AUTHOR'S NOTE: After a very, very long absence I have returned to this Fanfiction site and decided to continue and hopefully, finish this epic story. I admit this will take time as I need to reread the whole of the story again as I lost the ongoing notes from this story on a previous computer. Therefore I will need to work out where I was going with this before I continue the story. I estimate it will take at least a few weeks to reread it thoroughly, then a week after that before the next chapter comes up.
Another heads-up: It will be after 15 or 20 chapters to come, but there is one more crossover coming that brings another Sci-Fi franchise into the picture. I find it necessary to do this to spread the technological advances in the 21st century beyond just the Doctor. No, I won't spoil the surprise, so just wait and see.
Thank you to all who have remained hopeful of my return to writing this epic story, I sincerely hope I don't disappoint you.