All Harry Potter characters don't belong to me

Chapter One – Once Upon a Time



AN: Hello Everyone. How are you all doing? Well, here it is the first chapter to my second story. As you can tell, it is Roots of Affection. I think most of you will be pretty happy, since majority of you wanted me to write this after The Source. Sorry to those who wanted a different story, but don't be too disappointed because I will write them eventually. I don't have much to say right now, maybe I'll have more after I get feedback for this chapter, so go ahead and enjoy! (Well, hopefully you will enjoy)

High pitched crying echoed through Malfoy Manor and Lucius Malfoy stopped pacing in the hall way. The double doors to the Master bedroom opened and a middle aged Healer stepped through.

"You can come in now, Lord Malfoy," the Medi-Witch said before stepping aside for Lucius to stride in.

Narcissa Malfoy was propped up in the middle of the bed with her eyes closed and breathing heavily. A nurse stood at the side of the bed holding a bundle wrapped in a thick white cloth. Lucius sat at his wife's side and brushed some hair away from her face. Narcissa opened her eyes and gave her husband a weak smiled before gesturing for the nurse to bring them their baby.

"Our son," she said softly while taking her baby from the nurse's arms. She held him in a way so that both her and her husband could see him. Lucius carefully touched his son's check with a finger before the baby's eyes snapped open. Lucius looked into a pair of silver globes and both he and his son couldn't break eye contact. At that very moment, Lucius finally accepted the fact that he was a father.

"Draco," Lucius whispered and picked his son up from Narcissa's arms. He cradled the baby in his arms carefully and smiled slightly. "You shall be named Draco. Draco Malfoy," he said. "What do you think Narcissa?"

Narcissa took Draco back into her arms a pressed a kiss to his forehead. "It's perfect, Lucius. My little Dragon," she said affectionately.

Narcissa was happily cooing Draco while sitting in Lucius's study watching him do some paper work. The Healer had come in that morning to give Draco a routine check up. At three months old, Draco was perfectly healthy and both Narcissa and Lucius couldn't have hoped for more. Because of Narcissa's weak health, having a baby was a big problem for her. When they found out she was pregnant they were overjoyed but also worried because there could be a chance their baby would be born unhealthy, or Narcissa might even die. Since Draco had been cleared of having any disease or abnormality, the couple was finally able to relax a bit.

"Lucius," Narcissa said.

"Yes Dear?"

"I'm worried about Draco."

Lucius looked up at his wife and saw the concern on her face. He stood up from his seat behind his desk and walked across the room to where she was sitting near the window.

"What about?" he said while bending down so he could nudge Draco's cheek. Draco simply blew some bubbles and wiggled around a bit.

"He doesn't seem to cry at all and I'm scared the Healer might have missed something," Narcissa said sounding stressed.

"Not to worry Dear," came a voice from the door way. Lucius stood up straight and turned to see who it was.

"Mother," he said and walked over to guide her inside. Narcissa also stood up from her seat while holding Draco and walked to where Lucius had seated his mother.

"What are you doing here?" Lucius asked.

"Can't a grandmother come and see her Grandson?" she said jokingly.

"Of course you can," Narcissa answered and then handed Draco over to his Grandmother.

Draco didn't make a sound as he was passed to someone he had never seen before. Most babies would cry when they met strangers but Draco didn't. He just looked at his grandmother quietly. Serena Malfoy bounced Draco a few times before laughing.

"No need to worry," she said and then handed Draco back to Narcissa. "He's just like Lucius when he was a baby. Hardly made a noise unless he wanted something. Nothing to worry about, Narcissa dear."

"Thank you mother," Narcissa said. "I still have a lot to learn from you."

Serena waved her hand casually. "Anytime dear. Now Lucius," She said and turned to face her son. "Have you found Draco a fiancé yet?"

It was customary for pureblood families to decide who their children would marry at a very young age. Though some families have now ignored this tradition, the Malfoy's had not.

"We were considering the Parkinson's," Lucius answered.

"Absolutely not," Serena said indignantly.

"Why not?" Lucius questioned. "They are pureblood, rich and they just had a little girl of their own. She would be the perfect age for Draco."

Serena Malfoy stood up to face her son. "I will not have my Grandson marry a potential Deatheater," She said sternly.

"You don't know what the future holds," Lucius argued. "She might not be…"

Lucius was silence by his mother's raised hand. "That is enough," She said. "I am your elder, so I shall decide who Draco's fiancé will be."

Lucius knew better than to argue with her. "As you wish, Mother," he said.

"Good," Serena said. "You will thank me one day Lucius, even though you might not see the advantages now." With that said she handed a wrapped package to Lucius and left the Manor.

Lucius sat down in a chair and sighed. He didn't hate his mother, it's just she was always interfering in his life. Lucius knew any child of the Parkinson's could never be worthy enough for Draco, but they were the only pureblood family close enough to find Draco a fiancé. Lucius chose to leave that matter with his mother and not worry about it. He then looked at the gift and unwrapped it. Inside was a wooden box which held a set of all the baby things Draco would need. Baby spoons, bowls, bottle racks, and a rattle, all of which was made from pure white gold.

When Draco turned one, his grandmother still had not found him a suitable fiancé. That year was also when Voldemort fell from power. Lucius, being Voldemort's right hand man was actually glad to see that evil demon get defeated. On the outside Lucius might look like a Deatheater but he was not one at heart. Now that Voldemort had 'supposedly' died, he could put all his time and effort into raising Draco to be the man he should be.

Lucius taught Draco how to be calm and collected even at a very young age. As soon as he was old enough to walk, Lucius had Draco training how to compose himself correctly. When Draco started to speak, Lucius exposed him to many different languages, wanting him to know them so that they could be an advantage for him in the future.

At the age of six, Draco was already a lot like his father. He was polite when meeting guests or greeting strangers. He stayed clam and never went running around laughing like normal kids did. He had an expert cold expression that he put on when he noticed Lucius was disliking their guests or anyone they met. Draco learnt and copied from his father and looked up to him very much. Narcissa mothered Draco lovingly and pampered him but Lucius was always there to make sure their son didn't become a spoilt brat.

Narcissa pressed a kiss to Draco's forehead as he sat at his desk memorizing a magical creature's dictionary. "I'll be coming back soon, Draco," She said to him. Draco looked up at her and nodded. "Make sure you look after him, Martin," Narcissa said to Draco's personal butler.

"Of course Madame," Martin replied.

Narcissa excited Draco's room and walked down the stairs to Lucius's study. She knocked on the door lightly before opening it. "I'm accompanying your mother to the Hospital Lucius. I won't be long," she said. Lucius simply nodded and Narcissa closed the door as she left.

Serena Malfoy was at the hospital getting her routine check up and Narcissa had insisted that she accompany her. The check up didn't take very long, and while Serena sat in a wheelchair in a private room waiting for Narcissa to finish up the paper work, the door opened and a little girl came running inside. Serena was surprised to see a little child with rich red hair run into the room and hide behind her. She moved around in her seat trying to get to the child but she couldn't reach. The door then fully opened and in walked a man and a woman.

"Ginny," the lady called.

"Mr. and Mrs. Weasley," Serena said to the couple. Arthur and Molly saw her and walked over.

"Lady Malfoy," Arthur addressed the elder politely. Molly spotted Ginny hiding behind the wheelchair and grabbed her little arm. Ginny struggled and was able to run away from her mother. She scrambled onto the wheelchair and grabbed on to Serena's robes.

"Ginny," Molly said sternly. "Stop pestering Lady Malfoy,"

"No," Ginny protested with watery eyes and clung onto Serena even tighter. Molly was getting angry and embarrassed.

"Ginny. Get down here now!"

"It's alright dear," Serena said and then gently loosened Ginny's grip on her robes. Ginny seemed to relax and sat in her lap. "What's your name dear?" Serena asked.


"And why are you running away, Ginny?"

Ginny shook her head vigorously. "Don't want to see the bad man," she pouted.

"Don't be ridiculous Ginny. The Healer isn't bad," Molly said angrily.

"Yes he is!" Ginny yelled. "He always hurts me." Ginny was on the verge of tears so Serena soothed her back to calm her down.

More people came through the door and the room was now very crowded. "What's going on in here?" Narcissa asked while walking to her mother in law.

"You found her!" said a man in a white coat. He pushed past everyone and roughly lifted Ginny from Serena Malfoy's lap. Ginny was kicking and yelling, wanting to be let go but the man had a tight hold on her.

"Grammy. Save me!" Ginny called as Mr. and Mrs. Weasley excited with the Healer who was carrying Ginny.

Serena Malfoy quickly stood up from her seat with help from Narcissa and followed the Weasley's and the Healer. The Malfoy's found Mr. and Mrs. Weasley standing outside a door waiting quietly. Serena and Narcissa approached them and the couple looked up.

""Would you mind if I asked what is wrong with, Ginny?" Serena asked.

Molly's eyes watered up and she declined her head to wipe the falling tears away. Arthur placed a hand on his wife's shoulder before answering the question.

"Ginny was born with a heart defect. She has to get treatment regularly just to stay alive."

"But she didn't look sick?" Serena said, finding the news quite shocking.

Molly had clamed down and was now looking at Serena with red eyes. "The treatment allows her heart to function normally, but if she misses any of the sessions then she could be in danger of a heart failure. The treatment is very frequent and she says it's very painful."

"Isn't there a permanent cure?" Narcissa asked.

Molly shook her head. "They don't have one yet," Arthur answered them. "And they don't know how long this kind of treatment will sustain her for."

The door opened and the Healer from before stepped out. Ginny's cries and screams floated out and Serena cringed at the heart wrenching sounds.

"Please come in Mr. and Mrs. Weasley," the Healer said coldly.

"We must be going now Lady Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy," Arthur said politely and then guided Molly into the room.

Serena let out a big sigh and shook her head.

"What's the matter, Mother?" Narcissa asked.

"I just think it's so sad that an adorable little girl has to go through so much pain at such a young age."

"I'm sure the Medical staffs are doing their best to help her," Narcissa reassured.

Serena simply nodded her head and started walking back to her own private hospital room.

Narcissa and Serena Malfoy arrived back at Malfoy Manor and headed straight for the study. On entering into the room, they saw that Mr. Parkinson was also there. Seeing the two ladies enter the two men stood up from their seats to greet them.

"What a surprise to see you here Mr. Parkinson," Serena said as she began to sit down in a chair.

Mr. Parkinson had been coming over to Malfoy Manor quite frequently in the past few years desperately trying to hint that he wanted Draco and his daughter to get engaged. Serena Malfoy had told Lucius to subtly decline the hints because there would be no possibility of Draco marrying Pansy Parkinson, ever.

Mr. Parkinson cleared his throat. "I was just here for a friendly chat with Lucius that's all."

"That's nice," Serena Malfoy said. There was a moment of silence as the tension in the room grew.

"So…" Mr. Parkinson began. "Have you found Draco a suitable fiancé yet?" he asked quite bluntly.

"We're still…" Lucius began but was stopped by his mother speaking.

"We have," Serena said confidently.

"Really," Mr. Parkinson said. "And who is this lucky young lady?"

Serena stood up and gave Mr. Parkinson a cold smile. "You shall find out soon enough," She said. "Now if you wouldn't mind, Mr. Parkinson, I have some matters I would like to discus with my son."

"Certainly," Mr. Parkinson said and then slowly left the room. Narcissa also left to go check on Draco.

Once Lucius and Serena were alone, Lucius sat back down at his seat.

"How could you do that Mother?" He said as he was rubbing his temple. "You can't just lie about Draco having a fiancé to get rid of him?"

"But I'm not lying," Serena said with a smile. "I have found Draco the perfect fiancé."

Lucius raised an eyebrow. "Really? And who is this girl?"

"Ginny Weasley."

End of Chapter One. Thank you for reading and I hope you review.

So, how did you like it? Or you didn't? I know it's not much of a beginning, but it will get better. Sorry it took me so long to post this story, but I started university this year and I can tell you, it's a lot harder than high school. But I'm on mid-year break now for three weeks so I can concentrate on writing this story out. Well, thank you for reading and I hope you review.