Author has written 23 stories for Spyro the Dragon, Twilight, Dusk, Susan Gates, RuneScape, Night World series, Pokémon, Warhammer, Stargate: Universe, Aliens/Predator, Host, Fire Emblem, Star Wars, and League of Legends. Five happy years have been spent on this site now and my only regret is that all too often real life has gotten in the way of my writing, still I appear to have entered another prolific time in my writing history, here's hoping it lasts for years to come. Yours Sincerely The Lament I do however have one small request, can anyone who has read 'The Sea of Trolls', 'Dusk' (by Susan Gates) or 'Monster Republic' please write a fanfic for it to give the categories a bit of a boost. The same request applies to anyone who's played Xenoblade Chronicles. |