Author has written 3 stories for Harry Potter, and Resident Evil. NOTE: An edited version of HPMM is posted at my Yahoo! Group, linked above. 17/07/05: Oh wow. Come on, people - was HBP worth the wait, or was it worth the wait? Granted, the ending is...not quite what I expected. However, I would like to take this opportunity to say something to everyone who's ever called me an idiot for being a H/G shipper. HA! WE WERE RIGHT! HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES, HUH? HUH? 11/07/05: -grins sheepishly- Sorry about the long absence, folks - I've just moved again and we've only just got the Internet back on. Expect a few updates soon. Not that anyone's going to be remotely interested with the release of HBP so close...meh. Well, what to say about myself? I'm a male 20 year old ex-writing student with a HP fixation. I'm a Ravenclaw. As if any of you didn't know, I'm a proud Australian, hailing from Melbourne (okay, fine...I'm now living in Perth. But I came FROM nya). I'm usually a H/G shipper, although lately I have this weird thing for Harry/Gabrielle Delacour fics. Odd, I know, especially since I've only found one good one so far, and it's not even posted on anymore. As far as I'm concerned, H/Hr is slightly incestuous - although I will read a fic with that pairing if it's really good. As anyone who's read my fics will probably be well aware, David Eddings is the single biggest influence on my writing. I love his works, and I have every series he's written to date - a total of 23 books, by my count. Other major influences are, of course, JK Rowling, Raymond Feist, with a bit of Douglas Adams thrown in when I'm in a weird mood. Now, since I'm bored stupid with nothing better to do...some random stuff. Car: Currently driving a VN Commodore. If you have no idea what that is, then you're obviously not an Aussie. Holden rules. Skaife for the V8 Supercar Championship! Opinion of... Anyway, I think that's enough randomness for now. I'm sure you're all thrilled to hear that. -rolls eyes- James Milamber HPMM Disclaimer: This is a work of Fan Fiction. Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury, Warner Bros., and any other relevent parties. No profit is being made from this work, and no copyright infringement is intended. Coen Residence Disclaimer: This is a work of Fan Fiction. Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Zero belong to Capcom, Nintendo, and any other relevent parties. No profit is being made from this work, and no copyright infringement is intended. |