A/N: Okay here is the start of a new story called Harm Done onto Those We Know. I've been debating wheather to do this story or not for a long time now, I've thought out the plot points but never really sat down to right it out. Small things have changed from what orignally was, but the main just is still the same. As you can see I've finally written chapter one and it fairly long (almost 8 full pgs in word doc.). To warn you this story may get to sick and twisted for some people, which is part of the reason why I was apprehensive to write it, but I'm making a leap here. Just so we all know It takes place in early season 5. So please read and tell me what you think.

Summery: A man claiming to be a scientist is kidnapping people as test subjects for an experiment he's working on. He makes a fatal mistake in kidnapping the wrong people. Although he thinks he's done the world some good by creating this product he never thought about the harm it would bring to the victims.

Chapter One

It All Starts Here

It was another warm morning in Miami, pleasant for the most part, but not for all. Department issued Hummers from the Miami-Dade crime lab pulled up in front of an apartment complex. Out of the first Hummer came Lieutenant Horatio Caine, wearing his ever present sunglasses. Out of the second came Ryan Wolfe and Calleigh Duquesne both carrying their kits. Out of the third Hummer came Natalia Boa Vista and Eric Delko, carrying their kits as well. Horatio walked up to ME Alexx Woods, who had already arrived and was looking over the body. "Alexx, what do we have?"

"There's no sign of external injuries, but I'll be able to get a better look once I get him back to the morgue."

"Do we have any ID on him?" asked Horatio.

Alexx felt the deceased's pockets, feeling something she pulled it out, it was a wallet. She opened it up to check inside. "Our dead boys name is Hector Wenforth and by the looks of it he lives here," said Alexx, she looked puzzled. "Horatio, why does that name sound familiar to me?"

Horatio shifted on his feet. "Alexx, Hector Wenforth was said to be missing less then twenty-four hours ago."

The rest of the team now stood behind him gave each other looks. "Kidnapping gone wrong?" suggested Natalia.

"Possibly, Mr. Wolfe, Calleigh, process the surrounding crime scene. Eric I'd like you to ask the tenants if they saw any suspicious behavior. Ms. Boa Vista, come with me, we're going to talk to the building manager to see if Mr. Wenforth did in fact live here."

Everyone set to work. "You know Calleigh, I got to wonder if he was placed here."

"Why do you think that?"

"Well you saw how the body was placed, laid out right in front of the apartment sign. Arms straight at his sides, legs straight out. It's almost as if someone wanted him to be found. Not to mention it sounds like he lives here."

"And most people either don't care and leave the body as they fall or hide the body. Leaving him in front of his own apartment building is a surefire way to have him found."

"Question is, why do you want someone to find a person you've just killed."

"Mr. Larson, did Hector Wenforth live in these apartments?" Horatio asked.

"Yes, but I don't see how this has to do with the dead man on my lawn," replied Larson.

"That dead man is Hector, you didn't know that?" asked Natalia.

"That's Hector. One of the other tenants found him, they came running in screaming and I called it in, but I never went to check, besides I thought Hector was missing."

"Were you the one to report him missing?" asked Natalia.

"No, that would've been his boss."

"Mr. Larson, which apartment is Mr. Wenforth's?" asked Horatio.

"Third floor, number three 'o one. You want a key to get in?"

"Yes, please."

Larson handed him the key, which Horatio handed off to Natalia. "Go find Eric and take him with you to search the apartment."

"Sure," said Natalia and left in search for Eric.

"Mr. Larson, did you see anything out of the ordinary?"

"No, not that I can think of."

"Think about it, anything may help us find Mr. Wenforth's killer."

"That's just it, I don't know who would want to kill Hector, he was my most likable tenant," replied Larson.

"Well, somebody didn't," said Horatio. "Tell me Mr. Larson, which one of your tenants found Mr. Wenforth's body?"

"That would be Mrs. Anderson."

"Where is Mrs. Anderson's place?"

"That would be this floor, one ten, but you won't find her there. I think she nearly had a heart attack. She's a very old woman, she went with the ambulance men."

"Thank you Mr. Larson."

"Sure, anything I can do to help."

Horatio walked out of the complex as Detective Frank Tripp pulled up to the scene. "Sorry I'm late Horatio, got stuck in a little traffic."

"That's alright Frank."

"So who do we got?" asked Frank.

"Our victims name is Hector Wenforth."

"Hector Wenforth? Isn't that the big computer geek that went missing yesterday?"

"Yes, indeed Frank."

"His boss came in yesterday wanting us to look for him, but he hadn't been missing for twenty-four hours and there was nothing to support the fact he was kidnapped. The boss guy got pissed and went to the news station, who blew the whole story out of per portion."

"You did what you could Frank, now we need to find out who would want Mr. Wenforth dead," said Horatio. "I'm off to the hospital to talk to the woman who found the body. Eric started talking to the tenants, but I had him go with Natalia to look at Mr. Wenforth's apartment."

"I'll finish up with that then see if anyone saw anything hinky."

"Sounds like a plan Frank, sounds like a plan," replied Horatio slipping on his sunglasses and walking off towards his Hummer.

Natalia found Eric at one of the first floor tenant's doors. She walked up to join him, but did not interrupt. "Did you see anything out of the ordinary, either yesterday or this morning?"

"What do you mean by out of the ordinary?" asked the man.

"Strange, odd, something that doesn't normally happen around here."


"One of your fellow tenants was found dead this morning right outside this complex," said Eric, this guy was getting on his nerves more then Wolfe did.

"Really who?"

"Hector Wenforth."

"Hector, no that's not possible, he's missing."

"Well now he's dead," said Eric.

"No, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary," the man replied. "Will that be all?"

"Yeah, for now," said Eric, the guy slammed the door shut. "Can you believe that guy, what is he a recluse? I'm not surprised he didn't see anything."

"Hey take an easy, not everyone's going to be cooperative. Hector lives in a third floor apartment. Three 'o One. Horatio wants you to come with me to check it out."

"Who's going to take over questioning the other tenants?"

"That would be me," said Frank.

"Well good luck with that man, some of these people are a real piece of work."

"Better be careful with what you say there Delko, it might be you someday."

"I sure hope not."

"Come on Eric lets go see what Wenforth's apartment has in store for us."

"Excuse me, excuse me," called a voice across the crime scene.

Calleigh and Ryan turned towards the voice yelling out to them to see a slightly plump elderly woman, clutching on to her purse with both hands in front of her. "Yes ma'am how can we help you?" asked Calleigh, as she and Ryan made there way over to the woman who stood behind the crime scene tape.

"I saw the ruckus and I thought I'd come over and see how things were going," said the elderly woman.

Ryan cocked one of his eyebrows. This lady was one of those busey bodies and while nosey people could be a nightmare to deal with, they could also be an asset. "Ma'am did you happen to see anything strange this morning or even yesterday?"

"Please Cutie Pie, it's Connie."

Ryan turned a shade of pink and there wasn't a lot of things that made him blush. "Um, Connie, did you see anything str-"

"Oh right, I can't attest to yesterday, but this morning I saw this gray van pull up, or maybe it was white or cream, anyway I've never seen it before, but I saw it pull up this morning and stopped completely and then stayed there for maybe a minute or two and then left, pulled away and that's when I saw Hector's body," she said, cutting Ryan off.

"You didn't think to call 911?" asked Calleigh.

"Well at the time I didn't know he was dead. I thought he may have been passed out, but then I heard all the sirens and flashing lights."

"Ms.-" Ryan started only realizing she'd never given them her last name. "Connie you knew Hector, did you live in the building?"

"Oh no silly, I live in the complex across the street, but I knew Hector in passing, he was such a sweet kid, because that's what he is a kid, even though he's thirty-one. How old are you Cutie Pie?"

"I ah, I'm Twenty-five."

"Oh, you're a baby."

If the first blush wasn't bad enough, this one had to be worse. "Ma'am do you know what Hector did for a living. or if he had any enemies?" asked Calleigh, taking charge, which Ryan was thankful for.

"Hector was one of those computer software people. Which may have been a contributing factor to why he was a little more then just chubby, that and he ate a lot of unhealthy foods. As for any enemies, Conner didn't like him to much."

"Conner?" asked Ryan.

"Yes, Conner Larson. Hector's building manager. Hector wasn't always on time with his rent which got on Conner's nerves, but Hector always got the money to him eventually."

"Alright can we get your full name, so if we have to come back with anymore questions we no where to find you?" asked Calleigh.

"I suppose, Constance Montgomery."

"Thank you for your time Ms. Montgomery, here's my card if you can think of anything else," said Calleigh.

Constance took the card and examined it briefly. "What about yours Cutie Pie, don't I get your card incase I can't reach Ms. Duquesne?" asked Constance.

"Uh sure," Ryan replied, pulling out one of his cards and handing it to her.

She read it. "Ryan Wolfe, that's such a handsome name."

"Thank you," replied Ryan, he didn't know what else he was suppose to reply with.

"Ms. Montgomery if you would excuse us we have to get back to work," said Calleigh.

"Oh, of course."

"Come on Ryan."

"Do I really have that need to be mothered look Cal?" asked Ryan as they returned to what they were doing.

"I don't know Ryan, I think you're asking the wrong person. If you really want to know you should ask Alexx."

"But Alexx mother's me Calleigh."

"Exactly, Cutie Pie."

Ryan glared at Calleigh and she smiled right back.

Everyone had returned to the lab and began to examine what little evidence they had been able to collect. Ryan went down to the morgue to see if Alexx had found anything on how their victim died. "Hey Alexx," he said walking in.

"Hey baby, you come to see what killed our boy."

"Yeah I did? You get anything yet?"

"Oh I got something."

"This good because honestly we don't have a lot of evidence to work with here."

"Well there's no outward signs of what Hector here was killed from, but I did find an injection sight just below his belly button."

"An injection sight, so you're thinking he was drugged by someone."

"That's your job baby, but I did send up some blood work to tox."

"You get the results back yet?"

"Uh huh, now this is where it gets strange."

"Strange how?"

"What ever was introduced into his system isn't in any database and it almost as if most of it has meshed with him."

"What do you mean, it didn't dissolve?"

"It looks like it was starting to become a part of his own body and blood work."

"Alexx, do you think this is what killed him?"

"Em hm, whatever baby boy here took didn't take to well to his system and ended up killing him."

"Thanks Alexx, now we just have to find out who gave it to him."

Ryan came into the evidence locker room. Where Natalia and Eric were, it was getting close to end of shift. "Well Hector Wenforth died from some sort of substance," said Ryan.

"What are you talking about Wolfe? You don't know the drug that killed him. Did you even look at the tox screen."

"The substance wasn't in any of our databases and Alexx isn't even sure it's a drug because whatever was given to him was starting to become a part of him when he died. I know what I'm talking about Delko, besides I hear you didn't farewell in Wenforth's apartment."

"That's because it looks like he wasn't taken from his apartment. He was probably taken somewhere on his way to work," said Eric.

The two men glared at each other. Natalia watched she was getting a headache. One moment these two were doing just fine with each being friends and next they're bickering. "Okay that's enough you two we're working the same case and you two arguing isn't going to help us get any closer," said Natalia. "Frank talked to the tenants and they gave him nothing other then Hector was nice, no one would want to hurt him, and that they didn't see anything."

"Calleigh and I talked to a woman from the complex across the street, she said that Hector and his building manager Conner Larson didn't get along all the time. She also said that she saw a gray, maybe cream or white van pull up this morning and when they left Hector's body was on the ground."

"Well that's helpful, you didn't think to tell us this sooner Wolfe," said Eric as he left the evidence locker.

"Hey I wasn't the only one she told. Calleigh was there too so don't go blaming me for not telling you anything when I just told you now," yelled Ryan after.

Ryan took a deep breath and counted backwards from ten to calm himself down. "You know maybe you should just tell him," said Natalia.

"What are you talking about?"

"That you like him."

"I do not."

"Ryan, honestly, you don't think I see it. I figured it out when you took me on that date. You were just trying to make him jealous, why else would you ask him if it was okay to go out with me. You wanted him to know to get him jealous."

"What good is it going to do me Nat, he a ladies man."

"You'll never know unless you do something about it."

"I'm not going to take that chance especially in our world Nat."

"You really think that even if Eric disapproved that he'd stoop low enough not back a fellow co-worker."

"I don't want to take that chance Natalia."

Horatio entered the room and cleared his throat. "Shift is just about over is all the evidence logged?"

"Yeah Horatio," said Natalia.

"Alright you should both go home."

"What about the case?" said Ryan.

"The case will still be here in the morning. I want well rested CSIs here bright and early to work on the case"

Ryan looked about ready to disagree, but Horatio cut him off. "Go home Mr. Wolfe."

"Come on Ryan," said Natalia.

They both left for the locker room to get there things and head home. "I'll see you tomorrow Ryan and like I said try telling him. Don't force me to play Cupid alright."

"I think that would be a nightmare you as Cupid. I hope I never see it."

"You won't if you just tell him and if he doesn't feel the same then we can move on."

"Can I think about it?" asked Ryan.

"Sure, you have until tomorrow morning. I'll see you."

"Yeah, thanks."

They both left the locker room. Natalia headed to her car thinking how oblivious men could be sometimes. Ryan went to his car thinking about how he should break it to Eric. Natalia had been half right, he was trying to make Eric jealous, but at that time he had also been trying to find out who the mole was.

Ryan got home to his apartment and set everything down in it's place, before he went to change so he could go for a jog. He needed to clear his head and think about his oh so complicated life. For sure only Natalia and Alexx knew his feeling for Eric. Alexx he had told because she was like a mother to him and demanded to know what was going on. Natalia like she had said figured it out on her own. Ryan had a feeling Horatio may know, but wasn't to sure. He was thankful IAB's Rick Stetler didn't know.

Ryan was now changed and he stepped out of his apartment locking it back up. "Hey Ryan, where you off to?" asked his neighbor.

Her name was Mary Allen. She was young, just a little older then Ryan and the biggest flirt in the whole complex. His other neighbor Mrs. Hickey had told him Mary had a thing for him. He dismissed it because Mary flirted with everybody and it wasn't like he was interested in her as well.

"Hey Mary, I'm just heading out for a jog."

"Do you mind if I join you."

Ryan looked at what she was wearing. High heals, a skirt that barely covered her back end and a top the revealed more cleavage then Ryan would've liked to see. Sometimes he thought Mary may be a prostitute, but he wasn't going to jump to conclusions and get her pissed at him, he already had enough enemies through his job. She could very well be a party animal. "Um you look like you have plans, besides I thought you worked Monday nights."

"I can cancel it's no big deal."

"That's alright you should keep your plans. I'd like to be alone if you don't mind. I have a lot to think about and I'd like a quiet run by myself this time around. Maybe next time."

"Okay, that's fine with me. I'll see you later."

Ryan watched her leave and sighed. "I'm telling you Sweetie, she likes you."

Ryan nearly jumped at the voice of Mrs. Hickey behind him. He turned around to Mrs. Hickey. She was the only other person who knew of Ryan's preference, but she was different from Alexx and Natalia, she was his neighbor not co-worker. "Does it really matter if she likes me, you know I'm not interested in her."

"I know that, but she doesn't, you need to stop stringing her along."

"I don't stri-"

"Oh yes you do, don't tell me you don't. She's not the brightest child in the pack, when you tell her maybe next time she gets all high hoped."

"But I only meant it as a jog between friends."

"I know you did, but like I said she isn't the brightest child in the pack and I think she likes the idea of being with you because she want someone to protect her. So how was work today?"

"Ugh," moaned Ryan.

"Was it that bad?"

"We're working on case and don't have a lot of evidence to go on and Eric and I got into another fight," said Ryan, Mrs. Hickey smiled at that. "What's so amusing?"

"Before me and my late husband started dating we got into yelling matches a lot, there was a lot of arguments before we actually got together. Well I better let you go on your run it will be dark soon and I wouldn't want the apartments favorite CSI to get lost."

Ryan smiled and rolled his eyes. "I'll see you when I get back."

"I'm sure I will."

Ryan left, his apartment and started his jog. He would eat dinner with Mrs. Hickey every Monday and Wednesday night if he wasn't working overtime. The warm evening breeze felt good as Ryan jogged down the sidewalk.

Calleigh and Eric sat at a bar. "You know you shouldn't be so hard on him, I was there too and it would've been just as easy for me to tell you the information and you wouldn't of blown up at me, besides it was kind of funny to hear this woman calling him Cutie Pie."

Eric shook his head and rolled his eyes. "What is it with older woman and Wolfe. They all just want to mother hen him."

"Maybe it's just the air about him."

"Oh don't tell me you like him too."

"Eric don't even go there. You know I see Ryan like a little brother. I just wish you'd admit that you like him."

"We argue to much."

"Some would say that it's sexual tension. Have you ever thought about just telling him."

"Are you kidding me. Wolfe is so straight laced it's not even funny."

"I've seen him crack a joke a few times, but that's not the point, you'll never know the outcome unless you make a move and it's going to have to be you because Ryan's not the one to make the first move."

"It's more complicated then that Calleigh, you know where I come from. I'm catholic, Ryan's the first guy I've ever liked like this. What will my family think. Marisol would've been the only one to support me."

"Eric, who cares what your family thinks as long as you're happy," said Calleigh.

Ryan was on his way back to his apartment, his stomach was beginning to rumble with hunger pains, sometimes he would ignore them at work, so he could get things done, but not now he was to hungry to ignore them. "Excuse me." called a voice.

Ryan turned around to see a burley man who looked like some sort of weight lifter coming towards him. "Yeah?" asked Ryan.

"Have you seen my dog man?"

Ryan looked at the man something off was he could feel it in his gut. Ryan's eyes caught sight of something just behind the man parked at the curb. A white van that was so dirty it almost looked gray. Ryan's stomach dropped out from under him as that bad feeling got worse. "No sorry, I haven't seen any dogs." Ryan turned to start jogging again as fast as he could.

The man grabbed his arm and it was a very firm grip, a little to firm for Ryan's likings. "Hey man leave me alone I haven't seen your dog."

Ryan was turned around by the man. "Please just take a look at the picture."

"I'm good thanks," said Ryan trying pull away only resulting in man squezing his arm tighter.

Ryan swung his free hand at the man, but he caught it with his own free hand. "Ah fuck this," the man growled.

He spun Ryan around pulling one of Ryan's arms behind his back and pressing Ryan against him. He put his other arm around Ryan throat in choke hold. Ryan was scared as hell, but he wasn't going to go out without a fight. He leaned as far forward as he possibly could. He was able to flip the guy over his back and get him to let go. Ryan began to run, but before he could get anywhere he felt the guys hand reach out and trip him. Ryan felt his head hit the pavement hard and stars shoot through his eyes. Everything was going black as he felt himself being picked up off the pavement. He attempted to fight back, but it was a weak attempt everything was just fading to fast.

The other man opened the side door of the van and placed Ryan in before hopping in himself and shutting the van door before it took off.

The commotion that Ryan and the other man had created had stopped all surrounding people in their tracks as they watched the situation unfold. As the van pulled away they all seemed to look at each other and in silent negotiation all seemed to agree they wouldn't say anything if the police came by. Whoever had just been taken seemed to have gotten in with a bad crowd and pissed them off and they certainly weren't going to do the same. What they didn't know was that wasn't the case at all.

A/N: There it is the first chapter in HDoTWK. So here's some info (and warnings). I've always enjoyed reading slash it's a little guitly pleasure of mine and for awhile I've wanted to attempt to write one. This story line was just perfect for that attempt. Keep in mind I've never written slash anyone who wants to help I'm all for it. For those of you non slashers you now know and have a choice to stay away from the story or keep reading it, but please don't come and bug me about it. So this will eventually be a Hardy Boys pairing. (My favorite slash pairing). Thank you all for reading and please send a review it would be great to get feed back. Oh one other thing this story will be sort of AU b/c Ryan's not going to be fired like he was in the actual show. ~StoryDreamer