Hey guy's this is my first fic, hope I haven't messed it up too much!

Um ok got this idea while watching Babylon AD the other day, not the greatest film, and this sort of dropped in my lap so read and I hope you enjoy.

Oh yeah, I don't own anything, which is a damn shame, apart from Brian and the shiny new plastics at Torchwood 3. Quick warning may contain (nuts) slight spoilers for Torchwood and Doctor Who series two but won't be anything major.

Brian was pacing his office, Torchwood one was gone, and his position, at last, was secure. Brian elated, oh sure he'd been given his present post by Yvonne but like hell she'd of let him keep it. No, Torchwood Three had been growing in power, Brian's team was small, he was under orders, but that made them strong; easy to organise.

Brian knew at one point Yvonne had trusted him enough to let him keep his power, she had trusted him more than anyone one, except maybe that pathetic bodyguard of hers. Brian was her second, her most loyal, until he'd been shipped off to rebuild Torchwood Three. He had cursed Alex Hopkins, shooting his whole bloody team, Brian had had to go in and rebuild, start from bloody scratch. However since the 1st of January 2000 Torchwood Three had gone from strength to strength and Brian had seen the suspicion growing in Yvonne, she would have been out to get him the first moment she could tear herself away from her sodding 'ghost shifts'.

Yet now, now they were gone, blown up in a hell fire of their own creation, Brian leader of Torchwood Three, the strongest team left standing, had free reign.

All this however was not why Brian was pacing. Brian was jittery because he'd had to employ outside help. Brian wasn't a trusting person. He had no friends, no family, just a long string of one night stands and a work force very willing to screw him over. The closest Brian had gotten to trust was Yvonne Hartman, how sick was that, trusting a woman who wouldn't even meet her own mother without a gun. But Brian needed help, he needed this job wrapped up and he didn't want any ties to it.

So Brian had called in outside help, a contractor or missionary; a guy with no strings, no boundaries, an expendable part. Brian picked the best, rumour had it this guy had been in the game a while. That he'd clocked more field hours than any of the others, he was a professional, with higher standards of training and cons. And if you believed all you heard at the local bars, this guy had one hell of a 'get out of jail free' card.



I have a job for you and I need it done quickly and quietly. I need information that is vital to my organisation and quite frankly dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands. I could claim the source of this information myself but I want no ties to this, understood, run into trouble and you'll be on your own. I have the source in custody and wish it to be delivered to the millennium centre in six days.

I warn you this is less of a request and more of an order. I have people watching. If you fear not for your own life then consider those of Toshiko Sato and Dr Owen Harper.

You'll find the required information attached along with a photo.

Brian, Torchwood.


Jack rolled his eyes, if he had a dollar for every threatening letter he'd received, he could quit this con of a life. The funny thing was that the threats were unneeded; they had Jack at 'money'. Life is full of such unpleasant crap, why not at least make it comfortable, was Jack's philosophy.

Jack was a con artist, and a good one at that. He'd tried to change once or twice but sometimes life drops the hint that it just isn't going to happen.

Jack did a lot for money, he wasn't a whore he couldn't bring himself to do that, but his morals could become . . . blurry, for the right price. He was a solider that fought on the side that paid best.

Jack flicked the page over and took in the information. At least this mark was pretty, scrap that he was smokin', shame he probably wouldn't be for long. Oh well, Jack had about three hours before he had to pick up his mark. Letting Tosh and Owen know where he was going and that they had a new job, he grabbed his coat and hit the road. Ianto Jones wouldn't deliver himself.