![]() Author has written 39 stories for Inuyasha, and D N Angel. WELCOME TO THE PAGE OF 'random' -wriggle- It does not matter how slowly you go As long as you do not stop -Confucius I posted something new... wow. Oh, its tooo tempting to write in code right now!! Oh how I miss school! I miss it so! (And all you who think I've lost my mind... I have... But you will miss it!! All you who still slave away in your desks, feverishly scribbling notes and trying to remember how the straw works, will miss it!! When you're out... You'll be saying... I miss it!! And then think, "Oh, I guess Evie was right..." I will always get the last laugh!!) I swear when I see 'shift' I see 'shit', my brain can't process the 'F', its horrible! Its all, "Where's the RUIT?! Where is the reaking ruit!!" when shopping. Its a disease... non curable... like verbal diarrhea... harsh stuff... Mmmhmmm. Very interesting (yet harsh) stuff... You have no idea... I'm writing again... if anyone still gives a flying fart in space... It's exciting! So exciting that even the worms are laughing... Oh those pitiful worms... All right, enough with the ramble. Though rambling makes everyone think you've utterly lost your mind, meaning that they'll leave you alone... I've decided that I'm going to work on finishing AHW. Oh and the fireworks go off... and sadly blow up everything and thus rendering me back to phase one... Nothing! I've got the ending down and the epilogue, all I need to do is connect! And then it shall be complete!! Dr. Frankenstein would be so proud... Fantastic. Awoken... hmmm. I've been thinking about... stuff... and stuff will be changing. For better? We shall see. For worse... most defiantly... lovely... KTS... we've not forgotten (oh yes we have) about you (lies lies utter lies!) A new one shot will be thrown up for amusement and target practice. Though I must ask you to mind windows... Mrs. Finkle will murder you with her enormous eye glasses if one of you breaks her windows... Sir Edbark Wiggle-Stick of West Wiggle Burn broke a window... and was never heard from again... Though we see him every Sunday in his best walking a poodle... in a snow globe... on Mrs. Finkle's window sill... that poor poodle... Stay tuned oh faithful readers!! Run! Run! As fast as you can! You ARE the ginger bread man!! I hope this was amusing... I want to give a shout out to all those who... well... read this... Hello. Go Read Ping!! And there's my shameless plug... Its pure Crack!! Plug. Plug. Plug. Rhymes with: Smug. Smug. Smug. XD CRACK IS BEST!! Aaaaaand... We're OUT!! Rhymes with Spout. -bows- I'm a little tea pot song IS DIRTY!! DIRTY!! DIRTY LITTLE CHILD SONG!! I'm a little tea pot, short and stout What does YOUR evil dirty mind come up with?! We wont get into mine... -grin- Ok, so we you know how we forget what we posted during the early days, and once in a while get that review that makes us go WHAAAAAA?? Thus we scramble to our archives and commence 'searching' for this 'fiction' and as we stroll down memory(or nightmare-ish) lane, we go WTF WAS I SMOKING!? Yes. Smoking. What was the strange thing clouding my brain. So we sit and stare and ponder... and stare... (all the while not blinking and thus are eyelids are now national sponsors for Livotsin, which is an eye drop which i in no way, shape, or form own, since our eyes have become the newest desert.) So we stare, ponder, sit and shift and ponder more. All the while not doing a thing about this 'fiction' that we swear was made by drugs. So now that we've 'looked' though what we plastered on the internet for the next trillion years, some of us MAY think, "I should add some more" or "Maybe i should add that next chapter to that one... or two... 'fictions' so that this axe above my head leaves." Or we just crackle like mad people, log off, and forget the last twenty or so odd minutes NEVER HAPPENED. EVER So yes, I feel sorry for those 'fictions' that are in MY archives going "Laaaa Deeee Daaaaa I'm CRAZY!!" just begging for some unsuspecting soul to stumble upon and DESTROY!! Because you know; those fictions are out there to DESTROY you. Which is why I never follow through with what my brain is screaming at me. So they shall stay!! All my WTF was I smoking 'fictions' will stay. So, with my brain screaming at me to get rid of those, and to update; along with that floating axe above my head given to me by everyone who is itching to kill me because i'd rather update this thing then my 'fictions', I bid you all good-bye. But not forever my friends!! Just another 8 months. I'm such a brat. I seem to be screaming out numbers these days... though 27 is not among them... 97 SECONDS!! NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! So this new layout they've got going on is REALLY, REALLY ANNOYING!! This lay out, and the new msn layout, and the NEW EVERYTHING LAY OUT!! IF IT AIN'T BROKE DON'T FIX IT!! HELLO!! RAWR - STATS ARE BACK!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! I... am planning on chucking out chapt 27 for AHW... right after i get my soul back... yet again, work has made me sign it away again. Oh well... the dots are back... dots... woo... haha Um ya... dots... are... AMAZING. CHANGES TO PROFILE NOT SUCCESSFULLY SAVED!! STOP LYING TO ME!! I had dots all over the place!! BUT NOW THEY'RE GONE!! (sobs) Sunny D is pure liquid crack!! I love it!! Go drink it!! I have utterly lost the sense of direction. Up is left. Down is right. And there is NO such thing as straight a head. Can I be 1027.5 years old please? I think that would be absolutely FANTASTIC! Because then when people want to know how old you are, you can go: "One Hundred Twenty Seven..." The sound of your mind being sucked into the infinite vortex of utter insainty. |
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