: Roses are red. Violets are dull. G Wing isn't mine. My profits are null.All information about cancer and its treatment is taken from "Choices: the New, Most Up-to-date Source Book for Cancer Information" by Marion Moora and Eve Potts.
Information about police procedures is garnered from my uncles, who are detectives, and "Law Enforcement" by Patrice Cassedy.
Information on bounty hunters is derived on "Private Investigators and Bounty Hunters" by Ann G. Gaines.
Other things I mention, but don't own and make no profit from: Dilbert, Frankenstein, "the People's History of the US," Dockers pants, "National Geographic," Victoria's Secret, Ben and Jerry's, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Tiffany's, Polaroid cameras, Cannibal the Musical, Nerf, Army of Darkness, Mr. Clean, "Will and Grace," the Peace Corp, Kiwanis, Mad Libs, Lysol, Plexiglas, Crayola, the Peanuts cast, Scrabble, Halls Fruit Breezers, Jello-O, "Mr. Ed," the TV Guide channel, McDonalds, Buddy Christ, Titanic, Sea World, "Days of Our Lives," Sleeping Beauty, "South Park," Frank Sinatra, Chap Stick, "America's Most Wanted," John Paul Jones, "Spongebob Square Pants," Chanel, Veronica Lake, the Terminator, Popsicles, the History Channel or its shows, any Revolutionary War heroes, Bill Clinton (like I'd want him), "Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition," Game Cube, "Columbo," Audie Murphy, the Soup Nazi, Kleenex, Little Shop of Horrors, "Batman," Winterfresh Gum, the Girl Scouts of America, Ambrose Bierce, corny car alarms from the early 90s, Telecare, "Wheel of Fortune," Old Westbury Mansion, "Lassie," Rosie the Welder, Robin Hood, Mulan, Ace bandages, Mr. Universe, OJ Simpson, "the Nanny," "Seinfeld," "a Dating Story," "World News Tonight," "Hamtaro," "Murder, She Wrote," Good Housekeeping, "Survivor," the book mobile, Taking Back Sunday or their songs, or any other products or references I've forgotten to list.
Author's Notes
: My accuracy is only as good as my sources. If something is incorrect, please let me know.Warnings
: Language. Depressing at times.