Reviews for Life
lily chapter 4 . 5/14
why is harry so mean and stuff it makes me question everything harry has done
Somebody Strange chapter 6 . 10/25/2014
It was ok...just kidding!
nayin17 chapter 6 . 10/18/2013
Ive cried while reading this and i dont mind that hermoine is dead
Guest chapter 6 . 6/9/2013
Great story
riegert8 chapter 6 . 8/6/2011
This is a very good story

I am little surprise that Harry end up marrying Ginny, Harry tell Ginny that he in love with her which did not over too well. I could understand that Ginny would find it that hard to believe that Harry love her, what blow my mind that Harry confused that he love her and she turn around and started dating someone else.

I know this is a old story, but I figure it never too late to leave a review.
Stephanie O chapter 6 . 10/17/2010
Ok, I'm going to go against your other reviewers with something a little less "gushing"...I have to say it wasn't one of my favorites, but it had some very good parts. I loved the scene with Harry in the room with all the dead, even though I went through several kleenex, and I really liked the complete explanation about how Ginny created the potion and how Dumbledore helped Harry realize his true feelings for her. There are a lot of spelling errors, however, and not just minor ones either-there are several meaning-changing errors throughout the story, and those are a big cause of why this story isn't a favorite. A little more proofing would have improved this tremendously. Thanks for writing, though!
Etar chapter 6 . 8/14/2006
This is an amazing story, and so close to how I can imagine the ending. Of course, I think most of us would rather less people die- but it's war and if I'm not happy at the end of book 7 I think I'll use this to feel better.

Thabk you

Uzamaki-Girl chapter 6 . 7/20/2006
This was a great story. At first I was really mad at Harry for calling her all those things but now I'm happy that their happy together. I am such a hopeless romantic. .
Mean titain chapter 3 . 5/13/2006
Aw It made me cry!
harrypotterchick4ever chapter 6 . 4/8/2006
aw that fic was a tearjerker

it was so good

i only wish ron and hermione hadn't died as well as molly and percy
Sweetiepye2332 chapter 6 . 2/18/2006
AW! no mary-sues! I'm loving it!

super cute, extra adorable, great job!
zizzy333 chapter 6 . 1/4/2006
Very good story! I couldn't stop crying, the end wraped it up perfectly! Good Job!
ElphabaFae chapter 6 . 4/9/2005
Wow! That's a great story... nearly had me in tears though with all the people dead. Couldn't have Ron and Hermione stayed alive? Then they could have gotten married, too! Anyways... once again, wonderful story.
Arianna of Bellezza chapter 6 . 4/2/2005
I just wanted to tell you that I love your story. I've read it before, but I guess that I've never reviewed.
Cerdwyn3 chapter 6 . 12/7/2004
I was sobbing then at the end giggling! Aces!
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