![]() Author has written 60 stories for Torchwood, Highlander, CSI: Miami, Smallville, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Harry Potter, Star Trek: 2009, Justice League, Eureka, Hobbit, Queer as Folk, Merlin, CSI: New York, Brothers & Sisters, Avengers, Stargate: Atlantis, Warehouse 13, and Thor. Hey, I am mainly a slash fangirl, but there are some het pairings I ship. Favorite characters: Ianto Jones, Sam Winchester, Bonnie Bennett and Morgana Supernatural: Dean/Sam(OTP), Dean/Castiel/Sam, Castiel/Sam, Dean/Gabriel, Benny/Dean, Gabriel/Castiel, Balthazar/Castiel, Castiel/Meg. I am a Sam girl and proud of it! I have lost all interest in Destiel and no longer write or ship it but my Wincestiel series is still on going as I love both Wincest and Sastiel and like the idea of Sam in the middle of Dean and Cas. Torchwood/Dr.Who: Jack/Ianto(OTP. Janto will live forever!), John/Tosh, Owen/Tosh, Jack/Ianto/John, The Doctor/Ianto/Jack(OT3) Doctor/Ianto, Jack/Ianto/Tosh, Owen/Katie, Doctor/Donna, Doctor/Martha, Andy/Tosh, Doctor/Tosh, Suzie/Tosh, Master/Martha, John/Martha, Tom/Martha, Mickey/Martha, Rhys/Donna, Rhys/Kathy. The only pairings I truly hate are Jack/Gwen (Gwack is wack), Ianto/Gwen (never), Doctor/Gwen (no,just no) and John/Gwen, Jack belongs with Ianto and John belongs with Tosh. Plus I hate Gwen with a firey passion. I am also a fan of Torchwood crossovers some of my favorite pairings are: Supernatural/Torchwood Couples: Jack/Sam/Ianto/Dean, Dean/Ianto, Dean/Ianto/Sam, Sam/Tosh, Sam/Ianto, Jack/Sam, Dean/Martha, Dean/Tosh, Dean/Ianto/Jack, Castiel/Ianto It should be clear that Ianto and Tosh are my favorites followed by Martha and Donna. Like many I hated the ending of COE and refused to have nothing to do with MD. Most of my stories will be fix-it or AU's where they didn't happen. Merlin: Arthur/Merlin(OTP), Gwaine/Morgana(OTP) Lancelot/Merlin, Morgana/Gwen, Lancelot/Gwen, Merlin/Morgana, Arthur/Morgana, Merlin/Gwen, Lancelot/Merlin, Leon/Morgana Vampire Daries Pairings: Klaus/Bonnie(OTP), Kol/Bonnie, Tyler/Bonnie, Damon/Bonnie, Stefan/Bonnie, Rebekah/Bonnie, Elijah/Bonnie, Matt/Caroline, Matt/Rebekah, Stefan/Rebekah, Stefan/Klaus, Stefan/Katherine, Stefan/Caroline. I love Bonnie paired also with any crossover ship. Not a Elena or Delena fan. Favorite anime and characters: Sailor Moon Favorite characters :Rei she rules my all time favorite character ever. Hotaru is my second favorite and I love the outer scouts. Favorite Sailor Moon couples: Yaten/Rei, Seyia/Rei, Kunzite/Rei, Jadeite/Rei, Nephrite/Rei, Rubeus/Rei, Sapphire/Rei, Prince Diamond/Rei, Haruka/Rei, Michiru/Rei, Trista/Rei, Haruka/Michiru DBZ Couples: Trunks/Gotan, Goku/Vegeta, Miari Trunks/17 Fushigi Yuugi Couples :Nakago/Yui, Hotohori/Yui, Tasuki/Yui Gundam Wing Couples: Heero/Duo, Millardo/Wufei, Trowa/Quatre, Wufei/Duo Saiyuki Couples: Sanzo/Goku Hakkai/Gojyo Kougaiji/Duko , Homaru/Kou, Gojyo/Goku, Sanzo/Hakkai, Sanzo/Gojyo, Hakkai/Goku, Kou/Goku Naruto: Hinata is my favorite character.I also love Itachi, Kakashi, Naruto, Neji, Gaara , Yondaime and Genma. Favorite pairings are in bold. Bold, underlined and italic means the one pairing I love the most for that person. Hinata: Kakashi, Itachi(OTP), Gaara, Neji, Deidara, Sasori, Hidan, Sai, Temari, Ino Naruto Crossover Pairings: Bleach/Naruto: Byakuya/Hinata, Renji/Hinata, Hinata/Ichigo, Hitsugaya/Hinata(OTP), Hinata/Shuuhei, Ulquiorra/Hinata, Kakashi/Orihime, Ulquiorra/Itachi, Gaara/Orihime, Neji/Orihime, Ichigo/Ino, Renji/Ino, Grimmjow/Ino, Tatsuki/Kakashi, Sasuke/Tatsuki, Neji/Tatsuki, Tatsuki/Gaara, Tatsuki/Hidan, Rukia/Shikamaru, Rukia/Kiba, Rukia/Genma, Naruto/Soi Fon, Naruto/Matsumoto, Naruto/Ichigo, Naruto/Yoruichi, Kakashi/Matsumoto, Hidan/Matsumoto, Neji/Matsumoto, Kisuke/Temari, Itachi/Orihime, Renji/Temari, Ichigo/Tenten, Ichigo/Temari, Grimmjow/Temari, Shuuhei/Tenten, Gaara/Matsumoto, Kakashi/Unohana, Genma/Unohana, Sasori/Unohana, Deidara/Unohana, Hidan/Unohana Naruto/YGO pairings: Seto/Hinata, Bakura/Hinata, Marik/Hinata, Ino/Ryou, Ino/Yami, Temari/Jou, Temari/Alaster, Tenten/Duke, Tenten/Valon, Gaara/Anzu, Anzu/Kakashi, Anzu/Neji, Bakura/Ino, Malik/Temari, Bakura/Tenten. Bleach: I love this series. Orihime, Unohana and Tatsuki are my favorite females. I also like Rukia, Karin and Matsumoto. My favorite guys are Byakuya, Ulquiorra, Renji, Kisuke, Hitsugaya,and Ichigo. I really love Tatsuki and Orihime crack pairings. Bleach pairings: Byakuya/Orihime, Renji/Orihime, Ichigo/Orihime, Ulquiorra/Orihime, Hitsugaya/Orihime, Orihime/Kisuke, Orihime/Grimmjow, Orihime/Shuuhei, Orhime/Rukia, Orihime/Tatsuki, Renji/Tatsuki, Ichigo/Tatsuki, Tatsuki/Shuuhei, Grimmjow/Tatsuki Rukia/Ichigo, Rukia/Ishida, Renji/Rukia, Matsumoto/Gin, Hitsugaya/Matsumoto, Renji/Matsumoto, Karin/Hitsugaya, Yuzu/Jinta, Byakuya/Renji, Renji/Ichigo, Byakuya/Ichigo, Renji/Shuuhei, Kisuke/Ichigo, Ukitake/Shunsui, Soi Fon/Yoruichi, Byakuya/Unohana, Kisuke/Unohana, Grimmjow/Orihime/Ulquiorra(OTP) IY/Bleach crossover pairings(I love crack parings.): Sesshomaru/Orihime, Orihime/Inuyasha, Sesshomaru/Unohana, Kouga/Orihime, Bankotsu/Orihime, Orihime/Naraku, Byakuya/Sango, Sango/Renji, Hitsugaya/Sango, Kisuke/Sango, Sango/Ichigo, Sango/Shuuhei, Kouga/Tatsuki, Tatsuki/Inuyasha, Tatsuki/Bankotsu, Tatsuki/Sesshomaru, Miroku/Tatsuki, Kikyo/Ishida, Rukia/Inuyasha, Rukia/Miroku, Matsumoto/Kouga, Matsumoto/Miroku, Matsumoto/Inuyasha, Sesshomaru/Matsumoto, Sesshomaru/Byakuya, Renji/Inuyasha, Ichigo/Inuyasha, Kouga/Renji, Kouga/Ichigo, Byakuya/Inuyasha, Ulquiorra/Sesshomaru Grimmjow/Inuyasha YYH/Bleach pairings: Kurama/Orihime, Youko/Orihime, Hiei/Orihime, Orihime/Kuronue, Kuronue/Rukia, Rukia/Hiei, Rukia/Touya, Rukia/Jin, Shizuru/Kisuke, Shizuru/Renji, Byakuya/Shizuru, Hitsugaya/Yukina, Yukina/Ichigo, Yusuke/Tatsuki, Tatsuki/Kuronue, Hiei/Tatsuki, Tatsuki/Kurama, Tatsuki/Youko Matsumoto/Yusuke, Kuronue/Matsumoto, Byakuya/Youko, Hiei/Ichigo, Renji/Kurama, Youko/Renji, Youko/Shuuhei, Ichigo/Yusuke, Hiei/Hitsugaya, Kurama/Hitsugaya, Youko/Unohana,Kuronue/Unohana Bleach/YGO pairings: Marik/Orihime, Orihime/Bakura, Seto/Orihime, Tatsuki/Jou, Tatsuki/Seto, Bakura/Tatsuki, Tatsuki/Marik, Tatsuki/Malik, Rukia/Bakura, Anzu/Byakuya, Anzu/Renji, Anzu/Shuuhei, Hitsugaya/Anzu, Anzu/Kisuke, Byakuya/Ishizu, Ishizu/Kisuke Sailor Moon Crossover Pairings, favorites in bold SM/GW: Heero/Rei, Millardo/Rei, Trowa/Rei, Rei/Duo, Rei/Quatre,Rei/Wufei, Rei/Treze, Hotaru/Heero, Duo/Hotaru, Trowa/Hotaru, Wufei/Hotaru, Quatre/Hotaru, Wufei/Ami, Ami/Quatre, Ami/Duo, Wufei/Makoto, Duo/Makoto, Makoto/Quatre, Wufei/Mina, Mina/Trowa, Mina/Duo, Quatre/Mina, Hakura/Trowa, Hakura/Duo, Hakura/Millardo, Hakura/Treze, Hakura/Wufei, Hakura/Heero, Trowa/Trista, Trista/Millardo, Treze/Trista, Michiru/Quatre, Michiru/Millardo, Michiru/Treze, Millardo/Rei/Heero, Heero/Rei/Trowa, Treze/Rei/Millardo SM/IY: Sesshomaru/Rei(OTP), Inuyasha/Rei, Kouga/Rei, Bankotsu/Rei, Naruka/Rei, Inuyasha/Hotaru, Kouga/Hotaru, Hotaru/Bankotsu, Hotaru/Miroku, Hakura/Sesshomaru, Hakura/Miroku, Hakura/Kouga, Suikotsu/Ami, Ami/Inuyasha, Kouga/Makoto, Makoto/Miroku, Makoto/Inuyasha, Miroku/Mina, Mina/Kouga, Sesshomaru/Trista, Trista/Bankotsu, Trista/Kouga, Michiru/Sesshomaru, Michiru/Bankotsu, Seyia/Sango, Yaten/Sango, Kunzite/Sango, Nephrite/Sango, Jadeite/Sango, Nephrite/Kikyo, Jadeite/Ayame, Seyia/Kagura, Sesshomaru/Rei/Inuyasha, Kouga/Rei/Inuyasah, Sesshoamru/Rei/Kouga, Naruka/Rei/Sesshoamru, Bankotsu/Rei/Naruka SM/YYH: Kurama/Rei, Youko/Rei(OTP), Hiei/Rei, Rei/Kuronue, Rei/Touya, Rei/Sniper, Rei/Yomi, Hiei/Hotaru(OTP), Hotaru/Yusuke, Hotaru/Jin, Hotaru/Touya, Touya/Ami, Ami/Hiei, Ami/Yusuke, Hakura/Hiei, Hakura/Kuronue, Hakura/Kurama, Jin/Hakura, Michiru/Kuronue, Michiru/Kurama, Michiru/Touya, Yusuke/Makoto, Makoto/Konema, Konema/Mina, Mina/Jin, Mina/Touya, Trista/Youko, Kuronue/Trista, Trista/Konema, Trista/Hiei, Youko/Rei/Kuronue, Kurama/Rei/Hiei SM/YGO: Marik/Rei, Seto/Rei(OTP), Bakura/Rei, Rei/Malik, Rei/Duke, Rei/Valon, Yami/Hotaru, Bakura/Hotaru(OTP), Hotaru/Alaster, Hotaru/Ryou, Hakura/Jou, Hakura/Duke, Hakura/Bakura, Hakura/Yami, Hakura/Valon, Hakura/Raphel, Michiru/Ryou, Michiru/Yami, Michiru/Valon, Mina/Ryou, Mina/Yami, Duke/Mina, Mina/Jou, Jou/Makoto, Makoto/Duke, Makoto/Yami, Makoto/Valon, Ami/Valon, Ami/Alaster, Yami/Ami, Ryou/Ami, Seto/Trista, Atemu/Trista, Trista/Yami, Trista/Marik, Trista/Bakura SM/Naruto: Kakashi/Rei, Itachi/Rei(OTP), Neji/Rei, Gaara/Rei Rei/Sasuke, Rei/Genma, Rei/Sai, Rei/Sasori, Hidan/Rei, Rei/Deidara, Kyuubi/Hotaru, Naruto/Hotaru, Gaara/Hotaru(OTP), Hotaru/Sasuke, Hotaru/Kiba, Kakashi/Trista, Trista/Iruka, Sasori/Trista(OTP), Trista/Genma, Hakura/Kakashi, Hakura/Iruka, Hakura/Genma, Michiru/Kakashi, Michiru/Iruka, Michiru/Genma, Makoto/Lee, Makoto/Naruto, Genma/Makoto, Makoto/Kiba, Mina/Knakuro, Mina/Sasuke, Mina/Naruto, Mina/Kiba, Deidara/Mina, Sasori/Makoto, Shikamaru/Ami, Ami/Naruto, Kakashi/Rei/Itachi, Sasuke/Rei/Itachi, Sasori/Rei/Deidara, Itachi/Rei/Hidan SM/Shaman King: Hao/Rei, Ren/Hotaru, Ren/Rei, Lyserg/Hotaru, Amidamaru/Rei, Sliva/Rei, Amidamaru/Trista, Sliva/Trista, HoroHoro/Ami Harry Potter/SM: Draco/Rei(OTP), Sirius/Rei, Blaise/Rei, Oliver/Rei, Bill/Rei, Remus/Rei, Harry/Rei, Charlie/Rei, Harry/Hotaru)OTP), Draco/Hotaru, Fred/Hotaru, George/Hotaru, Oliver/Mina, Blaise/Mina, Harry/Mina, Charlie/Makoto, Fred/Makoto, George/Makoto, Harry/Ami, Oliver/Ami, Fred/Ami, George/Ami, Remus/Trista(OTP), Snape/Trista, Sirius/Trista, Lucius/Trista SM/Saiyuki: Sanzo/Rei(OTP), Kou/Rei, Homaru/Rei, Hakkai/Rei, Gojyo/Rei, Zenon/Rei, Gojyo/Mina, Zenon/Mina, Hakkai/Mina, Goku/Hotaru(OTP), Hakkai/Hotaru, Zenon/Hotaru, Dou/Makoto, Gojyo/Makoto, Zenon/Makoto, Hakkai/Ami, Kougaiji/Trista, Homaru/Trista FB/SM: Haru/Rei, Rei/Shigure, Rei/Kyo, Hatori/Rei(OTP), Rei/Ayame, Rei/Yuki, Rei/Kakeru, Haru/Hotaru, Hotaru/Yuki, Megumi/Hotaru, Momiji/Hotaru(OTP), Hakura/Shigure, Hakura/Hatori, Hakura/Ayame, Hakura/Kazuma, Michiru/Shigure, Michiru/Hatori, Michiru/Ayame, Trista/Ayame, Shigure/Trista(OTP), Trista/Hotari, Kyo/Makoto, Makoto/Kakeru, Makoto/Kazuma, Mina/Yuki, Mina/Kakeru, Mina/Ayame, Yuki/Ami, Ami/Momiji, Kyo/Rei/Haru, Hotari/Shigure/Rei/Ayame Bleach/SM: Renji/Rei, Byakuya/Rei(OTP), Ichigo/Rei, Hitsugaya/Rei, Rei/Kisuke, Rei/Shuuhei, Ulquiorra/Rei, Rei/Grimmjow, Hitsugaya/Hotaru(OTP), Hotaru/Ishida, Hotaru/Ichigo, Hotaru/Ulqiorra, Makoto/Ichigo, Grimmjow/Makoto, Shuuhei/Mina, Mina/Keigo, Ishida/Ami, Ami/Hitsugaya, Shunsui/Hakura, Hakura/Ikkaku, Hakura/Shuuhei, Hakura/Ichigo, Hakura/Kisuke, Kisuke/Trista(OTP), Trista/Byakuya, Trista/Ukitake, Michiru/Shuuhei, Ukitake/Michiru, Renji/Rei/Byakuya, Ichigo/Byakuya/Rei/Renji, Ichigo/Rei/Hitsugaya, Ulquiorra/Rei/Grimmjow. Host Club/SM:Rei/Tamaki, Rei/Hikaru, Rei/Kaoru, Rei/Mori, Rei/Kyoya, Hotaru/Honey, Tamaki/Hotaru, Hotaru/Mori, Hikaru/Rei/Kaoru Vampire Knight/SM:Zero/Rei, Kaname/Rei(OTP), Hotaru/Kain, Hotaru/Aido, Zero/Rei/Kaname FFVII/FFVIII/Kingdom Hearts/SM: (Squall)Leon/Rei(OTP), Riku/Rei, Axel/Rei, Cloud/Rei, Sephiroth/Rei, Sora/Hotaru, Roxas/Hotaru, Riku/Hotaru, Sefier/Rei, Sefier/Hotaru, Zell/Ami, Vincent/Rei, Rufus/Rei, Rufus/Setsuna, Reno/Setsuna, Reno/Rei, Cloud/Hotaru I also like the following pairings: Dante/Rei/Vergil, Rei/Dante, Rei/Vergil, Neo/Hotaru (Devil May Cry), Alucard/Rei(Hellsing) Yzak/Rei, Athrun/Rei, Rei/Rey, Shinn/Hotaru, Hotaru/Kira, (Gundam Seed/Destiny), Kanda/Rei/Lavi, Tyki/Rei/Lavi, Rei/Kanda, Rei/Tyki, Rei/Lavi, Hotaru/Allen (D.Grey-Man), Ace/Rei, Zolo/Rei, Rei/Shanks, Hotaru/Luffy, Makoto/Sanji (One Piece), Rei/Remy, Rei/Pietro, Rei/Angel, Rei/Lance, Mina/Kurt, Makoto/Piotr, Ami/Bobby, Hotaru/Sam, Hotaru/Roberto, Hotaru/Bobby (X-men evolution), Zuko/Rei, Rei/Jet, Hotaru/Aang, Mina/Sokka (Avatar), Rei/Train, Rei/Creed, Hotaru/Shoalee (Black Cat) Rowen/Rei, Sage/Rei, Ryo/Rei(Ronion Warriors),Hotohori/Rei, Nakago/Rei,Tasuki/Rei(FY) Rei/Krad, Dark/Rei, Daisuke/Hotaru, Satoshi/Hotaru(DN Angel), Hiro/Rei, K/Rei, Yuki/Rei, K/Trista(Gravitation), Light/Rei, Mello/Rei, L/Rei, Matt/Rei, Near/Hotaru, Matt/Makoto, L/Ami(Death Note), Mirai Trunks/Rei, Vegeta/Rei, Rei/Trunks, 17/Rei, Hotaru/Mirai Trunks, Hotaru/17, Hotaru/Goten(DBZ),Roy/Rei, Rei/Envy, Rei/Greed, Rei/Ed, Rei/Lin, Ed/Hotaru, Hotaru/Al, Scar/Trista, Hakura/Greed(FMA) Any other Rei pairing expect Rei/Chad I can't stand that pairing. YGO I love Marik, Seto, Malik and Bakura. My girls are Anzu and Ishuzu. YGO pairings I can't stand: Serenity/Seto I hate that pairing. Not the biggest fan of Yami/Anzu or Yugi/Anzu Fruits Basket: Haru/Hana, Hana/Shigure, Hana/Hatori, Hana/Kyo, Kyo/Kagura, Kagura/Shigure, Kagura/Yuki, Kagura/Haru, Uo/Kyo, Tohru/Yuki, Yuki/Haru, Haru/Kyo, Yuki/Kakeru, Shigure/Hatori, Ayame/Ritsu, Shigure/Ayame, Hatori/Ayame, Shigure/Kyo, Hatori/Kyo, Hatori/Haru, Kyo/Momiji, Haru/Momiji, Shigure/Momiji, Hotari/Momiji. FB/IY Crossovers : Sesshomaru/Hana, Inuyasha/Hana, Kouga/Hana, Kouga/Kagura, Kyo/Sango, Haru/Sango, Shigure/Sango, Hatori/Sango, Shigure/Inuyasha, Hatori/Sesshomaru, Kyo/Inuyasha D. Grey-Man pairings: Kanda/Allen, Tyki/Lavi, Cross/Miranda, Lavi/Allen, Tyki/Allen, Kanda/Miranda, Miranda/Reever, Miranda/Tyki, Komui/Miranda, Lavi/Miranda Lavi/Kanda, Lavi/Allen/Kanda, Lavi/Kanda/Allen/Tyki One Piece pairings: Zolo/Vivi, Ace/Vivi, Luffy/Nami, Zolo/Luffy, Pell/Vivi, Luffy/Vivi, Sanji/Nami, Shanks/Luffy, Mihawk/Zolo, Kyo Kara Maoh! pairings: Conrad/Yuri(OTP), Gwendal/Yuri, Gunter/Yuri, Yozak/Yuri, Yozak/Murata, Wolfram/Murata, Gwendal/Gunter FullMetal Alchemist couples: Roy/Ed(OTP), Lin/Ed, Greed/Ed, Envy/Ed, Scar/Ed, Havco/Roy, Havco/Hawkeye Death Note favorite pairings: Mello/Matt(OTP), L/Light, L/Matt, L/Mello, L/Matt/Mello, Near/Sayu, L/Sayu, Gundam Seed/Destiny : Athrun/Meyrin, Athrun/Lacus, Athrun/Kira, Athrun/Yzak, Yzak/Lacus, Athrun/Shinn, Rey/Shinn, Shinn/Lacus, Shinn/Meyrin, Rey/Meyrin, Gil/Rey, Gil/Kira, Yzak/Kira, Shinn/Kira, Kira/Lacus, Shinn/Lunamaria, Andrew /Lacus(Desert Tiger/Pink Princess) Eyeshield 21: Hiruma/Sena, Shin/Sena, Kakei/Sena, Akaba/Sena, Agon/Sena, Mizumachi/Sena, Riku/Sena, Kid/Sena, Jumonji/Sena, Sena/Suzuna, Unsui/Sena Any male/Sena, Kid/Riku, Riku/Suzuna, Mizumachi/Suzuna, Hiruma/Musashi, Agon/Hiruma, Takami/Sakuraba, Kakei/Akaba, Kakei/Mizumachi. Akaba/Kotaro Shaman King: Hao/Yoh(OTP), Ren/Yoh, Amdimaru/Yoh, Sliva/Yoh, Ren/HoroHoro, Pailong/Jun, Anna/Tamao, Ren/Tamao, HoroHoro/Anna Hetalia Axis Powers: America/Canada(OTP), Germany/Italy, England/France, Prussia/Canada, England/Canada, France/Canada, World/Canada, China/Korea Inuyasha: I love Inyuasha (aka Inu-puppy and white puppy). Sesshomaru(who doesn't love him?), Kouga(so cute), Bankotsu(why did he have to die) My girls are Sango, Ayame, Kagura, Kikyo and Rin Couples: Kouga/Sango(OTP), Bankotsu/Sango, Naraku/Sango, Kikyo/Inuyasha, Kikyo/Bankotsu, Kikyo/Miroku, Ayame/Kouga, Ayame/Inuyasha, Miroku/Ayame, Kagura/Kouga, Kagura/Miroku, Kagura/Inuyasha, Sesshomaru/Inuyasah( OTP) Naruka/Inuyasha, Sesshomaru/Naruka, Naruka/Bankotsu, , Bankotsu/Inuyasha, Kouga/Bankotsu, Kouga/Miroku, Sesshomaru/Sango, Inuyasha/Sango, Kouga/Inuyasha YHH: Kurama (My love). Hiei, Yusuke, Jin(my second favorite I just love the wind demon), Touya, Sniper. My girls are Shizuru, Yukina and Botan I also love YYH/IY crossover pairings:Hiei/Sango, Kurama/Sango, Youko/Sango,Sango/Kuroune, Sango/Sniper, Sango/Yomi, Sango/Jin, Sango/Touyo,Sesshomaru/Shizuru, Kouga/Shizuru, Shizuru/Bankotsu, Kikyo/Kuroune, Kikyo/Hiei, Hiei/Ayame Miroku/Yukina, Inuyasha/Yukina, Miroku/Botan, Inuyasha/Botan, Kagura/Jin, Sesshomaru/Kuronue, Sesshomaru/Hiei, Sesshomaru/Youko, Sesshomaru/Kurama, Kurama/Inuyasha, Hiei/Inuyasha, Youko/Inuyasha, Inuyasha/Yusuke, Kuronue/Inuyasha, Kouga/Yusuke, Kouga/Youko, Kouga/Kuronue, Favorite Naruto/Inuyasha pairings:Kakashi/Sango, Itachi/Sango, Gaara/Sango(OTP), Sango/Neji, Sasuke/Sango, Sango/Yondaime, Sesshomaru/Hinata, Hinata/Inuyasha, Kouga/Hinata(OTP), Bankotsu/Hinata, Ino/Kouga, Ino/Inuyasha, Bankotsu/Ino, Kouga/Temari Temari/Inuyasha, Sesshomaru/Temari, Tenten/Bankotsu, Tenten/Kouga. Miroku/Tenten, Kikyo/Yondaime, Kikyo/Kankuro, Kikyo/Genma, Kikyo/Iruka, Kikyo/Kakashi, Miroku/Sakura Sesshomaru/Kakashi, Sesshomaru/Itachi(OTP), Sesshomaru/Neji, Sesshomaru/Gaara, Inuyasha/Kiba, Inuyasha/Sasuke, Inuyasha/Itachi, Inuyasha/Naruto, Kakashi/Inuyasha(OTP), Neji/Inuyasha ,Gaara/Inuyasha Kouga/Neji, Kouag/Naruto, Kouga/Kiba, Gaara/Ayame, Neji/Ayame Other IY crossover couples I like: Sango/Dante, Sango/Vergil, Dante/Inuyasha, Vergil/Sesshomaru(Devil May Cry), Alucard/Sango(Hellsing), Sanzo/Sango, Sango/Goyjo, Sango/Hakkai, Sango/Kou, Kikyo/Sanzo, (older)Rin/Goku, Goyjo/Inuyasha, Sanzo/Sesshomaru, Homaru/Inuyasha, Sanzo/Inuyasha, Sesshomaru/Kougaiji(Saiyuki), Sango/Leon, Sango/Cloud, Sango/Axel, Sango/Riku, Sango/Sephiroth (Kingdom Hearts), Sango/Squall, Sango/Sefier, Selphie/Sesshomaru, Selphie/Inuyasha, Selphie/Kouga (FFVIII), Sango/Vincent, Sango/Rufus, Sango/Reno, Ayame/Reno, Kikyo/Rufus, Kagura/Cloud, Sephiroth/Sesshoamru, Vincent/Inuyasha, Cloud/Inuyasha, Reno/Inuyasha, Sephiroth/Sango/Vincent, Tifa/Inuyasha, Tifa/Kouga (FFVII) Spike/Sango, Angel(ous)/Sango, Kouga/Faith, Naruka/Faith, Sesshomaru/Xander, Angel(ous)/Inuyasha, Spike/Inuyasha,Inuyasha/Xander, (BTVS) Marik/Sango, Sango/Seto, Anzu/Kouga, Anzu/Inuyasha, Ishizu/Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru/Seto, Bakura/Inuyasha, Marik/Inuyasha, (Yu-Gi-Oh) Rants: I really hate Kagome/Sesshomaru pairing! That pairing is never going to happen. She's a whimp and Sesshomaru needs a strong mate someone like Inuyasha or Sango. And it's always the same plot Kagome catches Inuyasha with Kikyo and runs heartbroken to Sesshomaru. I mean come on at least come up with something new. Kagome is the one with Kouga and Hojo always after her. Kikyo was Inuyasha first love and he still loves her. Without Kikyo there would be no Kagome. Also Kagome fans say that Kikyo is standing in the way of Inuyasha and Kagome romance, isn't Kagome doing the same thing with Kouga and Ayame? Not once has Kagome told Kouga she's not intreasted, leading the poor guy on and breaking Ayame heart. So it seem to me she's no better than Kikyo for doing the same thing herself. If you don't like her with Inuyasha how do you expected to put her with the ice cold demon lord Sesshomaru? I mean at least Inuyasha shows he cares about her, Sesshomaru would have let her die all those times she was in trouble. To me it seems Kagome fans have to change her character. They make her into a Mary Sue or something she's not in almost every story I find. At least Inuyasha cares for her as she is. If Kagome was with Sesshomaru how long would it take for her to use a necklace and try to lease him to her? I notice all the Kagome fans like it when she sits Inuyasha. The poor guy can never say anything she wont like or she'll sit him. Inuyasha can't even think or act for himself. That is the only reason Inuyasha stays with her. I am so tired of Inuyasha bashing. Almost evey Kagome centerd story has Inuyasha betraying her so she can run off into the arms of another. If it wasn't for Inuyasha, Kagome would be long dead. He his always the one putting his life on the line to keep her safe. All she dose is scream and cry INUYASHA. Sometimes and only sometimes does Kagome really do anything. I see Kagome as a spoiled selfish childish brat, who runs home the moment she dosen't get her way. I wont basher in my stories but do not expect her to show up alot or getting a pairing. There are very and I mean very few Kagome pairings that I like. I notice that all the favorite anime characters are the ones who has never expirenced any hardships in life. Kagome, Sakura and Serena have always had things easy. Only in fanfictions do you see them have a taste of how hard life can be. It makes me sick. All they do in the anime is scream and cry for someone to say them. I like characters who have had a hard life. Like Inuyasha, Naruto, Gaara, Sango, Rei, and Hinata. They made themsevles strong to surive. I just want to know why are the weak, crybabies always the most popular? I also hate how Kagome can be pairied up with every guy. But Sango is always with Miroku. If Kagome can have thousands of guys (most of which the pairings don't even make sense). Then Sango could at least be given a different guy too. It makes me sick to see Kagome in almost everything on this site. I know the Kagome fans will say but she has a good heart and it's not her fault Inuyasha runs off to Kikyo. I am just sick and tired of Kagome getting all the attention when there are such stronger characters to focus on. Just so you know I will read Kagome and Serena fic if Rei, Inuyasha, Sango or Kikyo are in it and it's well written.But I will never read Kagome/Sesshomaru, Youko/Kagome, Hiei/Kagome, Kurama/Kagome, Youko/Serena, Hiei/Serena and Serena/Sesshomaru. The reasons I don't like Kagome. She is suppose to be the strong main female character but comes off so weak. All Kagome does in the anime is scream for Inuyasha and get's in the way. Not once do we ever see Kagome train to become stronger she is the weakest character in the show. I know tons of guys who watch and read Inuyasha and they all say the same thing. "If they were Inuyasha they would let the nearest demon eat Kagome if only to save their ears." Make her train to get stronger, make her work to be better than just getting in the way. I want her to have a true piece of how hard life can truly be. Also why is it that a great Sango story will hardly get any reviews but the worst Kagome story will get tons? All because who the story centers on. Grow up people Kagome is not the only female character out there. Here's an idea pick a new characters to read and write about because the Kagome thing is way over done. I am also not the biggest Sakura fan. I can not stand her younger fangirl self. Her older one is slowly growing on me at least I do not crige and glare at the tv when she is on. Still I do believe the other females in Naruto are alot better than her. I do wish they recived the attention they desver. Sailor Moon fics. I am so tired of the scouts betraying Serena. Almost every story I come across is the inners/outers betraying her and she's sent to another world or something to find love. First of all if the scouts wanted her dead they would have never risked their lives and died (many times) to save her. And Rei always seems to be the one who always betrays her. Rei is loyal to her princess and would never do that. X-men evolution fave Couples: Reitro, Rogan, Angel/Rogue, Magneto/Rogue, Ryro, Kurt/Wanda, Sam/Rahne, Roberto/Rhane, Bobby/Rahne, Peitro/Rahne, Lance/Rahne, Logan/Storm. Teen Titans : I am completly hooked on Raven/Robin and Raven/Nightwing. FFVII/AC Favorite Pairings: Sephiroth/Tifa, Vincent/Tifa, Tifa/Zack,Tifa/Reno, Cloud/Aeris, Reno/Yuffie, Rufus/Tifa Other tv shows characters and couples Stargate SG-1/Atlantis favorite pairings: Shepard/Lorne(OTP), Daniel/Janet, Jack/Janet, Jack/Sam, Jack/Daniel, Cam/Daniel, Teyla/Shepard, Teyla/Ronnon, Carson/Shepard, Ronnon/Carson, McKay/Elizabeth General Hospital pairings: Sonny/Alexis, Jason/Alexis, Jax/Alexis, Jason/Robin, Robin/Nikolas, Logan/Georgie, Cooper/Maxie, Spin/Maxie, Milo/Georgie, Johnny/Georgie(OTP). Nikolas/Georgie, Jason/Georgie I stopped caring about this show after they killed off Georgie Angel/Buffy couples: Spike/Faith, Angel/Faith, Angel/Lindsey, Faith/Lindsey, Cordy/Angel, Doyle/Cordy, Angel/Xander, Spike/Xander(OTP), Angel/Doyle, Willow/Tara, Cordy/Faith, Angelous/Faith/Angel(OT3), Faith/Tara, Wesely/Fred, Gunn/Fred, Gunn/Cordy, Wesely/Cordy Smallville Couples: Bart/Chloe, Oliver/Clark(OTP), Clark/AC, Clark/Lex, Bruce/Lois, Bart/Kara, AC/Bart, Lex/Lana, AC/Lois, Clark/Lois, Tess/Lois, Oliver/Lois, Bruce/Clark(OTP), AC/Kara, Jason/Lana, Jason/Clark, Oliver/Clark/Bruce(OT3). Clark/Rokk Roswell: Micheal/Liz. I love Liz/anyone pairings. Queer As Folk(US) Pairings: Brian/Justin(OTP), Ben/Michael, Ted/Blake, Emmett/Drew, Ben/Emmett Once Upon A Time Pairings: Hook/Red(OTP), Charming/Snow, Gold/Ruby, Gold/Bella, Gold/Bella/Red, August/Emma, Graham/Emma, Regina/Emma, Charming/Snow/Red, Mulan/Aurora, Phillp/Aurora/Mulan, Bella/Ruby Other couples I support: Henry/Coreen, Mike/Vicki (Blood Ties), Hyde/Jackie(OTP), Kelso/Brooke, Eric/Jackie(That 70s Show) Sam/Andi, Ben/Nina, Sock/Josie, Tony/Steve, Tony/Sam, Morgan/Sam(Reaper)Tommy/Merton(Big Wolf on Campus), Nathan/Jack(OTP), Zane/Jo(Eureka), Cassey/Chuck, Chuck/Lou, Captain Awsome/Elle, Morgan/Anna, Bryce/Chuck(OTP), Cassey/Morgan, Cole/Chuck(Chuck),Don/Colby, Colby/Charile, Larry/Megan, Charile/Amita, David/Liz(Numb3rs)Cox/JD(OTP),Drew/Lucy(OTP), Turk/Carla, Cole/Lucy(Scrubs), Hotch/Reid, Morgan/Reid(OTP)(Crimial Minds)Dillon/Ziggy, Scott/Flynn, R.J./Fran, Jason/Kim, Hunter/Dustin, Billy/Trini, Merrick/Alyssa(Power Rangers)Mal/River, Wash/Zoe, Jayne/Inara, Simon/Kaylee(Firefly), Stephan/Abby, Becker/Abby, Connor/Sarah, Danny/Abby, Danny/Connor, Nick/Abby, Nick/Claudia, Nick/Connor(Primevel)Nathan/Peyton, Lucus/Brooke, Peyton/Brooke, Lucus/Peyton, Chris/Peyton, Jake/Brooke(One Tree Hill)Bobby/Sue, Jack/Lucy, Jack/Sue, Bobby/Lucy, Myles/Tara, Jack/Tara, Johnathan/Sue(Sue Thomas F.B. Eye))Briggs/Chloe(Mercy)Will/Kate, Will/Helen, Henry/Will, Nikola/Watson, Watson/Will(Sanctuary) Favorite Movie and Book pairings. Transfomers(movie): Jazz/Maggie, Bumblebee/Sam, Will/Sam, Optimus Prime/Maggie, Starscream/Maggie, Ironhide/Maggie, Barricade/Maggie, Megatron/Maggie, Ratchet/Maggie, Bumblebee/Maggie, Maggie/anyone, Sam/Anyone, Autobots/Sam Harry Potter Pairings:Harry/Luna, Harry/Hermoine, Snape/Harry, Remus/Harry, Sirius/Harry, Draco/Harry, Charlie/Harry, Bill/Harry, Tom Riddle Jr./Harry, Blaise/Harry, Any male Harry crossover pairing, Neville/Luna, Draco/Neville, Snape/Neville, Remus/Neville, Sirius/Neville, Bill/Neville, Charile/Neville, Blaise/Neville, Lucius/Neville Any male Neville crossover pairing, Luna/Hermoine, Sirius/Luna, Bill/Luna, Snape/Luna, Draco/Luna, Neville/Luna, Harry/Luna, Blaise/Luna, Any Luna crossover pairing. Twlight: Edward/Jacob(OTP), Jasper/Jacob, Paul/Jacob, James/Jacob, Embry/Jacob, Jacob/Leah, Jacob/Angela, Edward/Angela, Emmett/Jacob, Emmett/Rosalie, Jacob/Rosalie, Emmett/Leah/Rosalie, Jacob/Alice, Leah/Alice, Jasper/Seth, Jasper/Leah/Alice, Jacob/OMC. Avengers/Marvel Movies: Coulson/Clint, Bruce/Tony, Steve/Thor, Loki/Tony, Tony/Coulson, Steve/Coulson, Steve/Tony, Tony/Pepper, Bruce/Clint, Bruce/Darcy, Thor/Darcy, Steve/Bucky, Loki/Darcy, Natasha/Darcy, Natasha/Pepper, Buce/Natasha Other movie/book pairings I support: Jason/Sparrow(The Forbidden Kingdom), Mangeto/Rogue, Logan/Rogue, Pyro/Rogue, Scott/Rogue, Angel/Rogue, Logan/Remy(X-Men movies), Jack/Will(Pirates of the Caribbean), Caleb/Reid, Pogue/Tyler, Chase/Tyler, Caleb/Tyler, Reid/Tyler, Caleb/Pogue/Tyler/Reid(The Covenant)Constantine/Chas (Constantine), Hellboy/Meyers, Abe/Liz, Nauda/Meyers(Hellboy)Spock/Uhura, Kirk/McCoy(OTP), Spock/McCoy, Spock//Kirk/McCoy(Star Trek) Kirk/Kevin(Tropic Thunder)Dom/Brian(Fast and the Furious), Riddick/Vaako(The Chronicles of Riddick) PLEASE READ WHAT'S UNDER THIS!I am the girl kicked out of her home because I confided in my mother that I am a lesbian. Please read this: My name is shannon I am but three, My eyes are swollen I cannot see, I must be stupid, I must be bad What else could have made My daddy so mad? I wish I were better I wish I weren't ugly, Then maybe my mommy Would still want to hug me. I can't speak at all, I can't do a wrong Or else I'm locked up All the day long. When I awake I am all alone The house is dark My parents aren't home. When mommy does come I'll try and be nice, So maybe I'll get just One whipping tonight. Don't make a sound! I just heard a car My daddy is back From Charlie's Bar. I hear him curse My name he calls I press myself Against the wall. I try and hide From his evil eyes I'm so afraid now I'm starting to cry. He finds me weeping He shouts ugly words, He says its my fault That he suffers at work. He slaps me and hits me And yells at me more I finally get free And I run for the door. He's already locked it And I start to bawl, He takes me and throws me Against the hard wall. I fall to the floor With the bones nearly broken, And my daddy continues With more bad words spoken. "I'm sorry!", I scream But it's now much too late His face has been twisted Into unimaginable hate. The hurt and the pain Again and again Oh please God, have mercy! Oh please let it end! And finally he stops And heads for the door, While I lay there motionless Sprawled on the floor. My name is shannon. I am but three, Tonight my daddy, Murdered me. Put this in your profile if you think child abuse is wrong! Her name was Auroura Her dad was a drunk Her only friend She always talked to it Until her parents A bruise on her leg But she grabs her bear She sits in the corner Such a bad life Then one night Then her mom suddenly She thrusted the blade The mom walked out Police showed up One officer slowly It must have been bad Put this in your profile if you think child abuse is wrong! Should anything happen to any of my stories you can read them here: http://backrose_ http://blackrose_ and http:///users/blackrose_17 Feel the wind it's cool touch againist your skin, |