![]() Author has written 14 stories for Harry Potter, X-Men: Evolution, Doctor Who, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Mercy, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I was supposed to be born a Gemini I tried to be born a Pisces I was born an Aries I've got multiple personalities I carry the XX chromozones meaning I'm of the fairer sex If you cant already tell I really can't spell But with time I can rhyme I get told that I'm insane nearly everyday. I never deny it and yet they keep saying it like its a brand new discovery. I like to think of myself as the RICH OLD ECCENTRIC AUNT except I'm not rich and the only ones who think I'm old are my darling neices and nephews I have this knack for getting my friends hooked on my addictions. Sailor Moon back when it was on at 5am in the morning on the old version of the WB or CW or what ever the its called now a days. Buffy the Vampire Slayer was next. Harry Potter. Inuyasha. And finally FanFiction. My goal in life is to become a popular teen fiction author and read the fanfictions others write about my novels. I want to go on talk shows and do interviews and give compliments to fanfic authors. Personally I think the authors of the original works (JkR, Nix, Pullman) and the subjects of fanfics read them. I mean wouldnt you? My Obsessions: SCOTLAND I was born and raise in the Midwest of USA but the home I picture in my head has always been Scotland always from birth on...well as far back as my memory goes anyway even before I knew what Scotland was (I saw pictures when I was older and they matched the visions in my head) and I thought there was just one country (USA) and London, Paris, Tokyo etc were all in it. And dont get me started on the accent- there is nothing sexier then a Scotsman's Brogue I dont care what they say its how they say it _ I'm dying to visit and really think I'm going to live there one day ... HARRY POTTER It didnt start until I saw the second movie. I hadnt read the books, even though one of my uncles gave me PoA for christmas a few years earlier- I thought it was a cute idea, magic kids and therefore a kids book, the first movie solidfied that for me the second blew it away. The adult undertones of that book and what happens to Ginny Weasley took me by pleasant surprise and my friends (who I had smuggled into the film because their parents wouldnt let them see Harry Potter -(we are 16 when this happens)-they thought we were all seeing the RING -yes thats right the RING scary movie not meant for young girls is ok but Harry Frickin Potter is not allowed anywho- my friends wouldnt tell me a thing! So I had to read the books but the school librarey was out of them- schocked me to know end this is the school that wont stock Mnemnoch the Devil because of its title but housed Armand (and if you have read Armand and Mnemnoch the Devil you know which one is far more graphic and should not be in the school librarey) so I had to read PoA first, started at 7p finished at 2a, first book I read straight through and have been ADDICTED ever since. Book 7 finally comes out this july and hopefully I'll OD on it _ Pairings: Ginny with : Harry (True Pure Love), Draco (Starcrossed Love), Tom Riddle(Dark Love), Remus(Age doesnt matter love), Severus(Naughty) and Sirius(Love n Lust) Luna with: Charlie W (They both love magical animals), Dudley D( I know I know but I love it because I call her the Wizard's Witch -she's like a Witch to Wizards as Wizards are to Muggles and Big D fallling for her is so complex) Blaise Zambini (Sensual), Fred or George( I jus think they'd understand her Looney bits) Hermione: Ron (really their just too perfect for eachother to break up) INUYASHA I love this anime! Its just so good! Its happy sad mad crazy horny- Its a Teenager! lol It can also get really complex and theres so much room for fanfiction with out breaking cannon! Pairings: Kagome with : Inuyasha (true love) Sesshomaru (pure lust) Rin with : Sesshomaru (Loyal Lovely Adoration) Shippo ( Young Love) Kohaku (Puppy Love) Inuyasha (only when Kagome is with Sesshomaru) Sango with: Miroku (Their just so good for eachother _) Ayame with: Kouga (and he should really be happy about that and leave poor Kagome alone) Kikyou had her chance and should rest in peace! MARVEL I have always loved MARVEL (bought their stock in Economics class made a killing in fake monies! ) Sadly I was a girl and my mother didnt think comics were very important so I never got to read them! But I learn from tv, others and the few comics I do read _ Stan Lee is Genius and he write his own fanficiton and sells it to us I love him for it _ X-Men (comic, movies, cartoons-90s and Evo) Love it to death! Powers! Drama! Psy and Soc.! Politics! History! its so damn beautiful! Pairings: Rogue and Remy are meant to be no matter what Marvel announces! I dont care! Their perfect! And emotional still together for ever! I just know it! (i love the hinder song Lips of an Angel because of this couple, its who I envision and I nearly cry whenver I hear it) Remy and Moi- lol only in my fantasies and I'd never write about it but mah lawd is that man perfection tall dark cajun flexible a heart of gold and a skeleton full of closets... Rogue and Logan only in the movies because they didnt put Remy in their in person only his name! HIS NAME! and you had to be quick about seeing it. I was so dissapointed! and the whole rogue bobby thing pissed me off to know end she was so passive it made me sick and it looked like Anna Paquin hated it too because you can see it in her eyes she loved the ending of X3 where she didnt take the cure compared to the one where she did for Bobby! bobby! hate bobby! I dont know her personally or anything but thats my personal input and what I observed. Logan and Ororo works in Evo and the Comics and well everywhere if I didnt hate Halley Berry as Storm I mean it was just so wrong! Wrong! Jean was a better Jean for f sakes and I thought she was a little to like her charater in Nip Tuck! Kitty with: Lance (evo only) Piotr (just so adorable in all venues) Kurt( again adorable he's so cute!) Wanda with: Pyro, only one I can see with her really and thats in EVO. Jean and Scott. I know i know their just so perfect but not really Jean just tends to be a b and Scott tends to be too uptight (loved movie scott though!) SPIDERMAN Who doesnt love their friendly neighborhood Spider? I just love watching him websling, comic cartoon or film _ Pairings: Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson- I just love them _ Their like Scott and Jean only a hell of a lot better ANNE RICE I love her work with the Vampire Chronicles and the Mayfairs, I have read her most recent books though she is brillant. My favorite quote from her is where she describes sitting at her table writing as Lestat stands over her shoulder making sure she gets it all right-I'm not the only one who does that! YAY I may be insane but I'm not alone _ Lestat de Lioncourt is my favorite character, I am in madly in love with him and if he were real I would still be typing just not breathing _ I love Tarquin in Blackwood Farm and the Mayfairs that whole saga was beautiful and Addicting. DOCTOR WHO AND TORCHWOOD I have only seen the most recent seasons of 1 and 2 from BBC america and Scifi but I love it! I love #9 and #10, Rose-why did she have to leave! I cried, really I did I cried like I did when Buffy sent Angel to Hell! Capt Jack Harkness is pure sex! I want him! The whole Torchwood gang in Cardiff is so funny and I love the spinoff! I watched Season One on YOU TUBE! THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA This is such a beautiful saga and I always love reading it _ The only real pairing here is: HIS DARK MATERIALS They are making a movie for this! The Golden Compass and hopefully it does the book justice. Beautifully written, exhilarating and makes you question modern religion with out being obscene. _ Lyra is just the HEROINE of all ages _ and Pan is so cute! KIM POSSIBLE Blame my neices! They made me watch until I got hooked and now I'm gone! Really not bad if you look deeper into the plot lines and Rufus just rocks! I love Ron and is Mystic Monkey Power- I love how he stumbles upon solutions! And the Tweebs are so cool I want to date a guy like them _ SKY HIGH Powers! And so funny! lol Besides I want Warren Peace! He's just so tempting! Pairings: Warren and Layla, I mean come on Will had to be practically thrown on his head before he saw her and Warren was so sweet in the restrauant plus their both like Elementals! And Kinda remind me of Hades and Persephone LABIRYNTH Jareth taught me what the feeling of sexy was. I was five and in love with David Bowie from that point on. Sarah was just an idiot! I mean really she could have asked for Toby to be safe and control on travelling back and forth and still have been with him! He was proposing in the most sensual way I have ever seen to this day! Sarah and Jareth FOREVER! NAUSICA I cry when ever I watch this! Its the most beautiful movie I have ever seen! HOWLS MOVING CASTLE The angst! The humor! Its such a great fairytale_ SPIRITED AWAY I just love Chirio and Haku its so sweet _ and the whole movie is hilarious _ PORCO ROSSO Watch this if you havent! Couldnt stop smiling _ CASTLE IN THE SKY Sweet. just Sweet. WHISPER OF THE HEART ok so this is like THE MOST ROMANTIC film I have ever seen or atleast my favorite _ Its about a little girl who writes and reads a lot and a little boy who wants her attention so he checks out all of hte books in the fiction section of the librarey and it works! Then she meets in by chance and its a fun tale from there its a must see! SAILOR MOON I have only watched what they have shown in the US and hope to see the Japanese's full series. But this is one of my favorites and I used to wake up at 5am everyday just to watch it _ Serena and Darrin! Through time and space no one can seperate them! Rini is just darling! BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER AND ANGEL Teen girl saves the world. I've been hooked on Buffy since the movie and love the series even more! The wit! The plot! The romance! The action! My favorite is that Willow tells her at the end of the Harvest ep. 2 she can always blow up the school to get expelled and Buffy says shes just going to not study and flunk out and then Giles says the world is doomed-love Giles! But then she does blow up the school! I wonder if Joss Whendon saw that coming the whole while..._ Buffy and Angel Xander and Anya or Xander and Cordelia Willow and Oz or Willow and Tara Giles and Jennifer Calendar or Giles and Joyce Summers Wesley and Fred or Fred and Gunn Conner and Dawn -seriously I mean its kinda like a princess and her knight only twisted I really want to see those to meet...fanfic plot?... And thats it for now. Send me line anytime and if you love or hate something in my fiction please Review _ |