So sorry for the long-hiatus, graduating nursing school and getting a real job puts a damper on being able to write….or do anything really. We have maybe five more chapters to go, and possibly a sequel. Thanks for sticking with it guys!
It was close to midnight when the festivities started winding down. Ginny, deliriously happy and slightly intoxicated, giggled as she and the girls twirled around on the dance floor. The men leaned against tables and sat in chairs, chatting about the women and smirking at Draco who was practically drooling over his impending wedding night. Blaise was proud of him for not simply throwing his wife over his shoulder and going off to the cottage reserved for them in Hogsmeade.
Ginny spun to a stop in front of the table where her husband sat at his ease, legs spread wide and head leaned back on the chair. She stared, transfixed by the look in his eyes and felt her heart stop. She wasn't even sure she could breathe properly, knowing now how a doe felt in the eyes of a wolf. Her face flushed and she lowered her eyelashes, one hand curling a tendril of fire red hair around her index finger. She heard Draco rising from his chair and his soft step coming towards her. She saw his dark grey dress shoes come into her line of vision and his pale hands came up to grasp her elbows. With a soft tug he drew her into his embrace, one arm going around her waist and the other came up to curl under her chin and raise her face to lock eyes with her.
Draco held his new wife in his arms and couldn't believe that the lovely woman in his arms was his. He watched as her lashes fluttered down over her molten chocolate eyes and tilted her chin up so he could close the distance and lay his lips softly against hers. As always, a thrill went through him as her petal soft lips opened underneath his her soft tongue slipping around his. The hand under her chin slipped around to cradle her head in his large hand fingers threading through her soft red hair. She curled her fingers around the lapels of his suit and tugged his body closer into hers, the kiss heating up further. She felt the arm behind her back tighten and suddenly there was a soft "pop".
Feeling a bit disoriented she pulled her face back and opened her eyes. The soft beige walls and plush carpet under her heels caused her to sink slightly as she looked around. A large four poster bed was in the middle of the back wall, swathed in soft rose gold sheeting. To her left sat the luggage that she and the girls had packed for the week long honeymoon next to an unfamiliar bag she assumed must be Draco's. The suite also included a small kitchenette with stove and refrigerator, a small patio held a two seat table. The right wall had a door that she assumed went to the bathroom, but her curiosity was interrupted once again by her husband who led her over to the end of the bed. She was eased down onto a chaise lounge at the end of the bed and watched with mild curiosity as Draco dropped to his knees in front of her.
Draco's silver eyes had turned to pure molten heat as he stared up into hers. Ginny couldn't summon any words and leaned forward to run her hands through his soft silver hair, tugging the tie that held it back and letting the soft curtain fall loose. He responded by leaning into her body and reaching for the delicate pins that held her wonderful curls up into the elegant hair style she had spent painstakingly long doing. She huffed a laugh as the work of two hours was undone in seconds, but it turned into a strangled moan when he pressed his lips to hers again.
It wasn't long before her hands started to wander, pushing her hands below the shoulders of the jacket and sliding it down his broad shoulders. It fell to the floor behind him, neither of them caring about the wrinkling of the fine fabric. His arms were around her, tugging her to the edge of the chaise lounge. He slid into the space between her legs, the voluminous skirt of her gown preventing him from getting as close as he would like. Frustrated, his hands went to the intricate lacing of the bodice behind her back and started picking apart the knot holding the thing together. Trying to maintain the kiss and undo the intricate knot at the same time proved too difficult and he broke the kiss with an angry snarl.
Ginny took one look at his face and broke into a laugh. Draco had to grin as the sound of his wife's laughter penetrated his frustrated fuming over the knot. "Who tied this knot Gin? The damn navy?"
"Pansy was in charge of that particular part of my dressing. She said it would help increase the anticipation…" Ginny gasped when he gave a firm tug on the end of the laces and she felt the bodice loosened. Her arms came up to wrap around her chest, a flush starting up her neck and across her chest. She dropped her eyes, a sudden bout of shyness coming over her.
"Hey now, Gin, no need for that. Come on love, look at me." Draco waited, hands rubbing up and down her arms soothingly. When her eyes glanced up at him he smiled at her reassuringly, endeared by her modesty. "We're going to go slowly love; I want you to know how I cherish you. Now give me your hands darling."
She held out her hands, trying to hide the fine trembling in them. He grasped her hands in his and brought them to his mouth kissing the tips of her fingers and trailing his mouth up her wrist. He knew when she relaxed again, her fingers curling around his. A smirk crossed his lips as he placed her hands back on his shoulders, dropping his hands to her ankles. The glass shoes on her feet were slipped off and he sat back on his heels. First one foot and then the other were lifted into his lap, fingers trailing up the sole towards her knee. Both hands transferred to her right leg, gliding up to trace the edges of her silk stocking. He heard her breath shudder, and his smirk went into a full blown smile and he pressed his lips to the inside of her knee. Her legs tried to clamp closed, but his shoulder blocked her and he murmured softly while stroking the inside of her knew soothingly. Finding the clasps that held the stocking to garter, he flicked them open with a finger and tugged the silk down her leg. Once bare he found her skin to be even softer then the silk and placed feather light kisses upon it before switching to the other leg and repeating the process.
Ginny's breath was uneven and hitching in her chest as floods of sensation sparked wherever his body touched hers. Her legs were struggling between closing and falling open wantonly, a struggle her mind was having as well. Both of her stockings were now on the floor, the garter bands following them in short order. Draco's hands were stroking up and down her legs and she said a silent thank you and apology to Alex and Pansy for the wax job they helped her with earlier in the week. The pain and cursing was defiantly paying off now!
Draco's soft exploration of the expanse of her legs was expanding, softly tracing up and passing her knee. The soft skin of her inner thigh made him catch his breath, and his hardness became painfully so, pressing against the front of his dress pants. He circled his hands behind her ass and tugged her to the very edge of the chaise, giving him access to finally close the distance between her body and his. He raised his head and sealed his mouth over hers again, the heat kicking up another three thousand notches. Her hands busied themselves with unknotting his tie, sliding it off and tossing it to join his jacket on the floor. The buttons on his shirt were also quickly slid from the holes and the tails tugged from his pants, the shirt toss with an undignified jerk to the floor. Ginny pulled back to look at him, the sheer beauty of him taking her breath away.
His pale chest was slender, with well defined muscles and a light smattering of hair that led to an arrow path downwards to disappear into his pants. She followed it with her eyes and drew in a sharp breath when her eyes fell on the impressive ridge under his zipper. Curiosity drove her to reach her hands out and trace her fingers over the hardened length of him, his quick intake of breath lost on her. Intrigued, she popped the button and slowly drew the zipper down, pulling the pants down over his hips. The dove grey silk boxers were losing the battle of keeping him contained, so she slid those off to follow his pants to pool around his knees. She felt the fear cross her face when she saw him fully aroused for the first time, wondering how on earth she would fit him.
Draco watched her face and smirked at the impressed look that crossed her expressive face before fear took over it. He would not have his wife fear him and was quick to close the distance to lock lips onto hers again. His fingers crept back up under her skirt, all the way up to the juncture of her thighs. The underwear she was wearing was silk, he could feel that much as well as the damp center of her soaking through it. Draco groaned into her mouth when her hips instinctively jerked into his hand the heat of her burning through the silk under things. He edged his finger under the edge and traced over the very edge of her center, the quivering of her thighs edging him on. Finally unable to take the teasing anymore he stood and stepped out of his pants and boxers, taking her hands and standing her from the chaise. The bodice slipped down to her waist, exposing her to his gaze for the first time.
Draco's silver eyes left a trail of fire as he took her in, the delicate sweep of her collar bones and the fullness of her pert breasts spurring him forward to tug the rest of the gown down her hips and lifting her out of it. She squeaked and wrapped her legs around his hips, bringing her core into direct contact with his length the silk of her panties the only thing between them. They both froze, skin to skin and senses on overload, before Draco latched onto her mouth and walking them towards the bed. He placed a knee on the mattress and gently lowered his wife to the bed, backing up to look at her.
Ginny's hair was set off to the best benefit by the rose gold silk, spread out in a halo around her head. The paleness of her skin and the slight freckles dotted over her shoulders was lent a rosy glow by the increased blood flow from her arousal. Draco, now able to see her panties were white, grasped the edges of the last barrier and tugged them down her long legs. He had to remember to breathe when he realized the she was completely bare to him, and thanked whatever one of her friends has helped with this plan. He pressed his knee to the mattress again and bent his head to begin kissing up her body, starting at her toes. When he reached the top of her thigh she was shaking so hard he raised his head to check on her. Her chocolate eyes gleamed at him, her hips lifting of their own accord in blatant invitation. He smirked at her and bent his head back to the juncture of her thighs, placing butterfly light kisses to the skin of her hips, his hands grasping her thighs and easing them apart.
Draco settled between her legs and slowly traced his lips over her center, fingers tracing the outer lips of her sex. His wife's breathless gasping was his sole focus, his own need pressing into the silk twitching with each of her gasps. The smell and sight of her was almost more than he could bear, but bear it he would to ensure that this would be forever branded on her mind. He spread her wider and slowly flicked his tongue against the bud he knew would drive her wild. His reward was her thighs coming in to box his ears, and he chuckles against her as he placed his shoulders against her thighs to prevent her from closing off from him. Returning to his task, he eases one slim finger into her heat, curling it up and applying his mouth back to her. Her back bowed off the bed as he worked the heat in her belly tightening and spreading throughout her body.
Ginny was not completely naive, and she did have rather promiscuous friends, so she knew what that coiling meant. She tugged on Draco's hair, wanting him inside her for the first orgasm given to her by another person. He glanced up her body to meet her eyes, and the heat in them nearly had her undone.
"What is it love? Am I doing something wrong?" Draco's voice was at least four octaves lower than his normal tone, licking his lips as he waited for her response.
"No, God, you're doing everything right! I want you…inside. My first orgasm as a married woman should be with my husband buried deeply where he belongs I think…" Ginny was breathless with anticipation as her husband surged upwards and locked his mouth on hers.
Draco was nearly undone as those words tumbled out of her mouth, his length twitching as it came into contact with her wet heat. The tip of him brushed over her opening and she gasped as he pressed against her. Concerned, he stopped and pulled back to look into her eyes. Only love was reflected back at him, and she reached between their bodies to guide him back to her opening. He eased his hips forward, the length of him sliding into the tight heat of her. It was almost too much for him, the tight wet heat of her fitting him like a glove. He watched her face for any hint of pain, and about halfway in he felt it. Reaching for her hands he pulled them above her head and pressed his hands into hers.
"Love…Gin this is going to hurt and I'm sorry…" Draco snapped his hips forward and seated him deep in her as her sharp cry rang through the room. Her hands were crushing his as he placed gentle kisses all over her face, kissing the tear that leaked out of her copper eyes. He waited, perfectly still, until he felt her mover her hips slightly under his. Happy to oblige, her gently stroked into her, releasing her hands to stroke her face with his fingertips.
"God! Draco, I need…"Ginny was panting, her hips snapping up into his forcing him to pick up the pace or be left behind. She was close, and could feel the small muscles locking around him as her eyes started fluttering.
Draco could feel her, so close. He freed up a hand to reach between them and pressing her bud in rhythm to his thrusts. Her entire body tensed up and with a cry she clamped down on him. The feel and sight of her coming undone underneath him was enough to trigger his release as well, dropping his forehead to her shoulder as the waves of sensation crashed over his body.
Ginny sighed underneath him, turning her face to press a kiss to the side of his head. She brought her arms up to wrap around him, tugging him down to cover her body completely with his. He protested, his weight much greater than hers and rolled them so she was on top, still buried between her thighs.
Ginny sighed in pleasure, her head tucked under his chin with his arms wrapped around her waist. With a tired wave of his hand, his magic had the blankets come up and cover them and the lights went out in the room.
Thinking her already asleep, he placed a kiss to the top of his wife's head he whispered, "Goodnight Mrs. Malfoy."
Her reply of a mumbled goodnight had his face stretching into a large smile as he closed his eyes and held his wife wrapped securely in his arms.