'If that will just take you straight back, why do you need co-ordinates?' Gwen asked eying Jacks wrist strap curiously.
'I don't.' Jack replied simply.
'Ok, now I'm lost.' Owen grumbled.
Jack smirked, but his smile never reached his eyes as he thought about the danger that could befall Ianto if his theory was correct.
'How long until you get those co-ordinates Tosh?' He called down to her workstation impatiently.
'Should be a short while yet Jack, there are thousands of files to search through, even with our technology it's going to take some time.' The sharp tapping of keys quickly replaced her voice as she focused on her computer screen once again.
They spoke in hushed tones, the shadows looming over them, they were swiftly silenced as a lone figure approached.
'State your name and intentions.' The tallest stood slowly, warily watching in fear.
They watched the figure grow closer, until it finally reached the insignificant shade of light.
'Ianto Jones, I've come to help.'
'Jack, there's no such place as Hogsmeade, I've pulled up every file possible and there's nothing even remotely related to Hogsmeade!' Tosh frowned, wondering if she had searched it wrong.
'Toshiko that is both wonderful and terrible news' Jack sighed.
'Because…' Owen urged, curious as to the situation they faced.
'Because now I know that my theory is correct…that's also the bad news…DAMN IT!' He growled angrily, slamming his fists down on the table.
'Jack, you tell us right now what's going on!' Gwen demanded loudly.
'It's good to have you here mate.' Neville smiled sadly at Ianto.
Ianto looked up at the people around him, he was surrounded by what were once happy and smiling people, but even those had been stolen.
'Before we tell you what's happening, would you mind explaining why you're covered in blood?' Dean eyed Ianto's clothes with concern.
'I died.' Ianto replied quickly.
'Again?' Seamus exclaimed.
'Look, will someone tell me what's happening! All the message said was that Harry is gone!' Ianto interrupted hastily.
The group looked at each other, fear shone in their eyes as they struggled for words until Arthur Weasley finally whispered.
'He's back.'