Engel an der Leine

What if I told you that I'm not who I seem I am?

What if…I told you I was something else?

Something not of this world…

Would you hate me?

Would you pity me?

Would it make me important to you?

Would you throw me away if you found out?

For you…I'd live a lie.

I'd live in the darkness for you…

Since my heart is already…dark…

Chapter X:

Violet eyes opened and widened, this wasn't hell…

"What's going on?" He asked himself softly, not really expecting an answer but was surprised when he did.

You're back on Earth. The human realm.

Dark looked around bewilderedly, "Michael-sama?"

Angels can't go to hell, little one.


An angel banished to hell would simply strip him of his powers.

"Then…what am I?"

You're an angel on the line. The line between heaven and hell.

"Which would be…"

That's correct, the human realm is that line. And since you can neither go to heaven nor hell, the counsel has decided that you'd go to Earth. As a human. And until your days end, you will remain a human.

Amethyst eyes lit up, "Thank you Michael-sama!"

Do not thank me, thank the counsel, it was their choice. Now go, go to your human little one. We will await the day you return to us.

Dark nodded and ran into the house, he was greeted by silence. Anxiety took over him as he ran upstairs and found the Niwa family sitting around the couches there, the redhead had fallen asleep against a blue haired boy his age while Emiko was no where to be found. Kosuke stared at him in amazement, "Dark!"

Daisuke jolted awake and smiled sleepily, "You made it!"

Then Emiko emerged from Krad's room to see what all the commotion was about, she stared at the slave, "Dark!"

Amethyst eyes blinked as he was dragged into the room, his heart tied itself into a knot when he saw the blond. He barely managed to whisper, "K-Krad…"

The blonde's breathing was fast and shallow, brows knitted and eyes clenched tightly in pain. He coughed and blood leaked out his mouth, he gave a soft whimper, trying to regain what little breath he had. Emiko headed to his bed, wiping the tears away, "Krad…Dark's here, he's back…wake up…please? Tomorrow's Christmas…" The blond gave no response.

The doctor shook his head in defeat, "I'm afraid I have to go…"

Emiko nodded, "Thank you…"

"Let's just hope for the best, after all…it's Christmas, miracles do happen…"

Dark frowned, still feeling mortified at the sight before him, it was so much more…heinous in person… "E-Emiko-san?"


"I'll watch Krad tonight…you should sleep…" He said quietly.

The brunette bit her lip and nodded then headed out the room. Dark silently headed over to the blonde's bed, slightly nauseous from all the blood staining pure white sheets. He kneeled down next to his master, "Krad? I'm back…please live…" Tears blurred his vision, "Emiko-san said tomorrow's Christmas…I want…I want to spend Christmas day with you…that's all I want…"

He sniffled and wiped his tears away, please Kami-sama…if there was ever you created miracles, please create this one…please let Krad live…

Amethyst eyes looked outside, it was silent, the only things that glittered were the stars in the sky and the snow on the ground. More than anything, he wanted the blond to live…


The slave stirred and woke up, he stood up, shocked that he had fallen asleep. Looking at the blond, he gave a sigh of relief when Krad's chest continued moving up and down…Dark leaned against the blonde's chest lightly, listening to his heart beat, if a miracle can be created, let it be this one.

The door opened and the slave turned around to see a very tired looking Emiko, it looked like she didn't get any sleep at all… "Is Krad…"

"He's still breathing…"

Emiko's shoulders sagged as she released her breath, "Thank god…"



Dark pointed at the window, "It's snowing…"


Later that day, Emiko headed into the closet and took out several boxes, Dark was still kneeling beside his master waiting for some sign of consciousness when a box was set in front of him. Amethyst eyes blinked and he looked up in a rather confused way at Emiko, "What?"

"It's Krad's gift to you."

Dark looked at the gift then to Emiko who gave him an encouraging nod, slowly he unwrapped the box with slight hesitation, inside was but a single card and a bracelet. The angel blinked, Krad had taught him how to read slightly, enough to read the card…


I'm returning your life back to you. Live well, Dark Mousy.


Tears fell out of the angel's eyes, Krad was freeing him from slavery…he was freed from it all…just by ten simple words…he lifted up the bracelet, silver chains with a flat piece of silver in the middle shaped like a feather, there was Dark Mousy engraved in the middle of the feather. He blinked away the tears and freed himself of the collar around his neck letting it drop onto the floor.

Emiko's eyes widened, what was he doing…

"Thank you Krad…" For everything…

Brown eyes softened, the redhead's mother bit her lip and exited the room, Daisuke stood up, "How is he?"

"Still the same…at least he's…"

Kosuke wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "He'll be alright…just watch…he'll pull through…"


The sun had set and the moon was high in the sky, Dark was still by the blonde's side, waiting, waiting for something, for anything. He glanced at the clock, it was almost midnight, he sighed dejectedly and rested his head on his arms, watching the blonde breath. At least his breathing seemed less labored…only by a bit though… "Krad…" He felt tears threatening to spill again, he gave a wavering smile, "Don't worry…heaven is beautiful…and everyone's very nice, and there's Michael-sama too…you'd be happy there…"

Soon weariness took over him and he nodded off…


At the stroke of midnight, the black feather on the window sill outside, half covered in snow glowed and disappeared.

Merry Christmas little one…


That morning, Dark got up groggily, he rubbed his eyes and nearly yelped when he felt a hand rest on his head softly. Violet eyes widened as he looked up, there was the blond, sitting up, still palely and worn out, Krad smiled softly. "Hey…" He said barely above a whisper, his throat was still raw from all the coughing.

Dark stared at the blond in disbelief, happiness and relief swept through him, "Krad!" The next thing he knew, he was hugging the blond tightly and crying into his shoulder.

The blond merely smiled and hugged him back, then the door opened, Emiko opened the door looking panicked, then she saw Krad and covered her mouth. Tears making their way to her eyes, "Krad…Krad!"

Golden eyes widened as everyone came rushing in, then he smiled, "Tadaima…"


Mini Epilogue…

Dark had been staying with Krad for over a year now, it was a sunny spring day and the two were lounging around outside under a nice apple tree, the flowers were in bloom…

"You know you didn't have to stay with me…you could've gone and found heaven or something…"

Dark gave a shrug and smiled, resting his head against the other's shoulder, "Don't you know? For me…heaven's being by your side…"




Yes! It's finished:O And this was pretty short...ummm yea...no time...they both lived! Partly since I didn't feel like having millions of people come after me with torches :S Happy belated birthday to Tempest Wind Hollow! Enjoy your very very very late present! And umm...thank you to everyone for reviewing! I lobe you all in a very nice friendly way :) So yea...I finally finished a fic! I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks again!

Because I don't have time...many thanks to reviewers..

Les Scribbles, trapt-time, Mysterious Kaitou, -16-BrokenWings-16-, boeboebi, Hakudoshi-chan, White Phoenix Eternal, Socks-The-Kitsune, SeLeNa MoUsY, golden-flame4, Mujyakina-Hitokoroshiya, Devinedragon, Lillith, mad hatter, DoveofLight, UnIQuE Not Weird, himeno, Tempest Wind Hollow, Dark Mousy 0, Daishi, KandKL, darksaphire, Noroi-Inu, dimonyo-anghel, monchi, Shimmering Solitude, Manami Nakaoki, Shizuka-Yuki, seiko123, Ichigo12, Whylive, icestar2007, Miranda, kyo's little koneko, sakurafairy, The Rogue Prince, SamuraiKai, Kila Inverse, hittocerebattosai, Shimmering Moonlight, tohmaXshuichi, Dancing Kitsune, Seylin, FantasyLee, KnightGuardian, Maliya, Sango-maru

Nuuu...my updating streak may be dead >.>;; I might have any time tomorrow :S So yea...hmmm...thanks again! XD Buhbye for now! I'll be back >.O Until then...ja mata ne! Gods...I don't even know if the spacing's right...and there's no one around to ask, I'm such a failure XP Ermm...bye :)