Finally got AWE on dvd! Yay! Now I can finally start this story. If I miss a quote or whatever then don't blame me, blame the fact that I can't watch the dvd non-stop, as much as i'd like to x(
I am dedicating this story to the amazing reviewers who reviewed my last story: xxJE4everxx, CJS, Jack's True Love, beautiful-mistakez, Black-Sakura-44, cuteepiee1, 4eva-broken-harted, ashley sparrow, Tinkerbell821, colorguardgilmorefan, bellatrix360, BlackFlamerz, gggggg and Tears-and-Tragedies 8D This story is dedicated to you guys! Keep reviewing!
Note: Remember the 5 review rule -wink-
Drifting in the water, a small boat sailed down the stream of Singapore. Two women were sitting in the boat, each singing softly. The blond was glancing nervously at all the naval men on the docks and walkways above, while the brunette had her eyes closed. She knew the song from when she was a kid. It was a powerful song that inspired courage in whoever heard it.
"Yo ho, yo ho, hoist the colors high." They boarded a dock and as soon as they stepped off the boat a group of Chinese men cornered them.
"Thieves and beggars...never shall we die." One of them smiled. "A dangerous song to be singing, for anyone ignorant of it's meaning, particularly a woman. Especially for women alone."
Lily Sparrow narrowed her dark eyes at these bilgrats and snarled. She was about to say something but steps on the staircase next to her stopped her suddenly. To her immense displeasure Hector Barbossa sauntered down the stairs and smirked at the Chinese men. Lily and Elizabeth Swann rolled their eyes.
"What makes ye think they're alone?" Barbossa asked innocently.
"You protect them?"
Elizabeth snuck up behind the man and pulled a knife on his throat, while Lily drew her sword. "What makes you think we need protecting?"
Lily ignored what Barbossa was saying until Elizabeth released them man. Feeling it was safe, or as safe as it could be, she put her sword away and followed everyone. Sighing she felt tired, they had come to Singapore to get the help of Sao Feng but she doubted he'd help. She and Jack never got on his good side, especially when he tried to make his way with her and Jack almost sliced his head open.
Walking down a tunnel she, Barbossa and Elizabeth were forced to disarm. Lily gave the men her guns, her knife, her bombs and for some reason, her pants. Her and Elizabeth had to de-pant to get in, Lily figured it was a male thing.
Repressing a shiver she looked at all the Chinese men bathing in fungus and dirty water. It creeped her out to see all these men staring at her, with no pants, but they looked away as soon as Sao Feng turned around.
"Captain Barbossa, welcome to Singapore."
Barbossa bowed, gestured for Elizabeth to bow but Lily refused to bow. This drew the attention of Sao Feng. He stared at her then grimaced in annoyance. Scratching his scar absently he spoke, "Lily Sparrow, you have great nerve coming here." Lily just glared in return so he spoke to Barbossa again, "I understand you have a request."
"More of a proposal actually, I have an adventure underway, but I find meself in need of a ship, and a crew." Barbossa explained.
"Ahh, you know it's a strange coincidence..."
"Because you happen to have a ship and a crew you don't need?" Elizabeth asked hopefully.
Sao Feng chuckled and shook his head. Lily noticed the scar on his head was bulging out, she wondered if it did that when he was annoyed. She didn't like the way Sao Feng was acting. He seemed smug about something.
"No, because earlier today not far from here a thief broke into my uncle's most revered temple and tried to make off with these." Sao Feng held up a roll of charts. "Navigational charts, the route to the farthest gates." Suddenly Lily felt un-easy, as did Elizabeth and Barbossa. Noticing this Sao Feng gestured to two men in the corner, who lifted a piece of wood with Will Turner attached. Lily made a jumping gesture but didn't falter under Sao Feng's gaze.
"This is the thief, does this face mean anything to you?" He asked. When everyone shook their heads he grinned and took a poison dart out from his robe. He was about to plunge it into Will but Lily and Elizabeth shrieked, then clapped their hands to their mouths. Smirking Sao Feng put his dart away and walked to Barbossa.
"I assure you Sao Feng I didn't know-" Barbossa began but Sao Feng angrily cut him off.
"That he would get caught!" Sao Feng growled at Barbossa, making all the men around him move to an attack gesture, then stalked up to his throne. "You attempt a voyage to Davy Jones locker but I cannot help but wonder...why?"
Lily snarled and threw a coin at Sao Feng's head and continued, "The song has been sung. The time is upon us, we must convene the Brethren Court. As one of the pirates lords ye wouldn't dare go against the code...would ye?"
"It seems the only way a pirate can make anything in this world these days, is by betraying other pirates." Sao Feng spoke mainly to himself but Lily noticed his gaze flickered to Will. Puzzled she looked at Will, missing what Barbossa was saying, and found him not looking her in the eyes. Familiar with betrayal she didn't like what she was feeling from him.
"Against the east india trading company, what can any of us do?" Sao Feng was saying when she turned her attention back. This enraged her but Elizabeth beat her to saying anything. "You can fight!" Elizabeth shrugged off a large man and looked Sao Feng in the eyes, "You are Sao Feng the pirate lord of Singapore. The most notorious pirates from around the world are uniting against our enemy, and yet you sit here cowering in your bath water."
Sao Feng seemed unfazed but Elizabeth's speech, amused but not fazed. He walked around her slowly, making Lily and Will narrow their eyes at him. "Elizabeth Swann, there's more to you then meets the eye isn't there? And the eyes does not go wanting." Smirking slightly Sao Feng turned his attention back to Barbossa, who was fuming silently that Elizabeth had said anything. "But I cannot help but notice, you have failed to answer my question. What is it you seek in Davy Jones locker?"
"My brother." Lily snarled. "He's one of the pirate lords."
Twitching with anger Sao Feng absently scratched his scar again as he wandered over to the side of the room. "The only reason I would have Jack Sparrow returned from the land of the so I can send him back myself!" And with that he kicked a table, breaking it instantly.
Barbossa decided to intervene. "Jack Sparrow holds one of the nine pieces of eight. He failed to pass it onto Lily before he died so we must go and get him back."
Lily watched as Sao Feng's eyes shifted from Barbossa, to her, back to Barbossa then over to the man beside him. She saw anger in his eyes and something else she recognized well, blood thirst.
"So you have deceived me...weapons!" The bath house was immediately filled with swords at the end of Sao Feng's sentence, all except Lily, Barbossa, Elizabeth and Will. Making Lily rather nervous but still defiant.
"Sao Feng I assure you our intentions are strictly honorable." Barbossa started but as soon as he said that swords flew from the floor into his hands. Lily and Elizabeth caught their swords and grinned sheepishly at the men around them.
Knowing full well they could beat his men Sao Feng grabbed the man next to him, Lily noticed it was the one who she had seen him look at, and put his sword to the man's throat. "Drop your weapons, or I kill the man."
"Kill 'em. He's not our man." Barbossa shrugged. Everyone looked at the man, then around the bath house in confusion. Lily thought she heard a gun shot outside which made her feel uneasy about the whole situation.
"If he's not with you and he's not with us...who's he with?" Will asked aloud. No sooner had Will finished his sentence the wall next to Lily exploded, sending her flying back wards and crashing into a surprised Barbossa. She stood up quickly and swung her sword ahead of her, while keeping an eye on Will. Punching a man aside she ran over to help him but Elizabeth was already there.
Hands on Lily's back made her jump and swing her sword around but it was only Barbossa, who was shooing everyone out of the bath house. Not knowing who to follow she stuck with Barbossa and fought her way around the Navy men. Seeing an explosion to her left she looked and saw Tia Dalma grinned from behind a wall, her cart on fire. Grinning herself Lily followed Barbossa to a bridge and caught a pistol from Ragetti.
Firing she hit a few men while running across the bridge but was stopped but a few men in front of her and Barbossa. Growling because she had run out of bullets she swung around, hitting the swords of the Navy men, but couldn't get a clear shot to any of the men's flesh. Only their swords.
Suddenly a red whiz flew by her head and into the fireworks house beside them. Seeing the men momentarily distracted she and Barbossa quickly dispatched of them and grinned to the bridge on the other side of the river.
"Thank ye Jack." Barbossa chuckled. He led Lily to the others, who had gathered at the docks, and saw Will walking up with a bunch of Chinese men. Tilting her head in confusion Lily wondered how he managed to get Sao Feng to hand over everything. She smelled a rat but didn't say anything.
Everyone hurried onto the ship Sao Feng had provided and quickly set sail out of Singapore. Once out of port Lily finally could calm down and collect her thoughts. Not surprisingly all her thoughts seemed to consist of either Jack being rescued, Will's strange appearance with the charts or Elizabeth not talking to her or anyone else for that matter. She had thought it was because Elizabeth lost Jack but Elizabeth never looked Lily in the eyes anymore and practically never spoke.
What was even stranger was that Will hardly spoke to her either. They usually spent their time alone just holding each other or watching the sky. They didn't speak to each other except when necessary which Lily was finding rather odd.
Sighing she watched as Will unfurled the charts then watched Elizabeth speak to Tia Dalma. Climbing up the mast she watched the sea come up to them. The sea was the one thing she could count on that would always stay the same and never change. It would always be the green blue color of the Caribbean or the blue color of the Ocean. Or as she saw now the black color of the night sea.
She wondered if Jack was somewhere with an ocean, hopefully he was. Although since the locker was a place of torture and suffering she quite doubted it, there was no ocean when she was in the locker.
'Keep up hope Jack, we're comin' for ye.'
Huzzah! A chapter is born!
Please R&R and make me happy as a clam!