Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Inuyasha. I do not own the amazing song called "Broken Vow" sung by Josh Groban.

Only A Dream

By: xdragonslayerx

The demon lord of the western lands was in confusion. "Who are you?"

A cloaked figure shrugged her shoulders, "Just an old friend of your family's. My name is Mina, and I have come to give you a gift." She held out her right hand, a deep purple stone lay in it. The markings of dream were etched into it.

Cautious, Sesshomaru slowly walked forward to take the stone. "What is it?"

Mina shrugged her shoulders, "Just something that gives you a glimpse of a different life. It will be like a dream, thus the markings." She tapped them, "You must fall asleep, or be in a meditative state, with the stone in your hand, next to your heart. That's all it takes."

Sesshomaru looked at the thing now in his hand. Without a word, he turned to walk away.

Mina bowed and also turned to leave, but stopped short. "There is a warning, my lord."

Sesshomaru quirked a brow. "Some have found themselves trapped inside the dream sometimes, so be careful not to let that happen."

The demon lord nodded, "I shall remember." He turned and finally left. Mina did so as well.

The forest wherein Sesshomaru made camp seemed to be filled with all sorts of mysteries and enchantments. This was just one of the many odd occurrences that had made him wonder whether his choice to spend the night was ill-advised. After all, it was Jaken who had suggested it.

"Lord Sesshomaru!" cried out the happy Rin. She was very tired, it was easy to see. Her eyes drooped and her steps were wobbling as she tried to welcome him.

"Rin, it is time for you to sleep." Night had fallen hours ago, and he knew she had been ready to rest before sunset. 'She must have been waiting for me,' he almost let out a sigh.

The girl didn't argue, but instead plopped down beside the dragon. "Goodnight, my lord." She curled, and just like that, she was out.

Sesshomaru walked over to a nearby tree. Sitting under it, he grasped the stone in his hand, and put it over his heart. Although he did not need sleep like mortals did, he could go through the process and get very close. He had not done so for fear it would make him lazy or weak as he had heard other demons become.

Closing his eyes, he could immediately begin to see the "glimpse" the woman had promised. He was in a garden, sakura blossoms were everywhere. Sesshomaru found himself feeling…peaceful, content, and…happy.

Those emotions never left him, and it made him upset. 'Why,' he wondered, 'am I like this?'


Sesshomaru found he didn't feel angry or suspicious. Instead, he turned to face the voice with a lightened heart. "Inuyasha?"

The boy had on his normal attire, his sword was also at his side, but the face was different. For the first time in Sesshomaru's long memory, he saw a full-blown, holding nothing back, smile directed at him. "Come on! Training is starting soon!"

Sesshomaru found himself saying something he never would have when in his right mind. "Do you love me, brother?"

Tell me the words I never said,

Show me the tears you never shed,

Inuyasha just laughed, "Of course I do, Maru-chan! Now, come on!" He grabbed the wrist of Sesshomaru's…left arm?

Give me the touch,

The one you promised to be mine,

Suddenly, Sesshomaru was seeing the world melt away. "Wait!" Colors were shading together. "Not yet," he pleaded.

Or has it vanished for all time?

Inuyasha frowned in puzzlement, "What's wrong?"

Sesshomaru had to ask, "Does it matter to me?" The world was slipping away from him every second.

"What are you-?"

"Does it matter to me that you are only a half-demon?" He practically shouted.

I close my eyes,

I dream of you and I,

And then I realize,

Inuyasha shook his head, "No, it never mattered to you." He came up, so close that they could touch. "That's why you took me in, after my mother died. You fought to keep me in the western lands, and we both created this kingdom. It's going to be an empire one day, you said so yourself. I'm going to help you do it, too, no matter what!"

Sesshomaru wanted to close his eyes, but didn't in fear. Fear that he would lose this moment.

"Inuyasha…" So the tears began to fall.

There's more to love than only bitterness and lies!

"Don't cry, Maru-chan," Inuyasha moved to wipe away the tears.

Sesshomaru stepped back, knowing that simple action of caring would undo him. "I am fine." He turned away, "I cannot stay here. It's too much."

I close my eyes…

It was still night when Sesshomaru finally opened his real eyes. Inhaling a stabling breath, he looked down into his hand. The stone was gone, along with the dreamscape he had been "gifted" with.

Something hit his hand. A droplet of water. He knew the skies to be clear, so there was only one, impossible, explanation for it.

Taking his hand, he brought it up to touch his face. Sure enough, the tears were sliding down. He wiped them away with his fingers.

Inside, he felt empty. It would pass with time, he was sure, and he would steadily forget that image. However, for now, it still hurt to even breathe.