Notes: I'm back! I could write a chapter of apology for the extremely long wait, but I figured that you all would prefer to get on with the story instead. I'll just say a big thank you to all of you that have borne with me during my extended absence! I know that this chapter is shorter than normal, but this is one of a few chapters coming up that will answer some questions and move us toward the conclusion. This chapter is dedicated to momnesia (on AO3, where this story is cross-listed) who has been so encouraging with her comments and is a true fan of Never-Ending.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter TextPreviously:
Tosh pulled on John's hand to stop him, "Don't forget to keep an eye out for Gwen, especially when you head to the house. Ianto does not want her knowing where they live."
"Yes ma'am!" Owen replied with a salute as John once again pulled Tosh away. The men could hear the laughter of the couple as they left the Hub.
"So, what's a scrum and why does Jack say that rugby is practically porn?" The Doctor asked as he sat down backwards in the chair John had vacated.
"What?!" Rhys exclaimed.
Owen couldn't help but laugh. What else could he do when he worked in a madhouse?
Chapter 23
36 Tynged-Dragwyddol
Cardiff, Wales, Earth, 2008
One broken jaw, two suspensions, and a little over three hours after Johnny's brother showed up, Rhiannon was released from the hospital. They wanted to keep her longer, but agreed to let her go since she would be under Owen's care.
Johnny's idiot brother ended up having his jaw wired after he threatened Rhiannon and the kids, and then took a swing at Jack. All of this occurred in the presence of his Superintendent, which resulted in the suspension. He really is an idiot.
After all of the drama and several choice words, it seemed that the Superintendent finally had the fear of Torchwood in him. They could only hope that it might delay the inevitable confrontation with the Davies boys a little longer.
Now they were all back home in Cardiff; Rhiannon and the kids were resting, all tucked in together in the large bed of the third floor guest room that had been Rhiannon's when she visited her Tad-cu as a girl. Johnny knew nothing of this house thankfully, and they fully intended to keep it that way.
Jack had gone to check on things at the hub about an hour ago and they expected him to return at any moment; Ianto and Siani had elected to stay at the house in case Rhi or the kids needed anything.
They were both in the kitchen after making sure that everyone was settled; Siani sat at the bar, watching as Ianto made them both some coffee. She leaned against the island, watching Ianto with concern; Ianto was doing what he always does when he is stressed or upset, cleaning.
"Yan." She said.
"Yes?" Ianto replied, not looking away from where he was scrubbing at an imagined spot on the kitchen counter.
"I really do love these counter tops that you chose."
"Hmm? Oh, right. Yes, they are lovely, Welsh slate."
"Of course," Siani couldn't help but smile at that, her proud Welshman. "You know, I think I would like them even more if there wasn't a giant hole worn through them."
"What?" Ianto finally looked up, and realized what he had been doing.
"Sorry," he said sheepishly. "Nervous habit."
Ianto turned and put the sponge away before turning to face her.
"I gathered," Siani said. "How about we try a new nervous habit." She suggested with a smile.
Ianto sighed and then chuckled, running his hand through his hair.
"What did you have in mind?" He asked.
As good as his coffee is, it can wait. Instead of answering, Siani took his hand a lead him into the front sitting room, and directed him to the far end of the couch before sitting down astride his lap. Moving her hands slowly up his arms, to his shoulders and around his neck, Siani leaned down and kissed him. They continued with their cwtch for several minutes, not allowing the kiss to escalate, but simply basking in the comfort of the others touch.
Some time later, Siani reluctantly pulled away and stood up, in spite of Ianto trying to make her stay on his lap.
"Shoes off Mr. Jones, and the belt." She instructed imperiously.
Ianto quirked an eyebrow.
"This sounds like the beginning of something that I'm really going to like, but I feel I should remind you of the two children upstairs that could wake at any moment. Also, Jack should be home soon with the Doctor."
Ianto wrapped his arms around her and laid his chin on her stomach so he could still see her face.
Siani laughed.
"I'm well aware, just humor me." She said while playing with his hair.
"As you wish." He grinned, and reminded himself to have them all watch The Princess Bride soon.
"Now, lay down on your front."
Ianto quirked an eyebrow at the command.
Siani raised one in return.
"Didn't even buy me dinner first, and it's 'take off your belt Ianto' and 'lay down Ianto," he said with a grin while moving to do as Siani instructed. "I'll have you know that I'm not that sort of girl!"
Siani laughed at Ianto as he looked up from his prone position on the couch. Apparently that line was still humorous in the 51st century.
"Don't worry sweetheart," she said with a grin. "I promise you'll like it."
They tried, they really did try, but with Siani leering at him and Ianto fluttering his lashes, neither one was able to keep a straight face for long.
Shaking with laughter, Siani laid down on Ianto's back while they both attempted to compose themselves.
Finally, after several near-hysterical minutes, Siani leaned up wiping away her tears of laughter.
"I love this!" Siani said. "Just being able to spend time with you and not having to worry about how soon you're going to wake up. It's nice."
Ianto smiled and grasped her hand that laid on his shoulder, bringing it down to press a kiss against the back.
"I do as well my love, and I'll be even more happy once our lives calm down enough for us to have some uninterrupted time together. Hey, maybe we'll even get to take a vacation, or a honeymoon!"
"Mmm, where would you want to go on this honeymoon?"
Siani sat up astride Ianto's back-side, leaning forward to massage his shoulders and neck.
"Well-ohhh gods, that's amazing!" Ianto moaned. He couldn't remember the last time someone had given him a massage. He spaced out for awhile, just too relaxed to even think.
"Yan?" Siani asked after several minutes of silence. "Are you still awake?"
"Not sure..."
Siani laughed, leaning forward to place a kiss at the base of his neck.
"You need to relax more. So, what does one do on a this honeymoon?"
Ianto reluctantly turned his head to reply. "Well, some people go to the beach, others go camping, some explore new places; but mostly, sex."
"Really?" Siani replied, intrigued by the idea of a trip solely for the purpose of sex.
A sex-cation? Ha! She sent that thought to Shae and received some very interesting mental pictures in reply.
"So this is a trip people take in celebration of their bonding?"
Siani stood up so that Ianto could lift himself from the couch.
"Yes, except it's referred to as a wedding here instead of a bonding."
Ianto stood and wrapped his arms around Siani's waist.
"That sounds like fun, I'd like to do that, maybe see more of this world of yours."
"Then we'll just have to make it happen." Ianto smiled at his mate. "But first, I suppose we should decide what to have for dinner, the others should be here soon. I'm surprised Tosh hasn't made it yet."
"Good idea, what do the kids like?"
"Well..." Ianto grinned mischievously before pulling back and leaning down. He picked Siani up and put her over his shoulder before heading to toward the kitchen.
Siani squeaked and laughed at the relocation.
"This is getting to be a habit with you, Mr. Jones!"
"Yep, making off with fair maidens! It's a hobby."
Siani giggled as Ianto carried her into the hallway on his way to the kitchen. She was doing her best to distract him, which was not too difficult given her, quite frankly, perfect position.
He has the most delicious bum!
Their giggling was interrupted though by the sound of keys in the front door. Jack walked in first, followed by a group of people.
"I love my life!" Jack said as he took in the scene of Siani over Ianto's shoulder, with one hand on his bum and the other reaching around his waist trying valiantly to unbutton his trousers, while Ianto teasingly smacked her hand away.
Unable to see the others from her position, Siani laughed and said, "If he would stop pushing my hands away it would be even more fun by now!"
"I haven't seen my twin in decades and wouldn't you know, the first time I do she's molesting the locals!" John quipped from behind Jack and Tosh.
"Carad!" Siani exclaimed (screamed).
She jumped off of Ianto's shoulder, narrowly missing a rather sensitive area, and ran at her brother. John had to drop the bags of shopping in order to catch her. Thankfully, Tosh had the foresight to carry the breakables.
What followed was a rather unintelligible conversation between the two crying siblings as they conversed in the tongue of their home planet; one that the Doctor couldn't make out even with the help of the TARDIS.
He frowned at that. He should be able to understand almost any language.
The others all stood back and let the siblings have their moment of reunion.
Tosh looked on with fondness, happy that her soulmate and her new friend had finally found one another.
Jack stepped over to wrap himself around Ianto from behind; he had watched him tense up when John had spoken, and Ianto had yet to take his eyes off of John. He hugged the Welshman close as they watched Siani beam with happiness at her brother.
"It's alright Yan, I promise, he's not at all what he appeared to be." Jack snuggled Ianto, placing a kiss behind his left ear.
Ianto slowly began to relax as he watched the siblings interact; he noticed that Tosh seemed to be watching them closely as well, but with a wide smile on her face.
"So," Jack said with a pout, interrupting Ianto's musing. "What naughty things were you two up to while I was slaving away at work?"
Ianto laughed, then reached up to run his hands up and down Jack's arms.
"Sorry to disappoint you Cariad, but you walked in on the naughtiest bit."
Jack sighed dramatically, "You two clearly need my supervision! I left you alone for more than an hour and you're still clothed. I'm very disappointed in you, Jones Ianto Jones."
Ianto tilted his head back and whispered in Jack's ear, "It was rather naughty of me, wasn't it? I suppose I do deserve to be punished for such a serious oversight, sir."
Unable to help himself (and who could blame him), Jack pulled Ianto into a heated kiss while pulling his hips back to show him just how much he loved it when Ianto called him "sir."
Rolling his eyes, the Doctor picked up the shopping that John had dropped before squeezing in between the canoodlers and the wall to make his way into the kitchen.
"That will take some getting used to!" John said, startling the two men apart.
He was met with identical frowns, which caused Tosh and Siani to grin.
Holding his hands up and walking toward the pair John said, "Now, now, no offense intended boys! I'm happy for you all, truly."
Looking Ianto in the eyes, John continued, "I must apologize for how I treated you when I was last here, Ianto. Most of it was me maintaining my cover, but I will admit that I was a bit nasty to you. It was difficult seeing Jack so happy with someone other than my sister. I should have seen it then, that you were made for them, but I will admit to being a little obtuse about it. So, what do you say, start over?"
John held his hand out to Ianto, who took it after a moment's pause.
"I'd like that," Ianto said with a small smile. "You're important to Siani and Jack; I can understand how seeing Jack and I together before might have looked to you. And, well, anyway, welcome. We have plenty of room, so feel free to make yourself at home."
"Oh goodie! Slumber party!" John pulled Siani into another enthusiastic hug.
"NO!" Jack and Siani said together causing John to pout and Ianto smirk.
"I take it that there's a story there." Tosh said with a grin.
"Oh yes there's a story." Jack said with a glower towards his brother-in-law. John just smiled at him innocently before stepping back to take Tosh's hand and pull her forwards.
This immediately caught Ianto and Siani's attention of course.
"The last time-" Jack started to say, but was interrupted by Ianto.
John and Tosh shared a smile and it finally dawned on Siani.
"Oh my goddess! You-and-no! Seriously?" She exclaimed with excitement.
"Yep!" John said grinning widely while putting his arm around Tosh's shoulders.
"Ah!" Siani grabbed them both into a hug and proceeded to jump up and down. "I can't believe this! It's so fantastic!"
"I know!" Tosh said, getting caught up in the excitement herself.
"Squishing the bananas, I knew I should have carried the bananas!" The Doctor grumbled as he slid past a smiling Jack and a confused Ianto to take the bags that Tosh was still holding while bouncing. "No one appreciates the banana enough in this place!"
The Doctor's grumbling form retreated back into the kitchen with the bags.
"Okay, not to be intentionally obtuse here, but what's going on?" Ianto asked once the trio finally stopped jumping.
"I," John began and the three settled and stepped back, allowing him to wrap an arm around the two most important women in his life. "-just happen to be the most blessed man in all the galaxies, because this pint-sized package of perfection is my soulmate!"
The other four occupants of the hallway smiled while Ianto processed.
"And, you're happy with this Tosh? This is what you want?" Ianto really wasn't trying to be an ass, he just had to know that this was what his friend really wanted.
Tosh grinned at Ianto, looking happier than he had ever seen her. "Yes, Ianto, this is what I want. We're getting to know one another before we move forward, but I couldn't be any happier, truly."
"Well then," he replied seriously and then paused.
John began to feel a little apprehensive. Ianto was Tosh's best friend and could make things very difficult for him if he chose. He was really regretting all those "Eye Candy" comments right now.
Jack and Siani shared and apprehensive glance, they were starting to become concerned with Ianto's reticence.
Unable to hold it any more, Ianto's face split into a grin. "Congratulations to you both, this is wonderful!"
He stepped forward and hugged Tosh, which of course meant that John had to hug them both, and then Jack and Siani decided to join in as well. Which then led to the inevitable...
"You know," John said. "If two of us weren't siblings, this would be the beginning of one hell of an orgy!"
Jack and Siani laughed, they were used to Carad's sense of humor; and Tosh and Ianto shared a glance before shaking their heads and sighing. This was their family now.
All five of them were startled apart however, when a small voice asked from the stairs, "What's an orgy?"
Notes: As always, I love to read your comments!