Disclaimer: I do not own anything, which is almost certainly for the best
Dr. Henry Caudswell
"проснись!" The frantic fearful tone of the voice woke him more than the incomprehensible sounds of a foreign language. It took a minute before his mind woke up as much as his body was. He was crouched over the still form of a teenage girl a dagger on the soft fragile skin of her jugular and her small callused hands wrapped around his neck. He slid calmly off the of the girl as he tucked the dagger back into its sheath and pried the weak grip from his neck. He shook his head and rubbed his temples trying to remember out what a red headed teenager was doing in his room.
"какого черта?" The girl spoke up again and Harry stared at her blankly. The girl glared and her hand swung forward, obviously trying to slap him. Harry caught her wrist and twisted it before it hit its mark. The girl grimaced and twisted her body with the wrist trying to lessen the pressure. Harry stared at her for another minute before he remembered.
"Oh, that's right. You were that girl I saved from getting killed yesterday." Harry smirked as her glare intensified. He twisted the hand a bit more and she bent lower as she went with it and groaned. "Little Spider, it's really for the best that you don't try to wake me up in the future. It's bad for your health." He released her and let his smile vanish as she backed away.
"пошел на хуй" The girl said snidely while rubbing the aching wrist. Harry stared at her unimpressed. He didn't know exactly what she said, but he got the gist of it.
Harry ran his fingers through his hair. "Stay here, pipsqueak, I'm going to go clean up."
Harry ignored her glaring eyes and hands clenching weapons tucked in sleeves and headed to the bathroom. The translation spell must have died sometime in the middle of the night, which was good to know. He waved his hand and leaned against the sink heavily once the dizzy spell hit. He raised his head to glance into the dirty mirror. Was she the one? There couldn't be very many teenage assassins hanging out in underground Russian markets.
He turned the rusty faucet of the shower. It was too late to go back and change things now he was stuck with her at least until the job was over. He stepped into the too hot shower and tried to forget about the red head. His mind turned to more important topics, like his current target. Dr. Caudswell was one of the most well known researchers in pharmaceuticals which meant that a lot of big money would be trying to keep him safe.
After about ten minutes of letting yesterday's grime slide off his body and trying to scrub away the lingering smell from the market, he stepped out of the steaming shower and pulled a towel off the rack.
"The shower's hot if you need it, little spider." Harry yelled out the door before picking up his clothes, slinging the towel around his waist, and stepping into the cheap motel room. He moved to his bag ignoring the curious eyes that followed him. "Knowing exactly how much this hotel room costs, I don't think it will last that way for long." He turned toward her, but the girls eyes were moving over the rest of his body. Harry got the feeling that she was more trying to count the scars than she was checking out his muscles. "Oi! You listening over there? Go get cleaned up." He pointed to the girl's eyes flicked to his and she nodded before disappearing into the steamy bathroom.
Harry shook his head and dropped his towel, picking new clothes to put on. He hoped this girl was worth it. He put on a new sleeveless shirt and a clean pair of pants. He pulled a small box from one of the many pockets of his bag and placed it on the table. With a casual flick of his hand there was a briefcase where the small box sat before.
He was still lifting stacks of bills out of the case when the girl exited the bathroom. She was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, some slightly damp. Her large coat resting on the back of one of the chairs around the table. Her shirt might have been black once, but was now a faded dark grey about a size too small. Her pants blended into her shirt well enough that someone unobservant might mistake it for a jump suit. The long sleeves were wide, but torn off at the ends to keep her hands free. Everywhere he spotted tell signs of hidden weapons. There were slices in her pants that made easy access to knives tucked away, slight ridges and wrinkles in clothes that wouldn't have appeared unless there was something tucked underneath. She stopped in the bathroom doorway her eyes on the stacks of money. She was too good to give away much, but Harry could see the hunger laying there. It was almost too easy.
"Well, don't you look sparkling this morning, princess." He continued unpacking the money from the case. The girl's eyes didn't waver from their spot on the money until he had finished unloading. "Come closer, Spider, it isn't going to bite." The girls eyes pulled away from the money stacks to Harry's amused gaze. It took a second, but Harry could spot the exact moment when her mask had taken control again. She strode to the table the dozen stacks that sat there all crisp bills from different currencies. "This is your cut."
The mask vanished in an instance and her eyes widened in shock before she could stop it. It took almost a full minute for her mask to fall back into place and even then she looked a little off kilter. " The job?" Her mouth moved in ways that didn't follow her words and Harry was reassured that the translation spell was working properly.
"Yes, the job. I hope you understand that I took a larger cut. After all, this is my booking." She nodded without even the slightest tell of anger. Good, this was probably the most she had ever seen for a single job before. He pulled a folder from his bag and placed it on the table. "Read up. I need to go drop something off and then we can discuss." He pulled something from the bag and headed to the door. "I will be back in thirty minutes, feel free to use this room however you want. Play with Barbies or whatever it is that you kids get up to nowadays." He was almost out of the door before she spoke up.
"Are you actually going to leave me here with this?" She waved at the money, "You expect me to still be here? " Her voice was harsh. Harry turned with a grin.
" Don't you already owe me a favor? Does your word mean so little that you would walk away without doing the job?" He paused a moment in mock thought with a finger on his chin. The girl bristled and he shrugged. " Of course not. Besides the fact that you are too curious to walk away, you are not stupid enough to believe that I have no way of tracking you down if you run."
He left the girl standing next to a table that had more money on it than she had probably seen in her entire life.
"Did you miss me, little spider?" Harry asked with a smirk and walked over to the table. The glare from the girl was weak compared to a certain potions master who had once spied on the greatest dark lord of an age.
"Vhere did you go?" She snarled at him.
He cringed a bit at her accent. "Hearing you speak English is like listening to a car crash." He ignored her and sat down with a thump. He threw his legs onto the table and leaned back on the two back legs of the chair.
"Don't lie to me to inbred baboon. I followed you outside." The translated Russian was more understandable than her butchered English. She sat down in the chair opposite to him, the only thing on the table was the folder he had passed her before he left. He didn't know where she had put the money and really didn't care
"No, really?" Harry asked in a deadpan drawl. "I had absolutely no idea." The girl let the glare drop even as the tense anger anger remained.
"You disappeared into thin air. How did you do that? I have never lost a target in my life and you vanished. It is not possible." Her emotionless tone did nothing to hide her anger. He shrugged her at. It didn't really matter what she thought of how he did it, she could never have guessed the cloak. Magic was impossible in her world. It was also obvious that she was more angry at herself for losing track of him that she was at him for tricking her.
"Now don't be like that. I can't have you following me everywhere, spider. A guy has got to have his secrets." Harry pushed back a little until he was balancing on one leg. "Now, if you have wasted enough time, it is time to discuss the job. "
She let the anger drop and became emotionless again. She pushed the folder to the middle of the table and opened it.
"Dr. Henry Caudswell." Harry pointed to the picture on the front. The older gentleman had large glasses that covered half of his face and made his eyes look too big. His grey hair didn't look like it had been washed in awhile, much like the rest of him. "He is well known in the pharmaceutical field. He is currently being funded by these companies." Harry opened the packet to a long list of names. "Though what most of them don't know is that he is also some what well known in the governmental sector, or more specifically the military. Though his loyalty to any one country depends entirely on how much he is getting paid at the time. He's a biological weapons researcher. If you could call it that." He flipped through the folder as he remembered grainy images of dead bodies covered in sores and their own filth. Of course, those pictures hadn't been in this folder, there was no need for them. He stopped on a picture of a fat man eating in an restaurant. "This is the man who wants him dead, well the one that is paying us. He calls himself Mr. Bloom. He owns an acquisitions company, a shell for the Pakistan military, that tried to buy out Dr. Caudswells and lost to Russia. His government has decided that since they can't own him no one should. Then they called upon me to get it done. The job has already taken longer than I wanted it to because of their requirement of it looking natural and a series of unfortunately timed coincidences."
The girl looked at him strangely. "What does that have to do with anything?"
"Nothing really. We are still going to kill Dr. Caudswell and make tons of cash. However, you never leave yourself in a position of not knowing who you are working for. Bloom is too much of a pissed faced coward to make my life difficult, but I never leave that sort of thing to chance. Also, it is important to know when you are dealing with petty feuds between people or petty feuds between countries one is a bit more dangerous than the other. Understood?" The teenager nodded and looked back at the folder.
"So, what is the plan?"
"It should be rather simple, all things considered." He pulled out a piece of paper with dates and times. "This is Dr. Caudswell's schedule. The place we get him is while traveling home. It is the easiest place to catch anyone off guard. Of course, it isn't going to be as easy as all that. He is constantly surrounded by guards. He will be in a car following a car full of bodyguards, that is also packed to the brink with thugs ready to protect him." Harry showed her the images that he had taken of the caravan that traveled everywhere with the man.
"Then how will we get him?" She asked questioningly after a few seconds looking over the papers.
"That is where you come in. Meet Dr. Caudswell's daughter." Harry flipped through the folder to find another picture, this time of a young blond girl about the same age as Widow. "Melinda Caudswell is currently away at school in Germany and not our problem. However, people can be very sentimental about loved ones and you look close enough to remind him of his daughter. There's no need to make this complicated all we have to do is stage an accident and pretend to be the first on the scene, when Dr. Caudswell's cars approach they see us, and hopefully he sees enough of you to come out to help himself as if you were his own looking for help."
The girl nodded.
"Wouldn't it be easier just to pretend to be in the accident. It draws more sympathy than just being the first on the scene." She said emotionlessly, flipping through the folder.
"Sure, but do you actually want to be injured enough to pull the story off? These goons are some of the best money can buy. It is easier to pull off emotions than injuries and if you misstep once with a pretend injury they are going to know something is up." She stared and then nodded.
"How will we kill him?" She asked.
"That's the fun part." He passed a small vile of viscous liquid toward her. "That is snake venom, very deadly. It has been diluted though, it will take a few hours to work its way through the bloodstream enough to kill. It will look like a surprise heart attack for someone that is already known to have heart issues. We will both have a needle with a bit of this on it, whoever gets close enough sticks him and we slip away. We will be far away when the actual death occurs." He leaned back in his chair and watched the thoughts fly through her head. After several moments she leaned back as well and nodded.
"It seems fine."
"Good." He stood up suddenly. "Well then, there is work to be done. I can get the corpse and set up the accident, can you figure out appearances? Enough to make us look harmless. I don't know anything about Russian fashion." He moved to his bag and pulled out two large bills to hand to her. "Don't spend it all in one place." He patted her on the head. She growled and swatted his hand away. He glanced at his watch. "We meet on this road way at 1930." He pointed to a spot on a map. "I should have everything set up by then. The road is usually pretty abandoned which is why it is used by them." He closed the folder and handed it to her. "Memorize this. Know the plan like the back of your hand and everything will turn out just fine."
"I'm not an idiot and I don't screw up. I had this memorized before you came back." She told him calmly, but tucked the folder under her arm anyway. She had composed herself again and gave him a slight nod.
"See you later then, little spider." He grinned and turned. As he opened the door he spared a glance backwards to stare at her. The girl had turned away from him, probably thinking that he had already left. She looked oddly vulnerable as she stared out the only window in the room.
Harry leaned against the side of the only not burning car calmly. Staring at the red headed teenager in front of him that looked completely different from how she had a couple of hours ago.
The girl had turned up in a private school uniform that was already covered in grime and her own sweat. Her hair sticking around her face. Harry had been more than surprised when she handed him a guys uniform from the same school. He had held it up questioningly to get a simple response.
"You are young enough to pull off brother and sister. We could always go for young lovers, but in this case I think brother and sister will be more sympathetic." She pointed to her ruined clothes. "We were driving back from school to our parents house in the country when we ran across the accident." She pointed to the fiery wreck. "We stopped and tried to look for survivors, but only found the one dead guy." She pointed to the cadaver he had stolen from the morgue. "We were too scared to get close to the accident, but didn't want to leave incase something else happened. We had no way to contact the police and decided to wait for someone else to come along and help."
"Sounds fine to me." He said without caring. He had been slightly proud of the accident he had been able to fake though. With a cadaver that had died in a car accident stolen from the morgue all he had to do was find some wrecked cars. The first had been set on fire completely - to hide the fact that there was no bodies in it - and the second had the engine burst into flames. It was a slow start, but by the time the other cars arrived it would be enough that they would be able to see and smell the burning corpse. It was a rather spectacular wreck if he did say so himself, but Widow had barely spared a glance at if before telling him to change into his new clothes. The working car that he was leaning against was in fairly good quality and parked a little ways away from the blaze. It was the car that they would be leaving in if all went according to plan. He shrugged out of his clothes quickly and tossed them into the back of the trunk without modesty. He looked at the too new clothes and rubbed them on the road to cover them in a bit of grime. He slipped into the wrinkled dirty clothes and turned to the car side mirror. He mused his hair a bit more and added enough grime to match Spiders.
He heard the growl of approaching cars and stood up straighter.
"They're coming. Are you prepared?" He asked calmly. He stared at the grime on her face and her messy hair and knew that he looked the same if not worse.
"I'm fine." She said emotionlessly and turned to face the oncoming cars. It wasn't good enough, he thought quickly.
The cars were almost around the corner.
Harry growled and spun her around.
"Cry." He told her roughly.
"What?" She asked confused.
"Cry, you silly girl. You are a private school student who has just seen a dead body and a car accident for the first time." He looked over her shoulder to keep an eye on the road they would be coming down. He kept his own eyes open to let the smoke from the burning vehicles wet them. "Now, cry." He turned with her to look at the accident. His arm slipping around her shoulder. His own body slumped becoming the scared weak teenager who didn't know what to do.
She nodded and lowered her head for a second. When her face turned back to his it was like he was staring at a completely different person. The girl's eyes were leaking tears and the shocked innocent look in her eyes was enough to give Harry pause. She tucked her head against his shoulder in a mockery of a comforting pose that an older brother might give to his sister.
"Good enough." He said wetly, the bother persona coming out. There was something very unsettling about that look on her face. He tucked her a little closer to him, the way a brother might. They stared at the fire as the noise from the oncoming cars got louder. They turned together when a scared brother and sister might have torn themselves away from the horror in front of them to recognize help coming. The relief on their faces at seeing the two cars was almost synchronized. As was the terror that replaced it when they realized that the cars weren't slowing down.
Harry could almost see the gears turning in the teen girl's head as she flung herself away from him in front of the cars.
"STOP! PLEASE, STOP!" The girl was screaming in a two tone way that Harry identified as the Russian translation spell working. She was waving her arms frantically, pulling the full school girl act and after a second of car engines he could hear the screech of brakes and tires. He did what any brother would have done and ran to her side. "THANK YOU. PLEASE, PLEASE. YOU HAVE TO COME. I think someone is hurt."
A car door was opening as Harry pulled her a little closer to him. The two black SUVs were stopped in the middle of the lane. The passenger door of the first car opened to let out a burly Russian in full black combat gear. Harry would have rolled his eyes, but the scared brother who only wanted to protect his sister just started trembling.
"What happened?" The Russian asked roughly, staring at the scene in front of him. His eyes were calculating, scanning the wooded area around them for a possible ambush. Good, he didn't think they were a threat.
"Please, I...I think..." Her voice broke. "I think he might be dead. I...we...my brother and I were coming home from school." She sobbed a little into her hands. She turned back to him and grabbed his shirt. His arms wrapped around her tightly. His own eyes wet as he looked towards the man, helpless.
The Russian looked very uncomfortable, but nodded at them and made his way over to the accident. Once he got close enough to see the corpse he turned to back to the car and waved a hand. As the first car unloaded a couple more men the first goon backed away from the cars and looked back at them.
"What happened?" The man spoke to Harry the calmer looking of the two looked up in surprise.
The man spoke Russian, which made since because they were in Russia after all, but somehow it had slipped Harry's mind during the planning phase that he didn't actually know how to speak Russian. He turned to look at Widow sharply.
"My brother is mute." Was the shaky reply that the man received. Harry almost sighed in relief. Widow pulled away from him looking nervously at the older man.
The Russian looked at him in surprise, but when a rush of more goons came over he pushed Harry away.
"Go stand over there." He pointed to where their working car was parked. The other goons came to stand around the accident and start muttering about what to do about it. Several minutes passed in this fashion of Russians looking between the car wreck and the caravan of SUVs while muttering gruffly. It wasn't until the second car opened its doors that anything changed.
"What is the hold up?" Dr. Caudswell stepped out of his car obviously agitated and Harry suppressed a smile. Sometimes it was just too easy to kill men with overblown egos. Harry spared a glance to Widow, she was the closest so she would have to do the deed. His eyes moved away quickly from the sight. Widow was trembling in a way that was familiar to Harry, but ultimately unnatural on her. It was the shaking of someone about to go into shock and Harry resisted the urge to give her a round of applause. "What is this?" The doctor apparently caught sight of Widow.
"Sir, get back in the car." The Russian goon that came out of the second car was the biggest one yet and he looked very upset at his charge. "It isn't safe yet."
"Sir, please...it was just..." Widow stopped as another sob wracked her frame.
"There, there, what's wrong?" Caudswell was apparently very sentimental because as he got closer to Widow he put his arm around her carefully. He completely ignored the growling of his bodyguards. Harry didn't let out the nod of approval as he noticed the small slip of hand that Widow gave when she hugged him back. The job was done, now they just had to get out of there.
"I...I..." She sobbed into his jacket as he made hushing noises. Harry made to move towards her, the scared brother that wanted to comfort his sister. He was stopped by two of the men stepping in front of him, preventing him from getting closer to her and Caudswell. He rubbed his hands nervously and kept his eyes moving between the men and the sister the men were keeping him from.
The large Russian from the back car approached Widow and the doctor. He grabbed the arm of Dr. Caudswell.
"Sir, I really think you should get back in the car." He grabbed the doctor's arm roughly and started pulling. Caudswell gave a sigh, but seemed to give in.
"Alright, come on then." He kept his arm around Widow as he headed to the car and Harry started screaming in his head. He had barely taken a step in their direction prevented by the two men blocking his way, when a loud shout came from behind him.
He turned to the goons by the burning wreck.
"BOY! COME HERE AND HELP!" Five of the burly goons had gathered around the back of the car that wasn't completely on fire, they looked like they were getting ready to push. Harry frantically turned between the image of Widow heading to the car with the target and the burning wreck. Caudswell was less likely to keep her than the goons were to kill both of them if he made a wrong move. "BOY!" He made the decision turned to the goons huddled around the car. His body fighting with every step he took away from Widow. "Great. Help push."
The burly Russian pushed him to one side of the back of the car, but Harry didn't pay much attention. His eyes were glued to the image of Widow being lead back to the car with Caudswell. The voices in his head were all screaming loudly and he didn't notice when his lips started moving to form words that he couldn't say aloud.
"Don't get in the car with them. Come on you moron, have some self preservation skills, don't get into that bloody car. Don't get into the car with them. Don't...fuck." The last word was said frantically under his breath as his whole body tensed.
He was getting ready to fight his way through the goons to get to Widow, but with one final groan from the group of Russians next to him the car he was leaning on moved and threw him off balance.
He regained it quickly, and turned back to the SUVs. This had gone on too long. His whole body was tensed prepared for any attack that came him way. He ignored the looks that the Russian's were sending his way and headed to the second car.
He got almost 5 feet away when the two men from before blocked him again and the large Russian that had gotten back in the car with Caudswell stepped out of the passenger side and pointed a gun at his forehead. Harry paused for a second and evaluated the situation. He could get to Widow quickly if he disarmed the man, the man would reach for his lost weapon and put him in reach of...
"Brother. I am fine." Widow got out of the back of the car shakily. "Please, let's just go home." She turned back to the car and spoke to the man in the backseat. "It was nice to meet you. I am sorry to bother you." She was still a little shaky as she spoke, but left the danger zone of the car and stepped back over to Harry. Every step that she took toward him loosened the tension in his body. When she got close enough to touch his arm Harry sighed and fell back into character. His shaking arms wrapping around her and rested his cheek on her head the way a brother would do if a stupid younger sister went into a car with a complete stranger surrounded by bodyguards.
The large Russian looked between the two of them curiously, but nevertheless nodded.
"Go home, now. We will take care of this." He waved at the still burning wreck, but tucked his gun away into a holster.
"Thank you sir, thank you." Widow grabbed his arm and pulled him back over to their car. Harry lead her to the passenger side and made sure she was buckled in before he got into the driver's seat and turned on the car. He backed up slowly and turned back down the road past the burning cars, the entire time he kept his gaze on the rearview mirror.
They were several minutes down the road and completely out of view from the SUVs when Widow spoke up.
"Well, that went as smooth as could be expected." Harry spared a glance at her to see her wiping the grime and tears from her face, the apathetic mask back in place. Harry's hands clenched on the wheel.
"Don't do that." He growled at her, but kept his eyes on the road. She looked at him surprised.
"Don't do what?"
"You don't do what you just did." He spat angrily. "You don't get into an unknown car full of hostiles alone. You don't do that to m...to your partner." He glared at her. "You don't do that."
"Wow, didn't know you cared." She said it so off the cuff, so sarcastically that Harry wanted to slam on the breaks. He didn't. He sped up.
It took them almost thirty minutes and a lot of twisted back roads to get back to the city, but when they did Harry pulled into the first car park he saw. He sped up several floors and didn't slow down even when he saw the slightly scared look cross Widow's face. He pulled into an empty spot and slammed on the breaks. He got out of the car roughly and slammed the door shut behind him. He moved over half wall in front of the car and stared at the cityscape beyond.
"That's it. We are done. Paid in full." He almost growled, but didn't look back at the car. He didn't turn when he heard the door opening or closing. He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. This wasn't supposed to happen. You don't get attached to targets or partners. You don't get attached to anyone. "Feel free to leave, you already have your cut."
"Hey." The voice was soft as was the hand that touched his arms. He glanced over at her.
"What is it now? I already told you the debt was paid, right? That's your cue to run like the wind. Get as far away from here as possible." Far away from me, went unsaid.
The girl stood next to him and leaned against the half wall as well. Several minutes passed in comfortable silence.
"There are rumors about you. Did you know that?" The girl asked calmly, not even looking in Harry's direction.
"Of course, I knew that little spider. There have been rumors about me since I was a year old. It's not news." Harry said while looking out at the sun setting over the city skyline.
"They say that if you get close enough to see Basilisk's eyes, then you are already dead." Harry scoffed at that.
"Am I supposed I have venomous fangs as well?" He turned to look at her dark red curly hair which seemed darker with the sunset.
"I don't know about that, but I do know that you are..." She paused looking for the right word. "Good, at your job I mean. The best I have ever met, besides me, of course." She turned to look at him. "We...we work well together." She spun her face back around quickly, letting her hair hide it, but not before Harry caught sight of a small blush. Harry couldn't help but smile at her.
"Oh really, the great Black Widow has come seeking my humble help? Whatever should I say?" He paused for thought. Though it was phrased like a joke it wasn't. What was he to do now? He liked her, too much to follow through with was he was supposed to do. She reminded him too much of a time he tried desperately to forget.
"I am being serious. I need a partner and I can't trust those incompetent hired baboons anymore."
"Oh, I am better than a baboon now?" Harry asked.
"Slightly better, more of a gorilla than anything else." She said with a straight emotionless face. "So what do you say?" The question was serious, as was her face.
Harry paused in thought for a few more minutes. It was a serious thought. He didn't expect to ever have a partner again, not after Ron and Hermione, not after what Voldemort had done to the both of them had done to that whole world. He looked upon the shorter female. There was something about this girl that drew him to her. Maybe Dumbledore would have called it fate, but Harry hadn't cared for that hypocrites thoughts in years.
"You know, if I say yes, we will actually have to tell each other our names." He said absentmindedly still considering.
"I'm Natasha." The girl said it quickly, without thought. She didn't take her eyes away from the dwindling sun even when Harry turned to her in shock. "That's my name, Natasha."
It was then that Harry knew there was only one possible answer he would have to her question.
"I'm Harry." He held out his hand to her and smirked when she looked at him in shock. Maybe she thought it was a lie, after all it was a common name. It took her a few moments, but she grabbed his hand and shook. "I have a feeling this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful partnership."
Harry and Natasha entered the hotel room together, unchanged from the afternoon. She tossed the school jacket onto the chair and pulled on her old pair of pants underneath the uniform skirt.
He took the moment to sit at the table and take off his own jacket. He tucked a hand into one of his jacket pockets as he removed it and pulled out a CD. "I have a present for you." They had stopped for food on the way back to the hotel and Harry had slipped away for a second to get her this.
The girl's emotionless mask slipped back into place as she stared at him and the disk in his hand. It only took a few seconds for her to take the CD from Harry's hand and sit back down at the table.
"What is it?" She looked at the thing curiously turning it over in her hands.
"That my dear is a CD that is necessary if we are going to be partners at all." She read the front cover and looked back at him with disbelief. Harry pulled the CD player from his pocket and handed it to her. "That is what you use to play it."
He ignored the familiar glare she gave him. "I know what a CD is, Harry. Though why this?"
"Well, little spider, I got sick of listening to you butcher the English language so I decided to give you a gift." He pointed to the CD. "That will teach you how to speak without a noticeable accent. I think the teacher is American so maybe you will get one of those." He shrugged. "Either way, it is better than the babble that you are currently spitting out." He pulled away from the table and for the second time that day headed for the bathroom to wash away the grime, and cut the new cut he received.
He paused at the door again. He couldn't resist looking back at her. Her dirty school uniform shirt and dark gray pants, neither really fit the girl that sat at the table one hand touching the CD and player lightly, almost caressed it. He turned away from the sight without another thought.
AN: Hello there. This chapter is quite a bit like the old chapter. I guess I liked it too much to change a lot. Though I hope in certain ways it was better.
"проснись" - Wake up
"какого черта?" - What the hell?
"пошел на хуй" - F*** You
Thanks for reading,