Author has written 5 stories for Pokémon. Welcome to my profile! Its not much, but feel free to look around. Name: Lolli-S Gender: Female Louhearst Series Kanto - Being written We now have a wiki! Link below! http:///wiki/Louhearst_Expedition_Wiki Seven Deadly Eons In my story, Seven Deadly Eons, each of the Eeveelutions represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins; Envy, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Wrath, Lust, and Pride. Below is the Royal Family Tree so far. Those to the right of the / are born into the Royal Family while those to the left are married into. Bolded ones were/are rulers and/or heirs... King Humilitas/Queen Chastity Below are the battles that have happened so far in chronological order chapter-wise. Winners are bolded. Glacea & Flarea vs Matthias & Benardo Note that I decided to include actual battles not the Eon Sisters ganging up on a Pokemon and killing them. That's technically not a battle if you think about it. Anyway, as more battles come up, I'll update it. Evolutions:
Trainer House Brigade Plot: After an incident, a pampered young man from Unova gets sent to Viridian City. He gets a job at the local trainer house, but butts heads with his uncle, his new boss, and a temperamental poison trainer. On top of all this, he has to deal with a vicious former friend. Characters are: Julian Bradford – A pampered college student from Unova who has been sent to Viridian City. Although he is well-meaning and good natured, this pretty boy has a lot to learn about hard work. Boss Mann – The serious and strict supervisor of the Trainer House. Known simply as “Boss” or “Boss Man”. Tina Symes – A temperamental poison type trainer/janitor with a big mouth and a knack for getting in trouble and making wrong first impressions. Emmett Everett – An old friend of Julian's who has come to Kanto for a mysterious reason. OC Form - (PM me or submit them here on my brother's forum: Name: Age: (16-25) Gender: (Male or Female) Hometown: (City, Region) Position: (Are you one of the resident trainers at the trainer house or are you another member of the staff or both? Staff includes: Trainer/Cook/Nurse/Janitor/Receptionist/Networker. Most trainers have more than one position like Trainer/Janitor for example.) Appearance/Clothing: (What your character looks like and what they wear. Include normal, swimwear, and sleepwear.) Personality: (As with any OC story, make it as detailed as possible.) History: (Make it detailed. Dramatic past is fine. Melodramatic is not.) Relationship towards MCs: (Your character's relationships with Julian, Boss, and Tina. Just let me know how they relate to each of them. This one's optional.) Pokémon: (1-6. Giving them themes is encouraged, but not required. Example: A specific type on a team or all blue pokémon or something.) Other: (Anything else?) Grimmer Springs OC Form: Name: (First/Middle/Last. Be sure to list any nicknames) Age: (This one's actually variable since it's a town. If you want an actual range, I'd say: 0-99) Gender: (Male or Female) Profession: (If you submit an adult character. For kids, you can leave it blank or put student. If your character, for example, is a teenager that has a job, just put Student/Job Title) Appearance/Clothing: (What your character looks like and what they wear. For clothing, include everyday wear, formal wear, swim wear, sleep wear.) Personality: (As always, make it detailed. This is the most important part. Include hobbies, likes, dislikes, fears, anything and everything about your character.) Family Members: (List any notable family members.) Residential Length: (How long has your character lived in Grimmer Springs?) Relationship with the Barlow family: (Is your character friends/acquaintances/crushes/rivals/enemies with any of the family members? Just list the ones that your character knows.) Pokémon: (1-6. Pokémon can either be captured or won at the downtown Battling Center. Try to be original and anyone under 10 isn't likely going to have a full team or any pokémon at all really. Just give a quick sentence or two about their personality and how you caught them.) Other: (Anything else? A history about your character or maybe a family secret? An allergy? Anything you think should be added. Of course, this one is always optional.) PM Me or send the form here: My main OC: PM me if you want to use her. Name: Candice "Candi" Laria Isra Gender: Female Age: 14 Family: Hometown: Celadon City, Kanto History: Candi grew up as the youngest child in her family and was overlooked by her parents, but babied to no ends by her older sisters. They noticed how much she loved Pokemon and how entergetic she was and told her parents that she should become a Pokemon trainer. When she was given a test to see if she was ready to become a trainer, she did excellent in the physical part. The written part however, she didn't do so well on, so her sisters decided it would be better if they taught her how to be a breeder. Pokemon: Golem (Captured as Geodude): Male. Personality: Golem is the only boy on Candi's team and is the smartest. He's very patient with his trainer and as a Geodude is usually seen guiding Meowth away from a wall that she's usually about to crash into. Seadra (Captured as a Horsea): Female. Personality: Seadra is the most relaxed on Candi's team and can usually be seen floating around in a pool. She likes Candi because she doesn't have to battle often which suits her well. Golbat: (Captured as Zubat) Female. Presonality: Extremely quiet and sort of a loner around other Pokemon. Appearance: Candi has long black hair that goes past her shoulders and chocolate brown eyes. She has light brown skin and has a slender build. She dresses in a short red shirt with a picture of a lollipop on it that stops at her midriff and blue jean cutoff shorts. She also wears a pair of red shoes, a pair of red bracelets on each of her wrists, and a red headband. Personality: Candi isn't the smartest girl around and to be truthful, she's a complete ditz. She is very entergetic, but she gets distracted quite easily by any cute boys or...anything shiny for that matter. Due to her limited vocabulary, Candi gets confused whenever someone uses a big word and one of her friends usually have to explain it to her. She flirts with a lot of boys and while they're initially attracted to her, the intelligent ones seem to get frustrated with Candi's airheadedness. She also isn't one to make up her mind and usually goes along with the group even if they're doing wrong and can easily be tricked into doing something bad. Overall, Candi is pretty nice and friendly girl despite not being super smart. Battle/Contest Style: Being a breeder, Candi doesn't battle or coordinate much, but when she does she usually tries to think hard which tatics work the best. As one would suspect, thinking isn't exactly Candi's strong area, so she doesn't win her battles too often. Goal: To be a Pokemon Breeder Anything else you want to mention: Candi can speak Spanish fluently due to having a Spanish background. She also has a sweet tooth and can usually be seen eating on candy, gum, or any kind of dessert. |
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