Reviews for Too Close For Comfort, Doctor
KuraSennsen chapter 27 . 12/22/2015
Omg it is so good! You have to update!
newboy chapter 27 . 7/13/2013
This is a brilliant story, please kepp it up. I can only imagine the Doctors reaction to finding out the last hocrux, and what harry is trying to do. Not to mention that voldemort has used magic and technology to recreate the Daleks, who now willingly obey him.

I also can only imagine jacks reaction on learning that Voldemort actually mutilated his own soul to achieve immortality, not to mention everything that harry has been doing to stop him since he was 11 years old.
wkgekpogvpwnb chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
Sigh... I know THt this story has already been abandoned, but I couldn't keep myself from reading it... AND NOW IT'S REALLY GOOD! I'm gonna HAVE to keep reading on and the suffer heartbreak when I get to the last update :( now I'm sad.
K chapter 27 . 2/24/2010
I love this story 100% brilliant read it all in one go took me ages lol please update soon (holds hands together in pleaing way)
Elfprinzess chapter 27 . 6/27/2009
Awesome story so far...Please update soon although it looks likes you haven't unpdated in a while now

Please continue it because it is a really good story
Almostkitticide chapter 27 . 3/16/2009

it's taken me three days to read this and where i love it... YOU STOP! A MILLION GRRS IN YOUR DIRECTION!

so ...ehem... please continue!


finitedreamer chapter 11 . 3/12/2009
_ This chapter caused an uber-grin, just so you know.

I love this pairing, I do I do I do.
julie20007 chapter 27 . 3/14/2008
LittleGinny15 chapter 27 . 11/20/2007
Please continue ... I'm waiting ever so (im)patiently!

:( Puh-lease?

LemonySean chapter 10 . 11/5/2007
I was wondering if you were going to mention/note that david tennant played barty jr.
Pookie Loser chapter 27 . 9/27/2007
OMG you have to finish this soon. i've never been this hooked on a fanfic. it's agreat plot and great writing please write more for obsessed little old me:
Fic Druggy chapter 27 . 8/13/2007
great stroy! write more as soon as you can, thankies!
Tai Greywing chapter 27 . 7/19/2007
Just come back from holiday (man is Portugal hot!) burned to a lovely shade of lobster pink and I find a chapter of one of my favourite fics to read in my convalence (sp?).

You really do love those cliffhangers don't you? I swear you seem to live off of them! So now that the stupid machine's been switched off (thanks Jack, but I bet you could have done it quicker!) the Doctor and Teri should wakr up now right? RIGHT? *glares menacingly*. Also will the Daleks disappear now that the machine powering them has been dismantled?

And Harry and Voldie? Gah! The sneaky nasty Dark Lord - although it would make sense on his part to make Harry one of his Horcruxes it makes for a lot of plot-related angst. Where on Earth (or below it) could they have gone together? And how will Harry survive when he has to destroy the Horcrux to win?

I do ask a lot of questions but at least it lets you know that I AM interested in your story and what trials and tribulations you're going to put the characters through next. Heh, see you 'round! *glomp-tackles* Thanks!

addictedtofantasy chapter 27 . 7/16/2007
Closer and closer to the final showdown between Harry and Voldy!

A bit of help (sort of) since you didn't get time to proof read it. You might want to get rid of the last sentence considering you've repeated what you said above it. That was the only thing I noticed it while reading it.

Otherwise, still good and well done.
Isis the Sphinx chapter 27 . 7/15/2007
Oh, this was beautiful. A VERY unorthodox combo, but very good none the less. I loved this, and have finally finished reading it after two or so days. Beautiful. keep writing!
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