Akina's Notes: O.K. Here's another story idea. I know I have two I'm
working on already, but you can stop an idea from popping into your head.
^_^. This won't be all that long; I just liked the idea… So, tell me what
you think, since I have two stories going already, let's say that if I get
10 reviews I'll put another chapter up. That way, I won't worry too much
about the stories getting in the way of each other. This is going to be a
short, teaser chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot.
You Remind Me; Chapter 1: teaser
She was running away form the building that so many screams were coming out of. Once she felt that she was a safe distance away, Rei looked back at her former home. The large apartment complex had caught on fire from an explosion that had taken place on the thirteenth floor. Her eyes filled with tears as all her memories were slowly burned away. Suddenly her stomach wrenched and she bent over, vomit coming out of her mouth.
"Cindy? Cindy where are you honey?! Where are you baby? Where's my baby" screamed a young woman. She was in hysterics. Faintly, Rei heard a small, child's voice call, "Mommy!" Rei ran towards the sound. After a few minutes, Rei listened for the voice again. "Mommy!" Rei's stomach felt like it hit the ground as she realized that the small voice was coming from the burning building. The mother had o heard the tiny voice call out too.
"Cindy!" she screamed. "Oh, God, she's trapped in the building! My baby is burning in the building! Somebody please help her! Please!"
Rei didn't even wait to hear the last of the mother's sentence. She was already taking off towards the building. She had heard the panic in the woman's voice, which was enough for her to know how much this woman loved her daughter. She couldn't let something so wonderful die.
Once she reached the building, Rei burst through the door. Coughing she ran up the stairs, listening for a sign to where the girl was. She heard a wail of fright to her left when she got to the third floor. The smoke was so thick, she could hardly see, but still, Rei kept going. She moved as quickly as she could towards the voice. Rei stopped to listen when someone grabbed her arm. She turned to see a boy with dark brown hair that fell into his dark blue eyes was the one holding her back.
"You have to get out of here!" he yelled.
Rei shook her head, "There's a kid in here, I'm not leaving without her."
"I know that, I'll get the kid, you get out." Without another word, he pushed her back towards the stairs. She stumbled down the, Suddenly strong arms grabbed her and began to carry her. "Come on miss, the building is going to collapse, we need to get you out of here. Rei looked up to see a firefighter carrying her. Once outside, paramedics began to check her vital signs. She tried to tell them about the boy and the little girl still in the building, but all that came out was a cough.
There was a giant crash and debris was falling everywhere. 'NO!' thought Rei, 'that boy hasn't come out yet! What about the little girl?' Tears began to run down her face. "NOOOOOOOOOOO! It's NOT FAIR!" she yelled. That boy hadn't been any older then her and the girl was even younger. They had so much to live for. Rei sobbed 'so much to live for…'
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~
A.N. So, what do you think? Please review.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot.
You Remind Me; Chapter 1: teaser
She was running away form the building that so many screams were coming out of. Once she felt that she was a safe distance away, Rei looked back at her former home. The large apartment complex had caught on fire from an explosion that had taken place on the thirteenth floor. Her eyes filled with tears as all her memories were slowly burned away. Suddenly her stomach wrenched and she bent over, vomit coming out of her mouth.
"Cindy? Cindy where are you honey?! Where are you baby? Where's my baby" screamed a young woman. She was in hysterics. Faintly, Rei heard a small, child's voice call, "Mommy!" Rei ran towards the sound. After a few minutes, Rei listened for the voice again. "Mommy!" Rei's stomach felt like it hit the ground as she realized that the small voice was coming from the burning building. The mother had o heard the tiny voice call out too.
"Cindy!" she screamed. "Oh, God, she's trapped in the building! My baby is burning in the building! Somebody please help her! Please!"
Rei didn't even wait to hear the last of the mother's sentence. She was already taking off towards the building. She had heard the panic in the woman's voice, which was enough for her to know how much this woman loved her daughter. She couldn't let something so wonderful die.
Once she reached the building, Rei burst through the door. Coughing she ran up the stairs, listening for a sign to where the girl was. She heard a wail of fright to her left when she got to the third floor. The smoke was so thick, she could hardly see, but still, Rei kept going. She moved as quickly as she could towards the voice. Rei stopped to listen when someone grabbed her arm. She turned to see a boy with dark brown hair that fell into his dark blue eyes was the one holding her back.
"You have to get out of here!" he yelled.
Rei shook her head, "There's a kid in here, I'm not leaving without her."
"I know that, I'll get the kid, you get out." Without another word, he pushed her back towards the stairs. She stumbled down the, Suddenly strong arms grabbed her and began to carry her. "Come on miss, the building is going to collapse, we need to get you out of here. Rei looked up to see a firefighter carrying her. Once outside, paramedics began to check her vital signs. She tried to tell them about the boy and the little girl still in the building, but all that came out was a cough.
There was a giant crash and debris was falling everywhere. 'NO!' thought Rei, 'that boy hasn't come out yet! What about the little girl?' Tears began to run down her face. "NOOOOOOOOOOO! It's NOT FAIR!" she yelled. That boy hadn't been any older then her and the girl was even younger. They had so much to live for. Rei sobbed 'so much to live for…'
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~
A.N. So, what do you think? Please review.