protection such as the Fidelius charm, or even most protective wards for that matter) simultaneously broke as SAS (Which undoubtedly the least damaged special force in the world due to the simple fact that the WORLD War barely touched muggle Britain for some bizarre reason) descended from it and the front and back door's of the warehouse broke as Goblin Warriors in full armor charged in. Still they were far to late stop him as he broke into a run straight to the mirror. However just before he was half way there a great wall of fire suddenly appeared causing him to back track before a sword wielding Veela burst out of it and headed straight at his precious Nagini. He didn't try to defend her for two reasons, 1) he knew she could handle herself, and 2) there was only one Veela left in the world and if she was here, HE most certainly would be.
Sure enough barely a second after he finished that last thought the wall of fire died down and there stood the Master of the Deathly Hallows himself, his emerald eyes shining with hate. Harry James Potter, and the last living member of his family, Fleur Weasley nee Delacour. It seemed ironic, to him. They both had been a torn at his side since well his first move in this war, and now here they were, preventing him from succeeding in his last. Lord Voldemort waited no time in firing no less than 3 killing curses straight at him but with agility that almost seemed like second nature to the youth he easily dodged the flying curses before firing his own in retaliation.
The Dark Lord snarled, but he had a different focus. Unlike last time when he his aim was to kill this constant torn at his side his aim was now directed at getting behind him and straight into the portal. Apparatation and Portkey wards had already been erected, by himself no less so that was out. He would need to either charge him in order to get him to move out off the way or circle him until he was next to the mirror before diving straight into it. That was all the strategic thought that he had time for though as one of the SAS had brought a bazooka and shot it straight at Nagini who was barely able to get out off the way. The explosion launched Voldemort's precious Horcurx straight into the air and Fleur wasted no time in capitalizing on it, beheading his familiar with the Sword of Gryffindor. Voldemort screamed and shot a killing curse at the Veela who took it straight in the chest.
"Confringo" Harry screamed as he shot the most powerful blasting curse he had ever cast straight at Voldemort, who quickly turned and put up the strongest shield he could in that limited span off time. It didn't work, as when it hit the blast was so powerful that it shattered the shield and completely consumed the Dark Lord. Unfortunately the Boy Who Lived didn't get away scot free as the force of the blast shot him backwards, and straight into the portal.
It was strange really, a moment ago Harry had been fighting for his life, yet now he sat calmly in what looked like an exact replica of Dumbledore's office, and yes he still remembered what it looked like even after all these years. Harry was calm, cool even. His life, ever since his birth, had been dominated by one thing, getting rid of Voldemort, something that was finally complete, and he had lost so much to succeed. He lost his entire family, twice thanks to that monster. The first time had been when he had been just one year old, and the second when he had been twenty-two, after almost exactly a month after Voldemort had attacked the Hogwarts Express (and announcing his return to the wizarding world) he attacked and massacred the combined Weasley, Delacour and Potter families in one move. The only survivor had been his sister-in-law, Fleur Weasley nee Delacour.
He smirked at that really. They both were so different yet so alike. They were both sought after for things that they had no control off (Harry's Fame and Fleur'sVeela allure), they were both Triwizard champions, they both had married Weasleys and rumors of their respective partner's infidelity ran rampart through the Wizarding World, not just Wizarding Britain, and it was something that they couldn't do a thing about as due to the magical nature of their vows, it was impossible for a divorce, and even if they could they never would simply for the sake of their children (though Harry sincerely doubted that Ginny second child was his). And they both lost their families to Voldemort's hands.
Harry hoped he could build a new life with her, when the war was finally over and they had ended the Dark Lord, but that was no longer possible considering that He killed her, just before he killed Him. Harry was wondering if he was dead for he knew for a fact that his Occlumency was good enough to detect and subsequently dispel most illusions, and Headmistress's McGonagal's office looked nothing like Dumbledore's, and even if it did he was on the other side off the world fighting in an abandoned warehouse against the person who had lead to the ruin off the world, how on earth would he have ended up in the Headmasters office.
"You know I would have never guessed that with how much you hated the headmaster, this would be the location that your sub-consciousness would choose for us to meet" said a voice that immediately caused Harry to turn around to see the person who had had long straight crimson hair that went down along her back, smooth almost perfect alabaster skin and facial features that resembled Fleur's. She was dressed in simple yet elegant Black gown and had a Scottish accent and her eyes, well they were red, though unlike Voldemorts where corruption and hatred were pliable, hers were, though warm, intense, like someone who had who had seen things that would drive most people insane.
"Regardless of what I feel for that man, Hogwarts, and especially this office was a symbol of perseverance. It had been around for centuries and yet still stood proud and strong." Harry replied with a smile "And the portraits of the various Headmasters and Headmistresses through the ages are those of the people who made it so."
"Few people have ever thought about it like that and almost none of them possessed my Hallow's" she replied and Harry's mind which was sharp even before his training as an auror caught on immediately. She smiled and said "I'm glad that you figured it out, and before you ask, no you are not dead, well not yet at least"
Harry looked confused for a moment before he remembered the recent battle and said "I was blasted back into the mirror…. And they were doing some kind of ritual to it."
"I'm glad you caught on so fast Harry" Death said "You see Voldemort, that foolish mortal who fancied himself a God, had already given up on this world and was trying to travel to another similar to your own and would have succeeded if he had walked through that mirror. However you are the only living soul who did, second's before it was destroyed and you will be the one to go back in time."
She smiled and got up and started to move in the office saying "There have been times in the past where I have had to intervene before, the Deathly Hallow's for example. History tells that I appeared to the three brothers after they had crossed a river that had led to the death off many. What it does not tell you was what exactly those three brothers were. Antioch Peverell could probably be described as one off the Darkest Wizards in history and had already found the path to immortality and was on the verge of attaining it, before I intervened and hand him the wand that lead to his death. Cadmus Peverell was obsessed with his love, even after her death, which was not that uncommon in that time. What was uncommon was what he was attempting, and that was bringing the dead back to life and he was succeeding, and so I gave him the stone to stop his work which would have ultimately led the world into eternal warfare. And then there was their youngest brother and your ancestor Ingots, A brave man who constantly tried to get his brothers to give up on their ambitions and move on with their lives. His gift was simply that, a gift with no ulterior motive or meaning behind it and though unforeseen it kept his line in the light and his descendents helped change the word for the better, many a times. For he started the Peverell line which became the PenDragon line which then reverted back to its original name before it became the Potter line."
"I know what you are wondering and to answer, you are not dead Harry, not even close. You soul is presently traveling through the strands of space and time to the world that Voldemort had accessed through his ritual. It was an ideal time for such a chat as well as a chance to ensure that when you arrive you don't think that you have gone insane and start blasting everything in sight." Death replied "However there are things which you must know about the world in which you will live in… In this world, you were not born alone, rather on the night of your birth there were two souls brought into this world as Lily Evans Potter gave birth to twins, you and your older brother Charles Potter. The night that Voldemort came knocking, your parents were at a meeting of the Order of the Phoenix and your Grandparents gave their lives to defend you. Your Grandmother died in your mother's place executing the same ritual that saved you the first time around, and with you the Britian'sWizarding Community."
"And while Dumbledore may have made many many mistakes in his long life, making me grow away from my fame was the right thing to do. I am assuming that this was not the case as thanks to my brother's and my status as the boys-who-lived my family and I grew arrogant" Harry said before immediately realizing who he was talking to. "I-I'm sorry for speaking out of turn Milady."
"Don't be Harry, it will be better if we have a conversation rather than a dialogue" Death replied kindly "And you are mistaken, for Dumbledore had ensured that your brother alone got that title despite the fact that Riddle targeted you as you were a better fit with the lines of the prophesy, and while your family did grow arrogant, you did not for the simple reason that your family spent so much time with the chosen one that they didn't spend enough time with their other son."
Harry looked like he had been slapped as he quickly began to say "Did they –"
"No they didn't" interrupted Death quickly and putting Harry's fears at ease. "Though then again, Tom Riddle's childhood wasn't that bad either."
Harry eyes widened as she continued to speak "He steadily grew darker and darker, but the one thing that prevented him form outright turning into a Dark Lord was because of his nature, a nature you seem to share… One day he literally looked into the mirror and decided that he didn't like what was looking back, but with things as they were, he thought he only had one way out… and he took it."
With the way that Death had phrased it and the tone of her voice when she said it, it only took Harry a moment to recognize what she actually meant, and he looked down in sadness .
"He is with me now and hopefully he will find happiness in his next life than he did in this one" said Death "But the method he chose to carry it out through, wasn't that damaging to his body and it is in that body that you shall be reborn into, should you choose to Harry."
Harry looked thoughtful as about a hundred different thoughts ran through his head, but first he had to ask one question "Why?"
"Two reasons really" she said "first and foremost is that as master of death you have the power to intervene. Other mortals do not have the power required to do so and aspect like me are forbidden form interfering directly. However you being the Master of the Deathly Hallows puts you someone in the middle, giving you the power to intervene, without the restrictions from doing so. Secondly you have to understand that every single prophesy can be divided into two main types. One type warns about an oncoming calamity, the other tells you how too best end an occurring calamity. For example the prophesy in your third year warned you about Voldemorts resurrection and the prophesy about you had ended the first two of Voldemorts's wars in the best way …"
"In this world the chosen one is dead" said Harry "and from what you say I take it that the second war will be long and devastating to Magical Britain."
"Not just Magical Britain for after Voldemort conquers it he will conquer its mundane counterpart and then began World War 3, and I am sure you already know how that ends." Death replied and Harry did remember, after all he had just ended it a few minutes ago. He then realized something and said "Hang on if I was the best way to end Voldemort, the how on earth did he survive to attack a third time."
"Because of Dumbledore" Death replied "Almost everything he has done has been with good intentions, but he was old. He also possessed the three most important positions in Britain, and had an idealistic view of family, which is ironic considering the disaster that was his own. Ten years of malnutrition and the emotional and physical trauma of being treated as a slave had left its mark on you, not to mention that when push came to shove, you were poorly trained, poorly informed and badly funded. Had that not been the case you would have been astute enough to have recognized Snape's true loyalties and used that to get rid of Nagini and had that failed you would have ultimately put an end to that Horcrux in Godric's Hollow. Instead the Snake survived and was well hidden until your world literally went to hell. In this world however had Harry not ended himself he would have grown darker and darker and though he ultimately would end Voldemort, he did so only to take his place and unleash a new wave of terror."
Harry eyes went wide as he absorbed everything that death had said before his eyes hardened in determination and he said "Very well then, I accept… though I only ask that you let me witness his life till now so I do not make a mistake when I take his place."
"Your terms are acceptable Mr. Potter, though you must understand that if you do this then you will no longer be the master of the Deathly Hallows. Is this acceptable to you?" Death said and Harry nodded in agreement. "Very well then,I have a gift for you, as well as a peace of advice. First my advice, which is well pretty straight forward; find my Hallow's and unite them as they are much stronger together than they are apart. Do not be afraid of using them and do not be afraid of my power Harry for I have judged you worthy of wielding it… And as for His soul piece, that did not happen in this life though you will retain you ability to speak Pasteltongue. And as for my gift, well you will find out what that is soon enough for I will never leave my champion alone…! Good luck Mr. Potter."
Four hours… that is how long it took to watch his alternate self's life till now… though when you think about it, it wasn't that surprising. After all a good majority of a kids life is spent learning how to crawl, then walk, then run, then there was also learning how to talk and eat and so on… really normally a person can only remember what happens after they have passed the ages of four and five, though they tend to forget as they grow older.
There were a few things that Harry noticed… firstly in comparison to his childhood with the Dursleys, his counterparts life was practically a picnic. There was literally absolutely no physical abuse involved and very Very little of what could barely be classified as verbal abuse… heck his life was practically a picnic, but then again Death said that Voldemort's childhood was nearly the same. Actually when Harry thought about it, he had more reason to go dark than twice whatever foolish justification both Tom Riddle and his (Harry's) counterpart had… combined, which was actually kind of sad when one seriously thinks about it.
Of course what his counterpart wanted and could never get was something that all kids wanted despite their claims otherwise and that was attention. The only crimes that James and Lily Potter were guilty of when it came to their second was negligence and the fact that they usually ignored whatever Harry tried to do to get their attention, and sometimes even praised his brother for the things that Harry did. It drove his counterpart to do things that his parents couldn't possibly ignore and soon enough he began to get addicted to them. It was circumstances and bad choices that drove his counterpart to end his own life but from what Harry could see his parents subconsciously did care for him, it just seemed that they had consciously forgotten that fact.
Sirius and Remus… now there was the sad part. Thanks to his parents being ALIVE in this world Sirius was never framed, though Pettigrew had managed to escape. This had many affects on the world, for starters with two of four Marauders alive and well, Remus decided to stick with them, not to mention that the Auror department, who were not suffering from a loss of their best Auror and the shocking betrayal of their second best Auror were much quicker to respond to the Longbottom's call, and though Crouch and Rabastin had been captured, Bellitrix and her husband had managed to escape. And although there were too late to save Neville's mom, they did manage to save Frank Longbottom. Another major difference in this world was that Andromeda and Nymphodora were Blacks, as Sirius had reinstated them into the family. Not all changes were pleasant however as Ted Tonks had been killed by the insane Lestrange couple who had then decided to attack the recently promoted head of the DMLE Amelia Bones who had taken over when the previous head had decided to take a leave of absence and focus on trying to heal his wife and raise his son. Fortunately no one was killed and the insane couple had been apprehended, though details were sketchy.
That wasn't that sad part though. No the sad part was the simple fact that they refused to see what was right in front of them. Harry would have thought that Remus would have immediately noticed what his counterpart was heading towards after everything he had to go through… His thinking was both right and wrong at the same time. Remus Lupin after becoming one of the last free-living Marauders and facing the bigotry of Wizarding Britain for twelve years would have certainly noticed. Remus Black (who had adopted the name after marrying the widow Andromeda Black, four years after her husband's untimely death), Godfather of the Boy-Who-Lived, aligned by marriage to one of the most powerful house's of Wizarding Britain and aligned by a bond of the strongest friendship to THE most powerful house's in Wizarding Britain as well as a publicly declared War-Hero of the war against Voldemort, didn't. And though he had never failed to get Harry a present for every occasion that he could as well as just wishing him well from time to time, he, just like Harry parents, paid most of their attention to his brother.
Sirius Black… Harry Godfather. There were many times that the man was away, doing his job as an Auror, just as there were many a times that the man had ignored Harry in favor of his brother. But he was still there. Unlike James, Lily or even Remus Lupin, Sirius Was There! He was there for his Godson and it was both a good and a bad thing. It was good that Harry had someone to connect too, it was good that he had someone there for him, someone who his counterpart adored. But, and to understand this Harry had to actually understand the differences between the Light and the Dark. He had always thought that those two terms were meant good and evil respectively, but that was about as true as Sirius betraying the Potters in his home world. Sirius Black was a Dark Wizard, and Harry's counterpart wanted to grow up and be just like him, unlike the head of the House of Black however, he had no one to guide him or tell him where to draw a line. Sirius Black was both, the reason why Harry's counterpart was corrupted by the Dark Arts and the reason he was still good enough to realize enough where the path he was heading down would ultimately end.
Still Harry enjoyed spending his time with him. It was truly beyond words to describe the feelings he had when he got to spend time with his Godfather. Sure Sirius wasn't the exactly the same man he knew as this one hadn't been forced to undergo what could literally be described as eleven years in Hell on Earth. But at the same time it was truly a blessing. It certainly made up for the way his parents ignored him.
And with that Harry's train of though went back to the negligence and ignorance, while they were what drove his counterpart dark, worked in hiss favor… After all He wasn't an eight year old seeking the attention of his parents, he was a war-veteran of one of the first joint Wizard-Muggle wars since the time of Merlin and Morgana Ley Fae. Since while Major Wizard and Muggles conflicts often mirrored one another it was a long time since Wizards and Muggles fought side by side as being said, the war opened his eyes to a lot of things, many of which he needed to fix if his kind was going to continue. With the daily advancements of muggles, there was no doubt that one of their advancements would no doubt reveal the Wizards world, but the problem was that there was a high chance that said world would die out before that day came. Harry wanted to prevent that and in order to do so he needed power and in Wizarding Britain Power was the average of 3 things, renown, gold and knowledge. It would be near impossible to gather enough of the first two to make any sort of difference until he entered Hogwarts, so he turned his attention to the third. Harry already had a high amount of knowledge and ability when it came to strategic thinking, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, and the subjects required to be an Auror as well as a good insight into the Political and Judicial systems of the British Ministry of Magic. So he turned his attention to much more subtle and intricate arts such as Runes and Alchemy.
It had been 3 years and the best way Harry could describe his life was… different. In truth while for any normal child the environment was not exactly ideal, for Harry it was something he enjoyed. During his original childhood he had practically been a slave to the Dursleys every whim and needs. To the Wizarding World he was a Hero and had the fame of legends. During the war he was a Warrior and a Leader to those magical that fell under his command. Yet here he felt like just another person, he felt normal. Harry knew that if he was even half successful in the goals he had set for himself his name would be recognized far and wide… he would NEVER be just another person, and so he was determined to enjoy this feeling while it lasted.
Academically speaking he had been making good progress. His research in Runes and their applications was going swimmingly and he had kicked himself more than once for not learning about this during his original life, it would have made things sooo much easier.
Harry musings suddenly stopped when he sensed a burst of fire behind him. Spinning around he took out two silver daggers holding them in front of himself in a defensive posture. An act which proved unnecessary as he looked at the Phoenix that was flying right in front of him, at first he thought it was Dumbledore's but immediately discarded that idea. While it was similar to Fawkes it seemed more slender… and seemed… more graceful. There was no doubt that this Phoenix was a female in Harry's mind, but who's was it? And who sent it? And why did it seem so familiar?
'Familiar' that word seemed to echo in his mind as he gazed at the phoenix, before his eyes widened considerably as he said in surprise "Hedwig?"
A beautiful cry from the majestic bird confirmed that it truly was his long lost friend and owl.
For all of those who have read my other fanfictions, I will say that I am not abandoning them, well save for one. things have just been heretic so for me.
I actually wanted to do a wrong BWL fanfic when I first started writing, but i decided to put it off so I could get more experience first,
Anyway, I hope that you all liked the first chapter and Please do NOT forget to comment.
Also, I not sure about Fleur, depending on how my final draft for the next chapter looks, I may add her in the next chapter or wait until a dozen chapters are done.
Thank you all for reading this fanfic
Rafaelout out