![]() Author has written 17 stories for Young Guns, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, Labyrinth, Jumper, Firefly, Chronicles of Narnia, X-Men: The Movie, and Lost Boys. Email: ermccarty12@ OR erinr.mccarty@, doesn't matter which About me: The name's Lila, i'm somewhere in the age range of 20 and I live in wonderful ol' Virginia, where everything's illegal! I haven't really written anything for a while and i'm hoping to get back into it again. Been busy with a new fiance, working and relaxing most of the time. My writing style hasn't changed all that much, i'm maturing as I go, and i'm hoping I can pop out a few more stories for ya'll! Things to know: -Yes I am sometimes ditzy I love 80's movies by the way. Actually just the whole 80's period. The fashion, the pop culture, the music, the films, everything. Movies from that decade in particular. They just don't make movies and music like that anymore. You know what I like? I like fantasy, I like romance, I like suspense, I like horror and I like adventure. All with a sprinkle of mystery on the side. I like rooting for the bad guys, I like gushing for the good guys. I like hoping for a characters redemption. I like to be kept guessing. I like bad guys loving good guys(or girls!). I like to think about my own character. I love books. Currently my favorite characters that i've made are: Lily Sparrow: Lila McCarty: Fawn: My list of stories; Pirates of the Caribbean; The whole story: -squee- My first fanfiction story that I actually liked enough to keep. Def not my first by any means but it's better then the crap I posted before. Basically Jack Sparrow has a sister named Lily and she's along for the ride during the first PoTC movie. She does fall in love with Will, eventually, but she has to give him up at the end, because they escape and everything. Because i'm a die hard Sparrabeth fan, they also fall in love. Not much language or mature content, so I rated it T. Pirate King: Yay, this is one of those stories that was born off of playing Solitaire and Destructo Match 2 on neopets. Elizabeth Sparrow is the last remaining pirate that has been caught and sentenced to hang, and she reflects on her life and the people she's met. Very sad. It's sort of a song fic since she sings that thieves and beggars song from the 3rd movie and it pays homage to all the main characters from each movie. No mature content and minimal language, so K+. Pirates of the Caribbean: Return of the Sparrows: The sequel to The Whole Story! Follows the 2nd PoTC movie and joins Jack and Lily as they fight to free themselves from Davy Jones' debt. Will and Elizabeth, of course, make appearances, and we get some more back story of the Sparrow siblings themselves, along with their relationships with several characters such as Norrington and Beckett. It's probably my proudest fic i've done. Rated T for some swearing and some fights. Christmas Choas: My first and only Star Wars: KoToR story xD My charrie in the game is, naturally, named Ala Arc and it was around Christmas time that I actually got the idea to do this story, since I was obsessed with KoToR at the time. Still am actually lol. But anyway it's basically a crack fic. Ala Arc decides she's had enough with Bastilla's repressed-ness and with Carth's moodiness and sets out to fix both of them. Nice, fluffy, sugary, etc. Pretty much no swearing and if there is it's in Star Wars geek talk anyway, so K+. Mother, mother, Ocean: Got the inspiration to do this fic by the famous and lovely Jimmy Buffet song. I always pictured Jack kind of being this Jimmy Buffet/old bum type person if he was in today's world. Especially if he lived forever. Elizabeth came completely randomly while I was typing the story but she fit in nicely. Poor Will is still being the captain of the Flying Dutchman, so he is not in this short fic. I do highly recommend the song by the way. No swearing and only a couple suggestive song lyrics, thus K+. My heart will go on: Another song fic, surprise, surprise. This one is of course inspired by the lovely song by Celine Dion. I was actually watching Titanic and it made me think of Will and Elizabeth's relationship kind of. Runs through basically the ten years Will is away being all dead and everything and the events of Elizabeth's living on whatever island that was, and her daughter growing up, because really the kid looks like a girl at the end credits of PoTC 3, so she's a girl in my fic. Norrington is not dead in this fic. Just...no. He can't die, i'm sorry. No suggestive content, swearing, etc, K. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Final Battle: Dun dun dun! This one goes along with the third movie. Basically, yes Elizabeth has killed Jack, despite the fact she loves him, and Will and Lily have their own issues to work out with him being a betraying little whelp. They all set out with the help of Barbossa, who Lily is hard to forgive for the past, to find Jack and rescue him from Davy Jones locker. Along the way they run into Beckett, who knows Lily from their childhood days, and of course Norrington, who oddly enough runs into a sword -cough-. Tis a lovely story and one of my favorites. Some swearing, suggestive comments, death, etc, so it gets a T. Lila's tale: An Outlaw Story: Oh my gosh, this has to be my oldest living fic ever and it's still not complete -stabs self-. Lila McCarty is a nurse, sorta, in Lincoln, New Mexico. She's a hard ass fighter and a good horse rider but even she can't stop the hell that's been brought down by Murphy and his politicians. She meets John Tunstall and he introduces her to his Regulators, including her cousin that she never knew she had, Billy the Kid. I basically came up with this when I found out I was distantly related to Billy the Kid. That makes me so proud, so I had to write something. It gets progressively better since my writing has improved since I started it. Lot's of swearing and death but not much else, so I have it a T. Mondays: Originally this was going to be a one-shot, when I had a bad Monday. I watched Labyrinth and thought, hey, why not give Sarah a horrible Monday as well? She has a bad date, almost gets mugged and/or raped, and gets a visit from the Goblin King, all in one day! It's enough to make a girl scream. It was supposed to be only a one shot, ending in Jareth singing As the world falls Down to her, but then I started playing around with ideas and it became a full fledged fic, that isn't completed and probably won't ever be completed since I lost all ideas and motivation to finish it xD I might revert it back into a one shot. Rated K+ because she doesn't actually get harmed, except a little smack on the cheek. I dunno, I never was very good at rating things. Since I found Serenity: I love this fic, seriously. It's one of the best things i've ever written, imo. I was watching the first episode of Firefly and I kind of put myself in River's shoes. What would she feel, what was she thinking? Well, this'll tell you all of that. During that whole episode is when this fic takes place. I gotta tell you though, I don't think i'll be writing from her perspective again anytime soon. It's confusing xD Rated K for basically nothing. Pirates of the Caribbean: Fountain of Youth: Fourth installment of my PoTC series! Hooray! This follows Lily nine years after Will has become the captain of the Flying Dutchman and has given her a son. Jack and Elizabeth are also more mature and have a daughter. Lily must find the Fountain of Youth, that way she can be with Will forever, and all the while she feels she has to find her brother, who is also looking for her. Barbossa and Norrington help along the way because honestly, I couldn't kill them even if I tried. I did try to kill Norrie actually, and it didn't work out so well. I missed him. So, it's rated T for basically everything that the other three were rated for. Gotta be Somebody: -snerk- I adore Griffin and David together, they make such a good couple. I fell in love with Jumper slash as soon as I saw the movie, so I made this wonderful fic and found an awesome song to go with it. Nickelback are gods in my eyes. Millie has died and David's grieving, a perfect time for Griffin to show up and make all the pain disappear! In the middle of it I was like, "Oh shit, am I about to write a lemon?!" but then I tamed it down to basically implying everything that happens. I couldn't write a lemon for the life of me xD For that reason alone it's rated T. Libra: The untold Jumper: During the VERY long trek that I was away from the computer, grounded for the whole summer bites whale bubbles, I wrote this story in many different notebooks to keep myself sane. It's about Libra, the female Jumper who never could quite fit in. Why? Because on top of being hunted by Paladins because of her extraordinary jumping ability, she's also psychic. She meets Griffin one day randomly and starts feeling like she can finally trust somebody, then she meets David and her life seems to be in order again. Then Roland shows up, the prick. Rated T for a lot of swearing and some death. Into the Wardrobe: I think it was kind of a mistake to start this story when I only had the first few chapters lined down. Jasmin Kirke is the great granddaughter of Professor Kirke, the man who owns the magical wardrobe into Narnia. When her grandfather dies he leaves Jasmin the estate and everything in it, including the wardrobe, and she finds it upon accident while cleaning up the house. When she steps in she's transported to Narnia, much to her dismay. She's never even heard of Narnia before, so what is she doing there? Takes place after Prince Caspian, and the Pevensies are kind of stuck there as well. Rated T because Jasmin swears. A lot. Comfort Food: Such an adorable fic. Marie, that's Rogue, can't sleep one night and decides to get some ice cream to comfort herself. Turns out someone else is in need of a little comfort and she finds Scott, Cyclops, chowing down on the ice cream she was going to have. They talk and bitch about their love interests running away with each other and Rogue finds a little comfort in the fact that Cyclops sees her as a human with feelings instead of just someone who can't be touched. Sound the Bugle is in the fic because I thought it fit and I was listening to it during typing the story. K+. Wild, wild, California?: Parodies the song title Wild, wild, West. I thought of this while I was playing Solitaire on my iPod and watching the Lost Boys and Young Guns. I was like, hey, David and Doc are rather similar actually. They might even be the same person. David remembers life as Doc in the old west, and how Billy led him and his friends to their death. Not being able to cope with it even after forty years he finds a Native American who reminds him of his dear friend Chavez, only his name is Dwayne. There is slash in this story, and i'm working on Marko and Paul's additions. Rated M because Dwayne and David have sex, sort of. I dunno, I can't write sex very well xD Twisted Sisters: This I have written in like, 5 different notebooks, with probably 10 different versions. When it came down to typing it I originally only had Lulu and Ricky, then the idea struck me that all the Lost Boys need love, so I added three other sisters into the mix, Cheyenne, Rose and Claire. Their names all came from different inspirations actually xD Lulu came from my friend telling me the future name of her Chihuahua, Ricky came just because I like the name, Cheyenne came completely randomly when my brother was talking to a girl named Cheyenne, Rose came from a different story that I made a long time ago, and Claire just sort of happened. All of them lost their mother to heart disease, thus leaving them to move to Claire's house in Santa Carla, California. There they meet four interesting boys who seem very intrigued by all of them. Little do they know the dangers of the night. Rated T but I might bump it up to M for later chapters. Personally I love copy and pasting things: If you think that Will is a fine whelp and everything but Jack and Elizabeth belong together and that there's so much tension and chemistry between them that they can out run any ship in the Caribbean than copy and paste this in you profile. Because Sparrabeth is faster than your ship, its better than your ship, its prettier than your ship and its a hell of a lot hotter than your ship! (Unless your ship is the Pearl in which case it's only slightly better than your ship.) If you don't watch Laguna Beach, The O.C. or The Hills, never have, never will, and are proud of it, copy and paste this into your profile. If you hate those obnoxious snobby people, PLEASE copy this into your profile. 98 percent of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you are one of the two percent who haven't, copy and paste this into your profile. 92 percent of the teenage population would die if Abercrombie and Fitch said that it wasn't cool to breathe anymore. Put this in your profile if you're part of the 8 percent that would be laughing your butt off. CATS ROCK MY SOCKS! If u think cats r awesome, copy this to your profile, and add your name to this list: Brambleclaw's Babe, Amber Sea, Mistwing, Littlewhisker, BloodyOracle, Snowfirexoxo, FlameRisingSucks101, Swanfeather, Feathertail1021, Spottedfire, Jack's True Love, Lilagirl If you've ever copied and pasted something onto your profile, copy and paste this onto your profile. If you have a ridiculously long profile, copy and paste this onto your profile to make it longer. If you ever wished you could talk to animals or be an animal, copy and paste this into your profile. If you've been on the computer for hours on end, reading numerous fanfictions, copy this onto your profile If you're one of those people who get excited when you see just two reviews, paste this into your profile If you think video game characters are hot and should be obsessed over, copy and past this onto your profile. |
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