Summary: Draco and Ginny were secret lovers. One night Ginny confesses that she's pregnant. Unable to take it Draco tells her to get rid of it and disappears from her life. It wasn't until three years later that Draco met his daughter and his old friend. Yet, what about the man who fell in love with her? Harry Potter. Could she choose in the end? Ah, but who?

My Little Girl

Chapter One: Foolish Choices In A Memory

She walked quietly into the Head Boy's room. It was night, maybe near midnight, and she knew he had to be in bed by now. Her steps were silent against the soft carpet of his room. She shifted her gaze onto him. She could always tell what kind of day he had while he slept. If his nose was up and his arm was spread around his body slightly it meant he had a bad one. If he was curled into the pillow with his legs drawn up as if he wanted to hide from everything it meant that he was about to have one of his nightmares and that his day was filled with his father.

But tonight his arm was thrown off to the side of the bed and his body was covered under the green sheets. A slight smile came upon her lips as he moved, letting his face get shown by the moonlight. Moving closer she sat unto his bed and ran a hand down his cheek. He shifted under her hand before waking.

A smile graced his lips. "What are you doing here?"

She moved her hand and she took out her wand before lighting the candles around them. "I have to tell you something." He sat up and opened his arms. He made a movement telling her to come into them but she shook her head. "Not now."

"How'd you get in here anyways?" He asked his eyes shifting behind her. "Granger doesn't know does she?"

Ginny shook her head with her lips pursed. I can't do this, she thought, but I have too…

"Well?" He asked. "Waking me up in the middle of the night isn't normal for you, usually I have to do that."

She smiled slightly and was glad some weight lifted off her but only some. "You know how it's been between us." She said pushing back a lock of her to put behind her ear. "Just last time we, well, you know," she said, a Weasley blush coming over her making him smirk.

She met his eye and hoped for the worst as she watched those amused grey eyes. "I forgot to place the spell on me while you were sleeping." She murmured.

He didn't say anything and she shivered in the silence. His eyes stared into her and she looked away. "What are you trying to say?" He asked and Ginny flinched inwardly at the tone of his voice.

She bravely met his gaze. "I'm pregnant."

"Get out." He said in a cold voice Ginny's heard many times before.

"Then what?" She asked her anger building, "You're going to let me have this baby without a father?"

He glared at her and got out of the bed. "You have to get rid of it," he said calmly before grabbing his robe.

"It's a human life, Draco." She snapped. "I can't just kill it."

Draco turned and met her eyes his voice low. "I've killed many people before, Weasley and you having a child shouldn't matter to me at all."

"Not even if it's yours?" She asked her voice wavering.

He smiled and Ginny felt a chill run down her. What did she see in him before was all gone…all she could see was Lucious Malfoy. "Look, Ginny," he said in a voice that wanted her to run and hide. "Nothing you can do will make me raise this baby with you if you choose to keep it."

He left her then…he left her in that room of his in which they had made, no had sex in order to create the baby growing in her stomach…

Ginny eyes snapped open as she breathed in. Her eyes shifted around and she shivered. A faint cry happened and she jumped out of her bed to cross the hall. Her mother was already there with a small smile, "It's alright, Ginny, dear she just had a bit of a nightmare."

Ginny smiled and leaned on the doorway. Her strawberry blonde girl poked her head out of the blankets her grandmother placed on her and grinned at her mum. "Mummy!" She said gleefully, "Grammy gave me some cookies!"

Ginny laughed and bent down opening her arms as her daughter ran into them. Being sixteen at the time of having her Ginny only got six years at Hogwarts when she should've gotten seven. Having that she was in a fix for a job. Sighing Ginny watched as her daughter explained about what happened. She grinned at the faces her daughter made.

She hadn't loved the fact that she looked like her father except for the hair. Everything looked like him while her personality was all Ginny's. After the little explanation Molly left to go back to her room with a kiss on the cheek for both of them. Tucking her daughter in Ginny smiled at her. "Come to me when you have a nightmare will you?"

"I couldn't this time because…because you were having one too." she stared at her daughter for a second as she played with the teddy bear that was under her forearm.

Ginny sighed and moved a lock of her hair out of her face. "Sometimes mommy has dreams of daddy."

"Daddy?" Her daughter asked sitting up and ruining her perfectly tucked bed. "What's he like mum?"

Ginny's smile softened. "Lie back down." She re-tucked her daughter. "He was very gentle," she said as she trapped her daughter's arm under the blankets. "You know what he liked to call me?" She asked.

"No," her daughter asked as she fought a yawn, "what?"

"Red," she said softly as she tucked her hand behind her ear. "He called me red."

"Like your hair?" She asked, as her eyelids grew heavy.

"Yes," Ginny said as she watch her daughter try fighting sleep.

Her daughter gave her a sleepy smile, "I miss him."

Ginny heart pounded painfully at that, "You never met him honey."

Her daughter nodded, "but I wanna daddy, mum."

After Ginny made sure her daughter was asleep she crept out of the room and closed the door silently. She walked down the stairs into the kitchen before grabbing the liquor. She was underage but to her father he thought that she could take having a baby then alcohol was no different. Pouring some of the substance into a glass she drank it.

How could a little girl's words make her wish she wasn't alive at all? She sat down heavily into a kitchen chair and felt a pain tug her like in the room but it happened even worse. Closing her eyes a sobbed wrecked her body and she cried wishing everything was different and that everything could change…