To Boldly Go

(The First Harry Potter - Star Trek Online Crossover)

I, in no way own, claim to speak for, or represent any character or persons involved in this story. Any description, likeness; or portrayal of people, persons or events in no way is meant to show the views, opinions or actions of said people, persons or events. Any and all licences and trademarks belong to their respective parties, and their lack of comment or notice to the writer is considered consent of non-profitable use.

Lightly Proofread by Antt1995

Revised and Beta'd by 'Joe Lawyer'

Chapter 1

Well that screwed up fast.

"Computer, open new personal log. Stardate… No freaking clue, haven't worked out this new date system yet. Let's just say four hundred and eleven Terran standard solar years since I.G."

The sounds of someone stretching filtered through the background of the recording along with the odd click of bones readjusting followed by a pleasurable sigh.

"Apparently all the cool kids do these personal log things these days. Ha! Not that there are many who aren't kids compared to me. In my day they'd be called journals or diaries or something and you'd write them down, not stare into a monitor and talk aloud to an empty room. Still... I'm giving it a shot, I guess. Where to start? Well, I'll start at the very beginning. It's a very good place to start." The voice trailed off humming a tune for a moment before stopping and getting wistful for a moment. "I wonder if that song survived the wars. Anyways, from the top... My name is Harry James Potter; I am a Pre-Warp Homo Sapiens Magica, or Subspecies M in the common parlance.

I am a Mage."

- Department of Mysteries - 00:08 – April 3, 2063 - 65 I.G. -

Standing before the veil of death was always an interesting experience for him. If he had to put it into words, Harry could feel...something, on the other side, calling to him, reaching out to him. He just hoped his parents would understand this decision of his.

They had been so busy fighting Tom and his Death Eaters for all those years that they had completely ignored the muggles. Even as the Deathly Hallows had fallen into his hands, the world's population was still reeling from the effects of the 'supermen.' While the battered wizarding population was still scattered across their heavily warded enclaves and happily ignorant of the wider world around them. The Eugenics Wars had been raging across the world while they were struggling to kill their own mad man with delusions of power and domination.

In 1992 the great Khan Noonien Singh turned his attentions to the magicals, and more specifically to gaining their power for himself. The mighty Khan, the man who thought himself the pinnacle of human evolution and power, however, found himself utterly unable to wield magic and raged at the mages, killing all that he could find across the Middle East and Asia. Burning down the hidden Babylonian city of the hanging gardens and assassinating the Indian mystics, while his allies across the globe hunted other magicals.

Eventually Khan was brought down and when magical europeans learned of their brothers and sisters' plight it was the Man-Who-Conquered that lead the way in the international search and rescue missions, helping to relocate tens of thousands of magicals to Britain and to recover untended magical artefacts to ensure the International Statute of Secrecy was maintained.

In better years, when the magical governments worldwide still had the power and the will and just a bit of foresight, hidden initiatives to disarm or sabotage the great nuclear arsenals of the cold war took place, yet such projects had stopped or been cancelled with the magical wars of the 1980s and 90s, Tom not being the only Dark Lord the Magical world had faced during that period.

Hiding as best they could, the battered magicals could only watch in 2026 as the first nuclear bombs dropped and World War III began. Holed up in the fortress of Hogwarts and protected by its ancient and powerful wards, the now Lord Potter-Black etcetera could only watch helplessly as the magical survivors he called brothers and sisters fell sick from the side effects of the devastating weapons that the wards had never been designed to stop.

The remains of numerous chemical and biological weapons along with radiation fallout from detonated atomic bombs covered the globe. It was during the harsh atomic winter of 2027 that Ginny and many others died. While magic did supplement and offer a powerful protection against most dangers, a combination of acute hunger, radiation sickness and indiscriminate chemical attacks drained the magicals' reserves of power and correspondingly weakened their immune system. Consequently, most were unable to survive bouts of flu or other illnesses that swept through the castle, killing most of the purebloods whose natural immune system had always needed the reinforcement of their magic.

With Ginny dead, Harry left the then Hermione Weasley in charge of Hogwarts, putting on his battle robes once more and throwing the wizarding world's most powerful and deadly weapon into the seemingly endless apocalypse. Working alongside several government remnants under the codename 'Lightning Strike,' he terrorised his foes, though afterwards he didn't much care to remember the last years of the war or the many atrocities he had felt the need to commit to bring an end to the conflict. There would be no winners to that war, only losers.

In the end, the magical species was on the verge of extinction, and though Harry had gathered survivors from across the globe to Hogwarts, they were simply too few in number to risk being apart. There was far greater strength in community. Harry had also discovered his seeming immortality, a final gift and curse from the Hallows that had bound themselves to him. With this realization he retreated from even his own kind. He began to wander the sprawling irradiated wastelands of the various nations, only returning to Hogwarts for newly created spells to help clean up the effects of the war, in a seemingly pointless struggle to repair the terrible damage done to the planet. The muggles he came across even began calling him the 'Lonely Wanderer,' after he had gained a reputation in several places cleaning up the scum of humanity who somehow always managed to find a way to survive and yet made it worse for all the rest in doing so.

Magicals had long known that they were tied to the earth, connected to it in ways the muggles were not. In fact it was the Earth's ley lines which fueled their magic and created muggleborns, yet the Earth was so changed and damaged by the war that the ley lines had been broken, the energy fields disrupted and out of synch. Only Harry could now cast spells without worrying about giving up years of his immortal life, as the magic inside the rest of the surviving magicals could no longer recharge at the same rate.

It was Rose Weasley in 2057, Hermione's own daughter, who finally brought a nearly broken Harry back into the fold and took off his armour five years after the war had ended, then slowly coaxing him into her bed and rebuilding his mind and soul with her love and acceptance. It was this act which allowed them to discover a temporary means of salvation and thus stop Hermione from cursing his bits off.

It had long been known, yet rarely seen in practice, that when a witch and wizard had sex and one partner had far more power than the other, the significantly more magically powerful lover would temporarily gift part of their magic to permanently strengthen their partner's core via their magical essences, till the pair were of equal power. The effect was measurable due to the weaker party giving off a luminous glow after each coupling. The level of magical power needed for this phenomenon to come into effect was unheard of in the modern day. Even a powerful wizard having sex with muggle woman, who all possessed a tiny magical core, would not be able to trigger the effect.

With Harry's unlimited magical reserves granted by the Hallows, Harry found the witches of Hogwarts begging him to 'share his magic,' as it came to be known, and many very satisfied witches would return to their children, partners and loved ones to share the magic in their recharged cores using medical or ritualistic spells. Not every witch would choose to seek him out, but after Rose talked to him and convinced him that she was fine with it and told the witches of Hogwarts the same, he lovingly accepted all who came to him, yet always remembered to cast a powerful contraceptive charm beforehand.

Sadly, Rose herself could not give him an heir, no matter how much they would have wanted that, as the devastation wrought by the conflicts had affected them all, radiation, disease and near starvation-like conditions did not help a then young girl's development or fertility. Both, however, contented themselves looking after the many orphans at Hogwarts, becoming much loved surrogate parents to a slew of little ones.

Harry learnt much over those next few years with Hermione as his mother-in-law, who seemed bound and determined to teach him all that she knew and more, before her inevitably early death. Despite witches and wizards living to an average of 150 or more only a few decades prior, the war and its acute environmental damage had reduced the life expectancy of most magicals to about thirty-five. Even with Harry giving regular transfusions of magic, that were less and less effective each time, a witch could only hope to live to see her sixtieth year.

However, all was not doom and gloom, as the planet did show some signs of slow recovery and the magical ley lines began to reset themselves.

Harry kept himself busy by filling his days with learning and acting as an advisor to his people, as he had refused to lead them. He also took up the hobby of recovering and modifying muggle technology to help the magicals live their lives and improve their situation.

By 2059 Earth's recovery was well underway, and the muggle world had mostly restored order to the various war-torn nations, if sometimes under brutal regimes. Yet the magical world was not so lucky in their recovery. After an incredibly harsh winter in 2058, the sum total of known magicals stood at one hundred and twenty-eight souls, only thirteen under the age of eighteen.

Rose herself died the next year, due to complications brought on by her harsh childhood growing up in the still highly radioactive environment. Six days later Hermione passed on as well, joining her husband and children in the afterlife; Harry had no choice but to persevere.

With his people now numbering less than a hundred, Harry knew that Hogwarts would never again see new students. And so he dedicated himself to diligently caring for his dying fellow magicals, as well as beginning to shut Hogwarts down, hiding away what little was left of the magical world for good.

On July 16, 2061, Luna Selene Lovegood, while holding Harry's hand, took her last breath and began the next great adventure. At the time of her passing she was the last surviving witch on the planet and the last mortal resident of Hogwarts. Two days after her burial, among the seemingly endless rows of transfigured tombstones surrounding Hogwarts, the handful of surviving house elves, who had bound themselves to Harry, asked their master if they could be allowed to pass on as well. Harry transfigured them some beautiful gravestones for their many years of loyal and dedicated service and sadly granted their request. They then ritualistically killed themselves, their last act of loving service was to bury themselves at the same time, so as not to leave a mess. Harry unabashedly wept at being the last wizard left on Earth, alone in his grief.

Deciding to seal the castle's great wards, that even he he could not fully collapse while tied to them as Lord and headmaster, Harry went south, carefully sweeping the whole of the U.K. for any traces of magic and ensuring those sources would not be found, just as he had done long ago when cleaning up the radiation. Finally reaching the Goblin stronghold of Gringotts Bank in the half occupied ruins of London, Harry found a small group of living Goblins who welcomed their only surviving customer with a surprisingly jovial mood. Any of the long held antagonism that usually showed towards wizards seemed to be long burned out by the horrors they'd all suffered alike. Who knew that the way to truly unite magical beings was to bring them all to near extinction by the muggles' bad decisions.

While the Earth's ley lines were far from fully restored, they had reached the halfway point in their recovery, and though the Goblins were saddened (if only a little) that the wizards had not survived, the warrior bankers held out hope that they would be able to survive as a species, though they were somewhat cryptic about their plans for a 'Perfect World.'

With their guidance, Harry conducted a last planet-wide sweep for magical energies, raiding tombs for magical texts and artifacts and killing the last giants, dragons and yeti to protect the muggles. There had been two real surprises on his mission though, the first had been uncovering a particularly rude, shape-shifting, incredibly powerful, ancient master vampire dressed in red. Yet after a seven-day long titanic battle, even this powerful vampire fell to the Master of Death. The other surprise had actually decided to join him for the ride.

Letting out a half hearted groan he brushed aside the phantom voices his memories had brought forth and readied himself to embrace death. The 'Veil' was his last hope to be reunited with his friends, family and loved ones who had passed beyond even his reach, into the next great adventure. He had had his fill of adventures, enough for a dozen lifetimes, but his time had passed and now he just wanted to see his loved ones once again.

So now he stood ready to meet his end in front of the veil of death, still housed in the abandoned, half collapsed Department of Mysteries, his pockets stuffed full with shrunken trunks containing anything and everything magical or muggle that he believed should be sent into the afterlife and thus out of the reach of any who might stumble upon them and endanger themselves or others.

It was selfish, he knew, but the muggles would recover and his spells and wards would hold for a good ten thousand years at least, hiding what little remained of the magical world and delaying its discovery.

When the spells and wards inevitably fell to the relentless demands of time and the muggles came across what remained, he left carefully crafted panels made of gold in the Hogwarts entry hall for his non-magical brethren to find. Each panel, written in numerous languages and even including images in case they couldn't be read any longer, bore stories detailing the rich history of the magical people and their eventual fall. He had even left a pensieve full of memories that they might be able to use, assuming their physical forms were even compatible anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Harry genuinely smiled and laughed softly at the feeling of nervous excitement bubbling up inside him as he walked up the worn steps in front of the arch. Stopping, he took a final breath, before, without any fear or trepidation, walked through the one thing that promised all beings the release of death. It was now his time to begin the next great adventure.

- Location Unknown -

His first thought on the other side of the veil was that he could see the stars, and by Morgana were they beautiful. He had never seen them so clear during the day before! And then he saw the bones. Hundreds of bleached white skeletons stretched out before him on the ground, many wearing metal cuffs mixed in amongst the plain grey dirt.

Dropping suddenly to his knees, he thought at first that it was out of shock, before he noticed a twin pair of suns high in the sky. Letting out a silent scream of horror at the realization that he was no longer on Earth, he faded unconscious, suffocating on the non-existent atmosphere of this strange world far from home.

- United Federation of Planets Historical Database -

(AN: Years with changes to timeline are marked in bold.)

Important Historical Event from Earth, Sol, Year 2062 A.D. to current Star Date.

2063 - Humanity achieves warp flight by mission commander Zefram Cochrane. He is later hailed as the father of human warp flight. The Vulcans initiate First Contact with Earth shortly after this demonstration of human warp capability.

2065 - After negotiations between Vulcan and Earth, Vulcan science teams move to help repair ecological damage done to Earth. Vulcan team leaders note lower than expected levels of damage.

2073 - Vulcan High Command dismisses correlation found by ground teams on Earth of historical sightings of the 'Lonely Wanderer' and the sudden decrease in historically recorded radiation levels in said regions. Several large stockpiles of atomic, chemical, experimental and conventional weapons are found missing from abandoned military bases across the Earth. Scavengers are blamed.

2083 - Earth prepares to found colonies on Mars in next twenty years.

2103 - First human colony on Mars is founded.

2104 - The ecological recovery of Earth is declared complete, well ahead of previously thought possible estimates for a conflict of its size.

2135 - The United Earth government reorganises Orbital Command and the United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA) into the Earth Defence Force (EDF), Starfleet and the Earth Cargo Service (ECS).

2150 - The last remaining sovereign nation agrees to join the United Earth government and thus global unity is achieved for the first time in human history. Unearthed recordings of the 'Lonely Wanderer' show him disarming weapons of mass destruction at several military bases, more records soon follow. The 'Lonely Wanderer' is linked to 'Lightning Strike,' who ran peacekeeping and disarmament missions during the chaos of World War III along with his other vigilante work. He is posthumously awarded the rank of Fleet Admiral in the EDF by the United Earth government for contributions to human progress and the betterment of mankind. Several other vigilantes are posthumously given ranks under his command, forming the entirely ceremonial, ship-less, Response Fleet Zero.

2151 - The Enterprise NX-01 is launched from Earth orbital shipyards.

2153 - Earth Xindi war breaks out, leaving seven million dead in unprovoked surprise attack.

2161 - After jointly winning a war against the Romulans lasting from 2156-2160, Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar found the United Federation of Planets in San Francisco. All naval and military elements of the founding member planets are folded into the new Starfleet of the Federation.

2224 - Tensions between the Federation and the Klingon Empire lead to a decades-long state of cold war.

2250 - Christopher Pike takes command of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

2265 - The U.S.S. Enterprise begins its infamous five-year mission under the command of Captain James T. Kirk

2267 - After a short period of war, the Treaty of Organia is signed by the Federation and the Klingon Empire

2285 - The U.S.S. Enterprise is destroyed over the Genesis planet in the Mutara Nebula. The U.S.S Enterprise-A is commissioned the following year.

2293 - The Klingon moon, Praxis, explodes. The First Khitomer Accords are signed. The U.S.S Enterprise-B launches on its maiden voyage on which James T. Kirk disappears.

2344 - The U.S.S. Enterprise-C is destroyed in the Battle of Narendra III, defending a Klingon colony from Romulan attackers.

2353 - The Borg becomes aware of humanity's existence due to a message sent 200 years earlier. The U.S.S. Raven sets out the following year. The Treaty of Alliance is signed by the Federation and the Klingon Empire.

2364 - The U.S.S. Enterprise-D is commissioned under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The following year, official first contact between the Federation and the Borg Collective leads to decades of hostile engagements.

2367 - The Federation loses 39 starships at the Battle of Wolf 359; it is one of the largest losses in Federation history.

2369 - The occupation of Bajor ends. Starfleet takes control of starbase Deep Space Nine and discovers the Bajoran wormhole; Starfleet begins exploration of the Gamma Quadrant through the wormhole.

2371 - The U.S.S. Voyager launches under the command of Captain Kathryn Janeway and is lost in the Delta Quadrant. The Bajoran - Cardassian Peace Treaty is signed. The Founders infiltrate the Alpha Quadrant. The Enterprise-D is destroyed.

2372 - The Enterprise-E launches under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

2373 - The Federation-Klingon War ends. The Dominion War begins as the Cardassian Union officially joins the Dominion. The Borg attempt to assimilate Earth during the Battle of Sector 001. The Borg invades Fluidic Space for the first time and ignites a brutal conflict with the Undine. The next year 2,800 Dominion ships disappear inside the Bajoran wormhole at the intervention of the Prophets.

2375 - 2,147 people are killed in a Breen attack on San Francisco. Martok becomes Chancellor of the Klingon Empire after the death of Gowron. The Dominion War ends with the Battle of Cardassia and the Treaty of Bajor. The Undine prepares to infiltrate the Federation for the first time. The next year Starfleet makes contact with the U.S.S. Voyager still stranded in the Delta Quadrant.

2378 - U.S.S. Voyager returns home after seven years lost in the Delta Quadrant.

2383 - The Federation's opposition to the Klingon takeover of Khitomer leads to a diplomatic crisis.

2387 - The Hobus star goes supernova, destroying Romulus, Remus and several other Romulan worlds.

2388 - The Klingon Empire refuses to assist in Federation relief efforts in Romulan space. The Orion Syndicate under Melani D'ian considers cooperation with both the Klingon Empire and the Breen. The next year the Gorn ally with the Nausicaans to respond to the Klingons' attacks.

2393 - Melani D'ian, leader of the Orion Syndicate, signs an alliance with J'mpok and the Klingon Empire. As a gift, she sends 1,500 Orion slave women to be servants to the Klingon Great Houses; it is unknown how many are spies.

2394 - The I.K.S. Kang crosses into Gorn space in its investigation of the Undine infiltration.

2399 - The I.K.S. Kang returns to Qo'noS with evidence that the Undine are controlling the Gorn Hegemony and are responsible for the conflict with the Klingon Empire. J'mpok declares war on the Gorn after receiving proof of the Undine infiltration of the Gorn Hegemony. A combined Orion and Klingon fleet invades Gorn space in 2399 and clashes with the Gorn and Nausicaan fleet protecting their key worlds. The Klingons withdraw from the Khitomer Accords after the Federation Council condemns the Klingon's invasion of the Gorn Hegemony.

2404 - The Gorn Hegemony surrenders to the Klingons. The Klingons publicly execute more than a dozen Undine infiltrators in the Gorn government and military.

2409 – The U.S.S. New England, under the command of Captain Taggart, deployed three days ahead of schedule without confirmed First Officer on a Priority One VIP retrieval mission tasked with bringing said VIP back to Earth.

- Alandra Mining Colony - Four days before Invasion of Vega Colony - 411 I.G. -

The Alandra Mining Colony on the edge of the Delta Volanis Cluster was home to a only few miners and surveyors providing a moderate sized yield of raw materials for the Federation's war effort, while protected only by a few turrets and some bunker grade shields.

However, the place briefly gained notoriety when survey crews came across hundreds of centuries old human skeletons around a menacing looking stone portal, and one other body that defied any reasonable explanation.

AN: A note of thanks to Tsukune08 for the sharing magic via sex and glowing idea from the story HP and Teammates on HPFanFicArchive. I'm casting Harry as an Engineer class for anyone who wants to know (The Miracle worker power can only be explained by Reparo). Yes, this is another harem story. No, there will be no M/Slash. No, I'm not anti-gay I'm just not interested in writing or reading M/Slash. Yes, every member of the harem will be willing. No, I am not profiting from this story in any way or intend to infringe on any rights, trademarks or other copyrighted material, I am simply writing a fan made, no profit, crossover story, a novelization of an MMOG.

This is a back burner project for me with chapters being completed as I play through the updated missions of the Star Trek Online Federation Campaign, though I will be trying to work in crossover missions with the other factions.

One final note, anyone wanting to do something like this a Naruto Tactical Officer crossover or a Fallout Science Officer crossover would be welcomed. Those were the other ideas I was playing with, but the HP one won out.