It was times like these when Lilian wasn't sitting next to Jim Ross that she wondered just what the Oklahoma native was saying… was he screaming for someone to come out and save her? Was he calling these actions heinous?

Lilian barely had time to wonder this as she whimpered in pain, Kane's hand reaching down to entangle in her hair, the Big Red Machine yanking the little blonde up effortlessly. Lilian scrambled to get her legs underneath her, trying valiantly to tug his hand from her hair.

"Please, no," Lilian managed to squeak, only to cry out when Kane's hand wrapped around her throat yet again.

She closed her eyes as the impact came, her back crashing on the mat for the third time that night.

Lilian winced as starbursts exploded before her eyes, and the little blonde lay there, dazed, unmoving.

However, through the fog, one question rang out loud and clear.

Why, Randy?

"What the hell was that?!"

Randy smirked, looking at the man in front of him cockily.

"It's personal," the brash young superstar answered with a smirk, brushing past the man.

He looked at the monitor, swearing as he saw what Kane was doing.

Without a second thought, he pushed past his colleagues and made a fast break for the ring, not knowing if he was going to make it in time or not...

Lilian moaned in pain as Kane reached out, dragging her by the hair to the outside of the ring.

She gracelessly fell to the mat that provided some protection to wrestlers during matches, laying, unmoving, as Kane walked away. Oh, God, please, let him leave me alone… she pleaded silently, closing her eyes.

However, her silent pleas went unanswered as Kane came back over, pulling her carelessly around the steel steps and throwing her to the mat in front of the announcer's table.

She looked up, eyes wide and filled with tears, as Kane began pulling the plastic pieces and monitors off the announce table. Oh, my God, she realized numbly. He's gonna chokeslam me through the announce table…

Crying softly, she forced herself to her feet, blind panic fueling her intense need to get away from there. However, she merely cried out in pain when Kane grabbed her by the throat, shoving her down to the mat again, her back exploding in pain as the little blonde collided with the steel steps.

Lilian lay there, dazed for a moment, trying to will the intense pain away before she scrambled to her feet again, cursing herself for wearing these damned high heel boots she insisted on buying, nothing but pure adrenaline and instincts fueling her movements now… if she managed to get away, she was going to have one hell of a backache later…

Lilian backed away, her heart pounding in her ears as she backed away from Kane, who was now stalking her yet again. Without thinking, she ducked under the bottom rope, fighting her way to her feet again as Kane moved swiftly into the ring behind her.

"Please, no," she begged for the second time, backing away as Kane lengthened his strides to get to her. He hesitated for a moment, taking the time to chokeslam Mike Chioda and Jack Doan one right after the other, and sending Chad Patton flying out of the ring with a boot to the face.

Suddenly, she felt hands on her shoulders, shoving her away from Kane.

She fell to the mat, shaking as she crawled into the corner of the ring, her back throbbing as she watched Kane and her savior for the evening trading punches. He got the upper hand over Kane, sending the Big Red Monster out of the ring, shaking with ire.

"This isn't over!" Kane seethed, backing up the aisle as more officials made their way down to the ring, minutes too late.

Lilian's savior glared up the ramp at Kane, making sure he was far away before turning his attention to the shaking blonde in the corner.

She looked up at him with wide green eyes, tears pooling. "Lilian," he said softly, stepping closer to her and stretching his hand down slowly. She whimpered, pressing further into the corner, fear on her face.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said, bending down and kneeling in front of him.

"But… but you're… you're one of Randy's friends…"

"That doesn't matter," he said softly. "I'm not here to hurt you, or to allow Randy to hurt you again. I promise."

Lilian stared at him, intense green eyes boring into his pools. Finally, she stuck out her hand, allowing him to pull her gently to her feet.

He guided Lilian to the ropes, stepping on the bottom rope so she could exit easily. However, when her feet made contact with the floor outside of the ring, a sharp pain shot through her back, sending the little blonde to her knees.

Within seconds, he had her scooped up in his strong arms. "You… you don't have to carry me," Lilian protested softly, nevertheless bring her hands up to wrap them around his neck.

"It's fine," he said softly, adjusting his grip so that his arms weren't pressing against her sore back. "He's not gonna hurt you anymore, Lilian."

Lilian nodded, taking a deep breath as she laid her head on his chest, trying to comprehend why Randy turned on her… why Kane wanted to maim her… and now…

Why Triple H was carrying her to the back.

End Part 4