Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural
Beta: The always wonderful RoyalLadyEmma

Chapter 1

"Dean!" A young man cried in desperation, tears rolling down his cheeks as a strong urge to protect and comfort this young man coursed through his body.

"Sam is yours to look after, to keep safe." His father had given Dean his most prized possession and no other orders were as important as,

"Sam is yours." Those three words meant more to him than any others he had ever heard because he knew they were the truth.

Trapped on the rack in the depths of hell Dean Winchester clung to those words and to the image of his baby brother in his head with all his might. Everything else he was aware of was lost to the overpowering pain and torture but not Sam and not the knowledge that Sam belonged to him and no one else. He remembered the pure agony that shone in Sam's eyes as he watched him get ripped apart by hellhounds and Dean knew one thing, he would survive this for one reason only: to claim what was his and his alone, no matter how long it would take.

Alistair grinned as he saw the strength in Dean eyes and he had to say with more than a bit of admiration, "That's it, fight me Dean, fight hard. I'm going to enjoy breaking you into tiny pieces over and over again; I'm going to enjoy hearing you scream for me. It will be like music to my ears! Oh I have plans for you boy, big plans." Alistair purred lustfully as his hands caressed his favourite blades and hooks like they were his lovers.

Dean's eyes shone bright with defiance; as long as he could cling to the memory of his Sammy then he could take whatever this demon had to offer and when it was over, he would find his way back to Sam and finally lay claim to what was his. 'Just hang on Sammy; I'll be back soon, I promise.'

Bobby Singer was worried as he looked at the broken shell of the man seated on his couch, he had already been forced to bury Dean, he didn't want to bury Sam as well. He was well aware that the boys only had one another and he had watched with an aching heart as Dean fell to pieces and then sold his soul to get Sam back. He knew that Sam wasn't going to sit back and do nothing while Dean was trapped in hell and it scared Bobby just how far Sam might be willing to go to save his brother's soul.

'Those boys were going to drive me to an early grave and I would happily take their place if it meant that they were both safe and happy together, like they should be. Come on, someone give me a sign on how to help Sam, please!' Bobby sent his fervent prayer up to anyone who could hear, hoping that just for once someone good was listening. 'I can't bury both of them.'

Sam knew that Bobby was worried about him and he felt like he should reassure him in some way, reassure the older man that he was okay but he was simply too numb to do anything about it. Dean was gone and without him he had no clue what to do, where to go from here; the only thing running through Sam's mind was finding a way to save Dean. He knew that Bobby wouldn't approve of anything he came up with, which is why Sam was going to have to do it himself, no matter what it cost him in the end.

Perhaps just as pressing, he also had to apologise to Bobby for threatening him when he suggested they salt and burn Dean's body; it had been a moment of inexcusable behaviour. Sam knew that Bobby was right when he'd declared that Dean deserved the honour of a hunter's funeral but deep in his heart he knew that he could save Dean. If by some small chance he became haunted by Dean's ghost… well, that was just fine with him, at least he would have a piece of his brother back.

'I'll find a way to save you Dean, I promise,' Sam vowed as he clutched the amulet that hung around his neck so tightly that its edges bit into his skin. Its weight felt wrong, as though reminding him that it wasn't his and never would be; it belonged around no one's neck but his brother's but it was also all he had to hold onto it until he could find his brother and return it to its true owner.

Dean writhed in agony his body arching into impossible positions as searing pain tore a scream from his ripped and bleeding lips. He had been on the rack for years, so long that everything in his life from before had become a fading and distance memory; everything that is except for one thing: the one reason he'd chosen to come to hell and the only reason he absolutely refused to give in.

"Sammy!" The single word echoed through the chamber.

Alistair's eyes glittered with knowledge and slowly a diabolical plan began to form in his mind. 'Oh yes, this could be all kinds of fun!' He licked his lips with anticipation.

Two Months Later

"Two months, two fucking months and nothing!" Sam scowled fiercely as he threw the book he had been studying for almost an hour away from him and watched it slam against the nearby wall. Nothing! There was nothing in it, just like there had been nothing in the hundreds of books he had already searched through. He had been avoiding Bobby and all the other hunters, deliberately isolating himself; he knew full well that if they learned about what he was doing, they would try and stop him. It hurt to do so, they were all he had left and he wanted their support in his endeavours; they were his only true friends and without Dean around, Bobby had become a second father to him, but as much as it pained him to say it, nothing was more important than saving Dean.

The other hunters and especially Bobby had tried to be supportive but Sam knew they would never understand why he couldn't let this go. They didn't realise – couldn't comprehend – the amount of guilt Sam carried; it was a metaphorical millstone around his neck and he dragged it along through every waking moment. It was his fault that Dean was trapped in hell; it was his fault that Dean had sold his soul in order to save him. Sam couldn't, no he wouldn't let Dean suffer for him any longer; his brother had already sacrificed so much for him, it was his turn for once.

And in truth Sam needed Dean. He didn't know how to live without his big brother watching out for him, it felt wrong driving the Impala without Dean in the passenger seat bitching about the girly music Sam had chosen. That was precisely why Sam had taken to plugging in his IPod; he could hear Dean's compliments in his ear, giving him nothing but grief for daring to defile his motorised baby with the tasteless noise that Sam would dare to call music. More than once Sam had been forced to pull over to the side of road as the tears welling up in his eyes had made seeing what was right in front of him nearly impossible. He simply could not damage the one thing that had been a home to him and Dean for so long; the Impala was truly all that he had left of Dean.

As images of happier times played through his mind, Sam felt his throat close around a huge lump as he hung his head in his hands. "Just please give me a sign, tell me how I am supposed to save my brother. I'm already dammed why couldn't you have taken me instead? I need Dean and I won't quit until he is back."

Despite his threat Sam was at his wit's end over what to do or where to go. No demon would deal with him and he'd approached plenty of them. He had offered himself up on a silver plate for Lilith, positive that she would jump at the chance to have him and even she wasn't biting. Sam was literally running out of ideas but he would not give up; this is his brother, his only living flesh and blood, and if he had to, he would rip open the gates of hell with his bare hands to save Dean.

There was only one thing he hadn't done however, something he'd sworn he would never do, he had given Dean his promise that he would never reach out to Ruby for help but now, after he had exhausted every possible lead, he had nothing left. "It looks like I'm going to have to make a deal with a demon after all, Dean. I hope you can forgive me." Reaching up Sam clutched the amulet around his neck, the amulet that Dean had worn around his neck so many years and one that Sam would wear with pride until he could return it to its rightful owner.

Alistair studied his most prized student, this was the kind of leader that hell truly needed. He knew why Dean had finally cracked, just as he knew that the only thing keeping him from losing his hold on his humanity was the very same reason that Dean was in hell: Sam Winchester. Throughout the centuries Alistair had seen soul mates do incredibly stupid things to save one another, if the bond was strong enough and of all those he had seen none were stronger than Dean and Sam Winchester's.

He knew he was meant to be breaking Dean in order to start the Apocalypse but he saw great potential in Dean's all-consuming need to protect and save Sam and he knew such passion could easily be twisted into something far greater. 'Who needs the devil when I can make my own king?' A wicked smirk slowly made its way onto Alistair's face, he had plenty of time on his hands in which to mold the new king and he knew just how to do it.

It was no secret to anyone who knew them that Dean was extremely possessive over his brother and that he absolutely did not share Sam well with others. Someone once said that a little knowledge was a dangerous thing and Alistair knew that when Dean discovered that Ruby was sinking her claws into a valuable Sam well, let's just say that's all it would take.

"Dean," Alistair gave his captive a shark-like smile, "how would you like it if I told you there was a way to be reunited with Sam?" His smile never reached his eyes as he continued, "how would you feel if you could play the heroic big brother and save him from being turned into a mindless addict?"

Dean's green eyes flashed with possessiveness and protection and in that instant Alistair knew that he had Dean well under his control. "What do you mean? My Sammy would never do something so foolish! Why should I believe a word you say? You're a demon, you lie, it's in your nature." Even as he spoke brave words, Dean's mind played tricks on him; 'What if he's actually telling the truth? What if Sammy's in danger?'

"Not even to save you?" Shaking his head, Alistair tisked mockingly. "I find that quite hard to believe. Why there isn't a soul in all of hell who doesn't know that there is nothing and no one that the Winchester brothers would put above one another." Alistair walked over and ran his fingers down the side of Dean's face. "What if there was a demon out there right now who was cruel enough to use Sam's desperate need to save you…" The demon interrupted himself to say, "it really is his one true weakness you know. Pity that…" his voice trailed off for a moment as he looked off into the distance. Then his gaze snapped back to Dean; "Where was I? Oh yes, the demon… using that need, twisting it in order to wrap Sam around their finger. After all, without you, his big brother, his knight in shining armour, his beacon in the night, Sam is lost and helpless."

Alistair was extraordinarily proud of the primitive growl that tore itself free from Dean's lips. "Tell me who the bitch is so I can rip them apart for daring to touch my Sammy!" Dean demanded his voice rising to a bellow.

It didn't escape the demon's attention one little bit the possessive undertone on the word 'my' and really, hadn't it been a surprise to learn that the brothers had never once crossed that line; anyone with eyes could see that they were far more than mere brothers.

"I believe you know Ruby? She's been sniffing around your brother for a long time now and with you here enjoying my… hospitality shall we say, there's no one to protect him from her." Alistair took great joy in watching hate flare in Dean's eyes.

Dean knew, he knew right down to his bones that he shouldn't trust the demon standing before him, that anything and everything he told him was based on lies but at the same time he remembered the way that particular demon would look at his Sammy, like she was just waiting for Dean to be dragged down to hell so that she could dig her claws into Sam. If, and it was a pretty big if, Alistair was telling the truth then Dean couldn't waste any more time. There was simply no way that Dean could take the chance that someone was going to harm his Sam. Sam was undeniably his and only his. Casting a prayer to the heavens that he wasn't making a cataclysmic mistake, Dean looked Alistair straight in the eye and demanded, "Tell me what I need to do."

Barely able to stop his eyes from rolling Alistair grinned, 'Really, angels should know better than to believe that demons would play by their rules.' Twisting Dean to his will would be very beneficial to them, there was no denying that fact. Dean would bring their Boy King to them and in one fell swoop the side of good would lose two of their greatest warriors. Starting the Apocalypse would be so much easier with both Winchesters firmly on board.

Sam glanced down at the phone in his hand, Bobby's name was flashing up at him, he knew the other man was worried about him, Bobby must have known that Sam was going to do something very, very stupid. Sam's finger hovered over the answer button for a moment before he hit ignore. "I'm sorry Bobby, but this is something I have to do and you can't stop me," Sam murmured as he regretfully slipped the phone back into his jacket.

"Well, well this is a surprise, you actually came. I will admit that for a while I didn't think I would ever be hearing from you." Following the sound of the voice, Sam stared at the unfamiliar woman who came out of the shadows.

Sam's brows furrowed together. "Ruby?" he asked hesitantly.

"Got it in one, cutie. Now what is this little summons about? I have things to do you know." Ruby crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow; she wasn't a fool, she knew precisely why Sam was standing in front of her: he was out of options in rescuing Dean.

Reminding himself that he was doing this for his brother, Sam summoned all his courage, swallowed hard and said, "I need your help in to rescue Dean from hell."

Ruby grinned like a cat who'd gotten the cream; she had Sam right where she needed him. "And my help in killing Lilith?" but it wasn't a question as much as a statement of fact.

Sam shook his head firmly. Although deep in his heart he wanted to kill Lilith for stealing his brother from him, he couldn't focus on revenge, not now, not with so much at stake. He would go after Lilith only after Dean was returned to him. "Lilith can wait until Dean is safely back and then I'll go after her."

Ruby narrowed her eyes and studied Sam closely for a moment. She could see the pure determination in his eyes and knew that there was no changing his mind; he was determined to follow this course of action. Nodding to herself Ruby decided that she could still work with what she had; all she needed to give Sam was the one thing that he would surely believe that he would need to save Dean.

"There is a way to make you more powerful, to save Dean yourself," Ruby began in a cautious tone as if imparting a secret of the gravest importance and she knew that Sam was hers the moment she saw interest flash in his eyes.

Working desperately hard to tamp down his impatience, Sam brusquely asked, "When do we start?" He was done wasting time.

'Gotcha!' Ruby purred in her head. "Well, I suppose we could start right away, if you're ready. By the way, do you have a hotel room nearby?" She found Sam's confusion rather adorable and it made him so easy to twist to her needs. 'Oh yes, this is going to be a lot of fun.' By the time she was done Sam would be so full of the need for revenge that nothing, not even Dean would matter.
