Title: Something Supernatural

Author: Wereleopard

Rating: FRAO Adult

Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Gwen, Ianto/Sam

Spoilers: umm will say all of Torchwood and Supernatural just to be safe.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Torchwood, or Supernatural. I wish.

Summary: Ianto and Jack have split up but someone new has come into Ianto's life and makes him wonder if staying in Cardiff is the right thing for him.

Feedback. Would appreciate it but just hope you enjoy the story

Chapter Ten

Ianto stood on the walkway looking down at the hub. Myfawny screeched around. It had been his home for two years, but was it still his home now.

He heard Jack's laughter echo, looking down he saw him with Gwen they looked so happy. Ianto saw Jack look up at him, watching him making sure that he was ok. Gwen followed his gaze and frowned. She knew something was wrong, something was going on.

Ianto's gaze moved quickly before Jack or Gwen picked up on anything from him, they were both good at reading people. That is when he landed on Sam laughing and joking with Tosh.

It seemed as if he knew that he was being watched. Sam looked up and smiled, the young man smiled down, he felt his heart beat faster just watching the hunter. He turned and looked at Jack once more and his heart ached. No matter what choice he made he was going to lose the man he loved or the one he was falling for, there was a third choice he could lose them both.


Annaka stood there her eyes as black as the night. Her hand tightly gripped around a man's throat.

"Where is Torchwood?" She demanded.

"I don't know." He choked the words out. "We only knew where Ianto ended up he always used different routes and we always lost him."

Annaka squeezed tighter. "My child has not returned home and I do not know if he succeeded. The choices are he died and at least Sam Winchester is dead and then he was exorcised, or he failed,"

"I don't know." The man's eyes bulged from his head as she continued to squeeze.

"No matter, we have to leave we are known here now. But, we will return and get revenge on Torchwood and the Winchester brothers." Annaka muttered as she let the man fall to the floor dead. "Come we must make our plans."


Everyone had gone out with Sam and Dean on an exorcist hunt helping as many of them as they could. They had found out the demon who was making this army had left when Sam had not been killed. Jack had thought it best that Ianto stay.

So here he was standing by the coffee machine waiting for the 'menfolk' to return.

"Ianto?" A soft voice asked from behind him.

Ianto jumped slightly and turned around. Gwen. They must have all arrived back then and hopefully uninjured...

"Yes Gwen." He said politely.

"I'm sorry." Gwen looked down at the floor..

Ianto looked at her with confusion. "You're sorry about what exactly?"

"About Jack, about me and Jack." She clarified.

Ianto smiled sadly. "It happened, nothing can change that. We just have to move on."

"I don't like seeing you unhappy and I know I am partly to blame."

"One day I won't be." Ianto turned away from her and walked out.

Gwen wanted to make things better but she had no idea what to do. Ianto loved Jack, and Jack in his way loved Ianto. She couldn't, no she wouldn't give up Jack. But she realised that she may not have a choice the one man who could take him away was Ianto and the young Welshman didn't realise it.


Ianto sat at his computer typing, as everyone else was filing in paperwork about all the exorcisms.

"Ianto come and join us." Jack called out.

Ianto stood up and made his way to the conference room and sat down opposite Sam.

"Well we would like to thank Sam and Dean for all their help. We only hope that we can deal with this ourselves in the future if not we do have their contact details." Jack said smiling at the two young men.

"So are you heading off soon?" Tosh asked glancing at Ianto.

Sam was doing the same thing. "Yes, soon."

"While everyone is here there is something I should say." Ianto looked around the room. "I applied for a transfer."

"What?" Owen asked surprised he never thought that Ianto would never leave Jack's side no matter what.

Hope started to form in Sam's chest. "Where?"

"They are opening a Torchwood near the gates of hell in America. I've been accepted."

Sam could not stop the smile appearing on his face. "Really?"

"Yes, really."

Jack sat there frozen, he had lost Ianto. "You're leaving?"

"I have to Jack I can't stay here not anymore. I will be in contact and if you need me…."

"I'll always need you Ianto." Jack whispered and left the room, taking part of Ianto's heart with him.

Sam stood up and rushed around the table pulling Ianto into his arms. "You are coming to America."

"Yes Sam I am."


Jack sat in his office, tears falling down his face.

"Jack?" Gwen whispered. "This is going to make Ianto happy."

"I don't want him to go, I can't imagine not seeing him everyday. I….."

"You still have me." Gwen told him, tears fell from her eyes as he didn't answer.

Jack was wrapped up in his own loss he hadn't heard her speak.


Ianto walked into Jack's office.

"Why didn't you tell me Ianto?" Jack asked quietly.

"I hadn't made up my mind."

"Don't go please, I will do anything."

"I'm sorry Jack but I have to. I don't want to have regrets and staying here watching you and Gwen would be one of them. Give me a chance to be happy please." Ianto begged.

Jack stood up and walked over to Ianto, reaching up he cupped one hand on the younger man's face, bent forward and kissed him.

"I'll always love you Ianto. No matter how long I live this is going to be one of my biggest regrets."

"I'll always love you too Jack. If I stayed it would be one of mine."


It had been a year since Ianto left, they all talked often. Jack realised that all of his immortality and his personality had made him selfish. Looking for things in that moment in time to make him happy. It hadn't worked out with Gwen and they both knew it was because of Ianto. He lost the man he loved.



Tosh grinned as she held the phone to her ear. "What's up Ianto?"

"Sam asked me to marry him."

The End

N/B A sequel if people want LOL and yes I had planned one so you will get one if you want it or not LOL