Chapter Ten
"Ianto what the hell is going on?" Oliver asked.
Ianto sighed and shook his head. "Oliver I…"
"Hey Ianto have you….." Owen called out as he joined his friend and saw that he had company.
"Ok what is going on?" The Green Arrow asks the two men.
Ianto and Owen look at each other. "Look mate we don't know you so we don't have to tell you shit." Owen glared at the man in green leather.
Green Arrow looked over at Ianto who shrugged his shoulders. He pushed back his hood and took of the glasses.
"Hello Owen." Oliver said after clicking off the voice box.
"You're the Green Arrow?" Owen asked redundantly.
Ianto laughed. "No Owen he's not, he just likes to dress up in green leather."
Owen glares at Ianto. "Him and his green leather and you and your stopwatches you are made for each other."
"See Ianto, Owen thinks we belong together." Oliver says with a grin.
"Oliver now is not the time." Ianto replies smiling deeply into Oliver's eyes.
"Ok teaboy is right we need to discuss the next move."
"Not now Oliver." Ianto shakes his head.
"So you chase aliens?" Oliver asks.
"And you run around playing Robin Hood, where are your merry men?" Owen laughs. "Come on let's get back to the hub. We'd better let Jack know."
"Couldn't we stay out a little longer?" Ianto shrugs his shoulders.
Owen looks at him with confusion then it dawns on him what Ianto is talking about. He'd rather not walk in on Gwen and Jack either.
"Well we can't take the jolly green giant here with us to the pub." Owen points to Oliver.
"Why don't we head back to my place and when you think it is the right time we can head to the ummm 'hub' is it?" Oliver offers.
Owen shrugs his shoulders there wasn't much they could do. "Ok let's drug our friend and stick him in the back of the SUV."
A mobile starts to ring Ianto pulls it out of his pocket. "Hey Tosh, no Owen and I are headed back to Oliver's." He paused. "Well not until we get a call from Gwen or Jack so we know it's safe. They went there together." He waited for a moment. "Tosh I don't think they're playing tiddlywinks, yeah or maybe naked hide and seek we'll see you there."
Ianto hung up his phone. "So…"Owen started to talk.
"No dirty jokes Owen ok."
Owen smirked and mimed zipping his mouth.
Jack stretched and looked down at Gwen, he didn't know why he kept doing this. What the hell was wrong with him?
Reaching over he grabbed his phone and saw the missed calls from Owen, Ianto and Tosh. It looked like him and Gwen had truly messed up by not being available. Jack dialled a number and placed the phone by his ear.
Owen sat with a book in hand now and again glaring at the phone waiting for the damn thing to ring. He looked up and smiled Tosh had fallen asleep on one of the sofa's and when Bart walked in he ran out and grabbed a cover for her.
Bart definitely had a crush on Tosh and from what she said he made her laugh and feel young. That had happened to her for quite a while. His gaze then landed on Ianto and Oliver. The billionaire had his arms wrapped around Ianto and his friend's head was on Oliver's shoulder.
They had all been through a lot but Ianto had always been the one that had all the shit thrown at him and mostly by him. Then things changed Ianto became happier more confident.
Then Jack messed it all up and Gwen how could she do that too Ianto she knew how he felt about Jack.
They way they had been treating Ianto made them perfect for each other. Then came Oliver Queen, a man who could get Ianto anything he wanted. Who understood about helping people and had a secret life. The two of them seemed right together. Owen only hoped that Oliver was not stringing him along, the young Welshman deserved some happiness.
His mobile let out a loud shrill and vibrated across the table waking everyone up.
"Ok we're on our way back with company." Owen shook his head. "Jack shut up and make sure you and Gwen are dressed as I said we have company."
Gwen watched Jack as he paced walking over to him she placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Look love they will all be here soon." Gwen said kissing him on the cheek.
Jack froze in horror. "Gwen uhhh," he stuttered for a moment. "You do remember that we're not in a relationship. We're friends and what happened may not happen again. It was just our friendship but with benefits." He shook his head knowing that it came out completely wrong.
"Friends with benefits." Gwen repeated slowly she was sure there was more between them. "We're just fuck buddies?"
"Gwen I told you before we got back here that there was nothing more to us and you said that was fine, that all you wanted to do was comfort me." Jack repeated getting angry.
Gwen looked at his face and realised that she was pushing and all that would do was to drive him away. ""Fine." She said sulkily.
The large circular door rolled open and in walked Tosh, Owen, Ianto and ….
Oliver Queen
"What the fuck is he doing here?" Jack asked.
"He saved Ianto's life." Owen said.
"Again." Tosh added helpfully it was so cool that Oliver was the Green Arrow.
Jack frowned and looked at Gwen, she shrugged her shoulders having no idea what they were talking about either. "What do you mean again when were you in trouble."
Ianto turned to Oliver and smiled. "Oh he didn't save me as Oliver Queen."
Jack had this sick feeling in his stomach and was praying that this conversation was not going to go where he thought it was going.
"What?" Gwen asked even more confused.
"I didn't save Ianto like this, I was much more creatively dressed." Oliver said laughing.
Gwen's face was blank having no idea what they were talking about.
Owen chuckled. "This man has a kink for green leather," he waited for a moment. The look on Gwen's face did not changed. "He's the Green Arrow."
"Oh." Gwen nodded her head. "He's the Green," she paused and pointed to Oliver. "He's the Green Arrow, him really."
"Well it's not that much of a shock." Oliver muttered feeling insulted.
Ianto walked over and pecked him on the lips. "I think you look sexy as either Oliver Queen or the Green Arrow."
"Well that's all that matters." Oliver mumbled against Ianto's mouth.
"Ok stop that and get the retcon." Jack ordered.
"Don't you dare Jack." Ianto glared at him.
"Why not that is what we do." Jack muttered.
"I was never retconned after Torchwood One. Gwen made sure Rhys wasn't and to be honest I don't trust you."
"What the hell do you mean by that Ianto?" Jack growled.
"How do I know you want wipe my memory completely of Oliver and before all our problems started so I end up with you."
"I wouldn't do that. It's all your fault poisoning him against me." Jack glared daggers at the blonde.
"No Jack you did that all yourself." Ianto took a deep breath. "I can't keep doing this." The young man turned and heading off back up to the plaza before anyone could say anything Oliver was close behind him.
Owen turned to Jack and shook his head. "You just couldn't leave it could you? If he leaves it's all on your head."
"Ianto." Oliver called out catching up with him.
"I can't keep doing this but what am I going to do now." Ianto said sadly.
"I do have an idea." Oliver said quietly he knew what he was going to sound odd because they hadn't really dated or talked about their future together, if in fact they had one.
"I'm not going to be your bit on the side." Ianto crossed his arms but there was a smile on his face to let Oliver know that he was only joking.
"That's not what I mean." Oliver paused. "I wouldn't mind the sex but no a job offer, if you're interested?"
"What is it?" Ianto asked intrigued he needed something. He felt at a loss not knowing where the future was going before this he had Torchwood and Jack. Now after everything he had neither. A job prospect would be great right about now and maybe that meant that Oliver wanted him too.
"Well it's kind of two jobs, there is this group called Isis that helps people with abilities it's run by Chloe Sullivan." Oliver took a deep breath. "She also helps with uhhh the other job. She could use the help and your are useful to have around." He paused for a moment. "That's how I found you chasing the Weevil. She hacked into the SUV's computer system and managed to follow you." Oliver shrugged his shoulders.
Ianto smiled and shook his head, in so many ways the two teams were so much alike. "Could you tell me more about both please and I also need to get a visa, somewhere to live, bank accounts so much to do if I accept."
"See Ianto there is one good thing about having lots of money, you can get things done and get them done quickly. I was wondering with you moving over there maybe we could try dating?" Oliver fidgeted on his feet.
Ianto took hold of Oliver's face and kissed him. "I like the sound of that."
Jack glared at the screen that had Ianto and Oliver on it, they had been up their for hours holding hands and kissing. They even seemed to have a conversation with someone on the phone. He needed talk to Ianto, alone. He had to show Ianto they he could change, that he would change.
The two men on the screen stood and headed back to them. Jack waited as patiently as he could until they arrived. He had no idea what he was going to do next, but he had to do something.
As soon as he saw the circular door open he headed to the main part of the hub the alarms going off and the flashing of the lights he knew that they had arrived.
They had a hell of a doorbell at Torchwood Three.
"Ianto I." Jack stopped when Ianto held up his hand.
"I'm leaving." Ianto said simply.
"You're what?" Jack repeated hoping and praying that he had misheard.
"I'm leaving and moving to Metropolis."
"You're not! What if he dumps you? You can't move for him? You've just met him." Jack yelled.
"I am not leaving to be with him, I'm doing it for me and if things don't work out between Oliver and I then they don't. I can't stay here and I definitely don't want to go back to a normal life. With Oliver's opportunity I get to leave but still do something interesting and I think that we could combine our information it would help out."
Tosh felt her heart break a little but she knew it was best. "Ianto."
Ianto smiled at her. "Hey we're keep in touch and Chloe looks forward to talking to you especially about computers and some of the things that you have set up."
"Really?" Tosh said with a smile. "Who's Chloe?"
"She is the person that I will be mostly working with."
"Not Oliver?" Jack asked.
"Well, we will be but I won't see him much during business hours, but I definitely will after that."
"Ianto would you care to officially date me?" Oliver asked with a smile with over the top politeness.
"I'd love to." Ianto said laughing.
Jack had taken Ianto for granted and lost him not only from his personal life but also his professional one. His heart shattered, looking away his gaze landed on Gwen.
He knew that she was going to try and win him but that wasn't going to happen not any time soon. His chest ached, there was a gaping hole in his heart where Ianto use to reside. He had to earn back Ianto's trust and maybe he could win back his love after all Jack had all the time in the world.
The rain fell heavily outside the hitting the panes of glass heavily.
Oliver sat across from Ianto in the restaurant in Cardiff, he had put everything in motion they just were waiting for the paperwork so had stayed getting to know the other man better. With everything that had happened he had not pushed the relationship to get more physical. Ianto was not ready for that and he didn't want to ruin anything. It was hard because Jack was trying to win him back.
All it seemed to do was push Ianto towards Oliver more. The billionaire couldn't believe how he's feelings for Ianto had grown in fact he was falling in love with him.
Ianto watched Oliver and smiled he wanted to be with him so very much but now was not the time and he didn't want it to be in Cardiff. He wanted their first time to be purely theirs. He wanted them to be together as a couple.
Ianto laughed as he thought of the advert. "We want to be together."
Oliver frowned at him. "What?"
Ianto laughed. "Never mind it was just something I remember from the telly about wanting to be with someone. Oliver I do want you, very much so. It's so hard." Ianto glared playfully at the blonde as he laughed. "You know what I meant. I don't want any doubts in your mind that it is YOU I want and Cardiff has so many memories good and bad."
"I do understand Ianto and having to get to know you better is worth it." Oliver reached out and took hold of Ianto's hand.
Jack stood watching the two men laughing and joking sharing sweet kisses and feeding each other food.
He felt cold to the bone and it had nothing to do with the pouring rain that drenched him. His coat heavy as it soaked up the water. Hair plastered to his face as droplets of rain water ran down his cheek mingled in with the tears that fell. He was overwhelmed with grief of what he had lost. Hopefully one day Ianto would forgive him and they could at least be friends.
He hoped.
He prayed.
This was the one regret he knew that would wake him up in the middle of the night and bring him to tears remembering what he had lost and the memories would flood his mind like a dam breaking. Ianto laughing, their first kiss, Ianto's first time.
Jack couldn't believe how he taken the younger man for granted at his age he should have learnt all these lessons and not keep making the same mistakes.
"Those who do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them." Jack whispered as he walked away.
2 months later
Oliver walked into the watchtower and smiled as he watched Ianto hand Chloe her coffee. This was the first time they had met and he just wanted to make sure that Ianto was ok.
"Thanks Ianto." She whispered this was the first coffee she had by her new co worker. Chloe took a mouthful, it was orgasmic. "Ianto marry me."
The End