Title: "Jack's Angels IV: The Case of The Missing Heiress" Chapter 8
Author: wanda1969
Rating: PG- I don't think there's anything dodgy in here
Spoilers: Can't think of any?
Summary: Torchwood characters shoehorned into a rather unexciting Charlie's Angels adventure! No Charlie's Angels characters in this though! I own none of the characters in this- I have only borrowed these characters from the BBC. And Charlie's Angels as a concept.
A/N: No Gwen in this, but there is some bashing... Cross posted to AGA, JxI and Jantolution. And, yet again, thank you for reading.
Chapter 8
"It definitely looks like them," Andy said as 'Jake' and 'Caroline' walked off the jetty and onto the beach. The pair had nodded 'hellos' at the group at the table, recognising fellow travellers. Andy had fished the photo of Caroline out of his pocket, and held it in his hand.
"I think you're right, Andy," Johnson agreed. The woman was dressed casually in pair of loose tie-dyed trousers and a cheesecloth vest top, and had the odd plait and braid in her straw coloured hair. She was also barefoot. The Caroline in the photograph was dressed altogether more conventionally dressed, but it was unmistakeably the same woman.
The Angels and Eduardo watched the couple as they strolled along the sand, right at the water's edge.
"It wasn't exactly how I was expecting 'telling the team' to go," Ianto sighed. "I was thinking that we'd do it after all of this was over...when we got home."
Jack and Ianto were sat on their sun beds, each with a beer. It was testament to how stressful the afternoon had been that Ianto was indulging in a rare Marlboro.
"Not quite how I'd imagined it either. I was kinda thinking of a quiet team trip to the pub. Or a meal out, or somethin'."
"We're going to have to tell them tonight. Well, I suppose it's only really Andy and Johnson- Toshiko's already knows- unofficially."
Jack used his most 'boss-like' demeanour. "We'll debrief with the team. And then I guess we bite the bullet."
Ianto stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray he'd brought up on to the deck. "Sounds like a plan..."
Jack reached out towards the other man and took his hand. "hey, it's not going o be that bad, Ianto. Can you actually see Johnson caring about ANY gossip about us? And, as for Andy- well he's too busy trying to get Tosh to notice him. Not that he's got anything to worry about on that front- Tosh is besotted. In fact, I think Andy's going to be glad that you're out of the frame...I think he's ever so slightly jealous of you." He smiled.
"You're joking! Toshiko...well, Tosh is just, Tosh...I mean, she's beautiful...and intelligent, but she's just a friend."
Jack laughed. "You can't blame him, you're a good looking guy and you get on well with Toshiko. Of course he's gonna be a bit jealous. For Chrissakes, even I'm a bit jealous!"
Ianto rolled his eyes and Jack leant forward. "It's gonna be OK. Don't worry," he said kissing Ianto's forehead.
In the distance, the Angels saw the couple walking along the sand and back towards the bar.
They reached the bar and took the table at the side of the Angels. The Angels chatted idly about this and that.
Jake and Caroline had been there about quarter of an hour, just talking quietly and staring out into the bay.
The Angels were laughing and talking animatedly about everything British, from football to politics. 'Jake' was obviously listening to them, and then turned, throwing his arm over the back of his chair.
"Hi, there. I hope you don't mind me interrupting, but are you guys from the UK?"
"Yeah- apart from Eduardo, here. He's from Panama." Andy said.
"I thought I recognised the accents. Not often you see any Brits down here! I'm Jake, by the way, and this is Caroline." He leant over and shook Andy's hand as Caroline looked over at the group with a wide smile.
"Hi." She said.
"Well, I'm Andy and," he gestured to the others, quickly remembering Johnson's pseudonym for the mission. "This is Julia, this is Toshiko, and this is Eduardo- he's showing us around this part of Panama. Which is probably a good thing, since none us are exactly sailors!"
The Angels found Jake and Caroline joining them at their table, as they ordered a large jug of seco and soda with slices of fruit floating in it alongside crushed ice. Drink flowed as the group relaxed in the afternoon heat.
It must have been sunset- ridiculously early, at about half six or so in this part of the world, Ianto thought- when he noticed the Angel's launch returning to the xxx. He quickly lit another cigarette as he leant against the deck rail- he'd have finished it by the time the team reached the boat.
"They're on their way back." He exhaled and looked over at Jack who got up from a nearby chair and stepped over to join him as he looked out across the bay.
"So everyone, how did it go today?"
"Good, Jack. Eduardo was right. We got talking to Caroline and Jake," Tosh replied.
"Let's debrief now- I know Gwen's not here but we can update her later on," Jack said.
Ianto appeared from below deck with a tray of beers and placed them on the table that the Angels had settled around, before grabbing a bottle and joining them. Eduardo busied himself in the galley- he'd appointed himself their informal chef, announcing that he knew more about the local food than the rest of them.
"So, what happened?" Jack took a gulp of his beer.
Johnson was usually the one who took charge at this point, and it was no different on this occasion. "There's this 'store stroke bar at the end of the main jetty. So we walked around for a bit and then had a drink there. A bit later Caroline and Jake came ashore, did pretty much the same as we did- had a walk along the beach, bought some fish off the fishermen, came and had a drink at the store. We're obviously not from round here and they heard us chatting, and we got talking."
"So- what did you get talking about? And more importantly, how's Caroline?"
Johnson sensed that Jack was more interested at this point in how his old friend's granddaughter was than what Jake was up to.
"She's fine. Up to a point. She's stoned, but it seems to be as much of her own choice as Jake's. She's a nice girl, but she's a bit of a hippy. And she seemed happy enough- like a lot of people who drop out to travel. Not that Jake's a saint- he had a few smokes when she rolled up. He was more interested in making a business out here, but he was a bit cagey about what kind of business.
"And we've all been invited over to Myfannwy IV for drinks tomorrow afternoon. And that means you, Ianto and Gwen, too. They asked us to go over this evening, but we thought that might sound a bit eager, so I said we had dinner planned and we were all having a rest after all the travelling."
Jack looked between the Angels. "So we're all set up for tomorrow? What time?"
"Caroline said that they weren't early risers- 2 or 3 o'clock seemed to be about right, from what she said." Andy supplied/answered.
"So we're all heading over tomorrow afternoon, then?"
"That's the plan."
"Ok, ok. Right then. I'll get some more beers in. I think we need to have a chat before dinner." Jack rose from his seat and made his way to the galley, leaving Andy, Tosh and Johnson to wonder what was going on, and where, exactly, Gwen was.
"Now, before we all settle down for a bit of food, there's some other things that I'd like to talk to you about." Jack was leaning against a chair, close to where Ianto was sitting.
Andy and the two other Angels looked somewhat confused as they exchanged glances.
The head of the Torchwood Agency looked around the group. "You don't need to worry- this has very little to do with the Agency or this mission. It's more of a personal issue."
More confused faces greeted Jack.
"A personal issue to me. This shouldn't affect the team- at least I'm hoping that it won't..." Jack continued, before pausing, unsure what to say. He glanced swiftly towards Ianto, who just nodded, almost imperceptibly.
"As Tosh and Johnson can confirm, I've kept my private life to myself for a number of years, and for a variety of reasons. In fact, it's only recently that I've been this involved with Torchwood," he said looking first to the two longest serving 'Angels', before turning to Andy.
"Anyhow, when I set up the Agency, I met a very special person..." Here Jack struggled to find the right words. "And that person has helped me get over some of my personal...issues. In fact, I'd like to think we've helped each other to come to terms with a lot of things in our lives... Not only that, they've become the most important person in my life. You might be wondering why I'm telling you this."
As Jack paused uncertainly yet again, he took a deep breath and reached out to place a comforting hand on the young Welshman's shoulder. "That person is Ianto... and today we both decided to be more open with our relationship- show some kind of commitment," Jack laughed nervously as he continued.
The comment was greeted with raised eyebrows from Johnson, a slightly confused look from Andy and wide grin from Tosh. Ianto merely blushed ever so faintly.
Encouraged Jack spoke again, smiling. "It had been our intention to speak to the team when we got back to Wales. We'd kind of been looking forward to a team meal and an announcement... But much as I pride myself on not mixing my professional and personal life, I guess I was a bit overwhelmed. Basically... Gwen caught us kissing..."
Johnson was laughing now. "And I'll bet that pissed off Gwen! I'd love to have seen her face!"
"Me too!" Tosh cried, before she realised that perhaps she shouldn't really be concentrating so much on Gwen. "Congratulations- it's about bloody time you two stopped being so bloody secretive!"
Andy looked between his two colleagues. "Am I the last to know about everything in this team?"
"Don't look at me, Davidson," Johnson replied quickly. "I never saw this coming at all! Mind you, I'm not one for gossiping or prying into colleagues' personal lives."
Ianto and Jack looked between themselves as their teammates continued to talk, almost as if they weren't there.
"Come on you two, it wasn't that difficult- exactly how many times have you seen Ianto or Jack arrive or leave anywhere without the other?"
"I guess you've got a point, Tosh..." Andy started with a thoughtful smile.
Johnson winked as she looked over to her employer and Ianto, "And that'd explain Jack's interest in pool on team nights out. But only if Ianto is playing..."
"You noticed that, too?" Tosh asked.
"Look guys," Jack interrupted, "We're still here, y'know!"
Toshiko looked over. "Sorry Jack, Ianto."
"I hope this revelation isn't going to affect our work, or the team, too much?" Jack asked.
"Sorry Jack, Ianto. Congratulations." Johnson assumed her usual professional air. "I hope you both know me well enough to realise that this doesn't affect my commitment to Torchwood. Our personal lives shouldn't affect our work in any way."
"Of course," Jack said and squeezed Ianto's shoulder. "It means a lot to us both to know that."
"And it makes no difference to me at all. Especially if we can still have our lads' nights out." Andy added.
Ianto laughed; his initial worry was lifting. "I bloody well hope so, Andy. And I was thinking about starting a rugby Saturday afternoon when the new season starts...Work permitting of course."
"Now, that's what I call a good idea," the ex-policeman grinned. Ianto had hinted at the loss of his girlfriend, but whoever Ianto now found happiness with, was of no concern to him; as long as his friend (and he did like to think of Ianto as a friend) was happy, he was happy too. Suddenly the thought hit him that he'd always been worried about Ianto; the man was good looking, handsome even. He'd always thought that Toshiko might be attracted to Ianto. The young man was always well dressed and had an assured air; he was also young, good looking and intelligent- the latter a trait which Tosh was sure to appreciate. He smiled as it became glaringly obvious to him that neither Ianto, nor Jack for that matter, were in the least bit interested in Tosh. And it seemed that, out of all of them, she'd sussed out the whole situation anyway.
Tosh was the first to ask the unspoken question. "So...where's Gwen?"
Jack and Ianto exchanged a knowing glance. "Gwen... didn't take the news well. She had a few glasses of wine and then crashed out..."
Tosh muttered "Typical!" under her breath as she looked skywards.
"We thought it best if she slept it off...that local stuff is pretty strong," Ianto said quietly. "We're going to leave out a bit of food in case she wakes up before morning."
In the galley, Eduardo had made up a light meal of spicy vegetables and large bowl of rice. He'd been able to hear most of the conversation that had been taking place up on deck as he worked away. While he hadn't been expecting the news that Ianto and Jack were an 'item', it hadn't been a total surprise to him; the two men were obviously close, and when he'd been showing them the navigation equipment the previous day it hadn't escaped his notice that they shared the odd private smile or look. Not that the men's relationship bothered him. Although Panama had a long way to go, he was proud that his country was now more forward looking. He made his way over to the galley steps.
"Hey guys, food's nearly ready, if you want to come and get some plates," he announced.
Much later, when the food was finished and the Team were starting to make moves to go to bed, Eduardo couldn't help but think that they were all considerably much more relaxed without the presence of Gwen. He placed the two large pots of vegetables and rice in the 'fridge and made his way down to his cabin.
To Be Continued...
Apparently seco is a local alcoholic sugar cane drink. I've never been to the Americas (North, South OR Central), so I'm relying on Lonely Planet and Wikipaedia!