Reviews for The Overlord's Lady
CrystalQueen187 chapter 13 . 7/19
Wow. With a few words Cowboy Joe turned from semi-likeable to the character I hate most in the story so far. And he's supposed to be a hero!
Fantastic job on this chapter. You really nailed the plan for dealing with the superheroes.
CharlieBoneFan chapter 20 . 4/16/2017
Good story!
OptimusPrimegirl213 chapter 1 . 1/31/2017
Love this very much
alinoe.kiara chapter 1 . 12/3/2016
It's a wonderful, very detailed and thoughtful piece of fiction. (Love Roxanne and Omar playing shoulder angel/devil - of course the girlfriend wins more :)). It shows the good a more focused Megamind may do while still declaring himself EVIL. That's why I'm so disappointed he just threw everything he was building away on a whim. He didn't need to change alignment to save Roxanne - he could easily just do it like with Siligili-Reii. The only possible gain was the label fending of future attacks from other Supers and that's totally not like him.
I was hoping for well functioning, somewhat amoral city-fortress the likes of Girl-Genius full of happy, productive minions-citizens. One powerful and neutral enough it would be mostly ignored by 'Good' metas. It would be difficult, but at the end was looking to be completely doable. And then he took the cowards way out.
And Roxanne never really was 'The Overlord's Lady'. The lover at most - they didn't go public until afterwards - which is also a bummer. :/

Oh well, it's still a beatiful fic. The architecture design sound wondrous.
egmon73 chapter 20 . 7/29/2016
Very beautiful story and very interesting characterization. It was so detailed and complete. Excellent work, really.
Guest chapter 16 . 10/15/2015
Edward. Alphonse. FMA. ;D
meatpuppet1 chapter 20 . 10/14/2015
Holy cow! This was a very detailed piece. You must have done some serious research for this story. Good on ya!
guhgiog08e9rhiogoiheg98whgiogo chapter 20 . 8/26/2015
Excellent story, very well done!
ladyspock7 chapter 20 . 8/22/2015
I just love how you cover everything, down to Music Man's new band! Everyone gets their just desserts. So in character for Megamind to abandon his plan to uncover Wayne's deception, because it would take the spotlight off him and Roxanne LOL. I think yours is probably the most fully realised world in which super-powered beings exist. I like how the Gulon (who was not really a bad guy anyway) was given a new purpose in life, and that blowhard Catamount left. Though it certainly would have been interesting to see a real electoral battle with Megamind! The final scene, with Megs's and Rox's children and Minion's children leaves a lump in my throat, and Siligili-Reii gets to test the first manned (peopled?) Earth space craft built for interstellar flight. Marvellous job!

Just one question: it was Megamind who collected Lucy and delivered her to justice, wasn't it? I don't suppose he would let anyone other than himself and Minion use that technology...but I want to be sure!
ladyspock7 chapter 19 . 8/14/2015
I really like the idea of a force field generator to repel bullets, as a modification of the ol' dodge ball helmet. Also I like how Ethical Causality is so generally known and accepted as a natural law. You've got one the best, most fully-realized super-being worlds I've seen outside a comic book. The Gulon's feelings of guilt are a pretty good indication to me that he has true hero potential.
ladyspock7 chapter 18 . 6/11/2015
Great description of the Deredulate setting, and the use of the brainbots to bolster his power! A very satisfactory rescue. Megamind's sudden appearance, reaching out to Roxanne, is one of my favorite images. I like the new 'hero' the Gulon (it's so strange to think of him as a hero since he is clearly on the wrong side, which just goes to show how much the terms 'villain' and 'hero' are somewhat arbitrary).
ladyspock7 chapter 17 . 6/11/2015
The Overlord's reign of benevolence continues! The citizens will get their lives improved whether they like it or not lol. I like the kindly gestures he's shown to his fans, to show his appreciation of their warning of the attack, including reading the story of an aspiring writer. Megamind continues to be suspicious of Mohenjo Daro; that was one of the things that alarmed me when I first read this story, how Mohenjo seemed to get way too close, at least for my comfort. Such an intense ending to this chapter! Roxanne kidnapped, his realization of how much harm he's caused by kidnapping her himself, and his public renunciation of evil.
ladyspock7 chapter 16 . 6/5/2015
That's still so amusing, that he spent so long coming up with the perfect greeting only to completely forget what it was as soon as Roxanne appears. Very hot! They are clearly smitten. Their clothing comes off, his with "a bit of a clunk." I always imagine he's got various tech, weapons, and gadgets stowed all over the place too lol. I liked how she handled Hal's impertinent questions, and how she implied that she would "sacrifice" herself for the good of the city. It's interesting how when a new group is granted rights (that's probably not quite the right term but I'll go with it), another group exclaims that its own rights are being eroded. But I can see how defining sentience can be a real problem.
it's aro bitch chapter 20 . 6/1/2015
I really love this story but who was the dude who brought Lucille back to metro city? I can't figure it out and it's bugging me
ladyspock7 chapter 15 . 5/21/2015
Too Hot! LOL Minion is always looking out for his boss. I like it that they're all so accepting of the sexual situation, without any blushing or scolding or embarrasment. I like that anaology of the irradiated crystal, though I wonder how long Megamind will be able to fool himself into believing that he is Evil. Big Sky appears to be a truly thoughtful hero. I laughed at Megamind's outburst (HOW DID YOU...) and how he immediately tried to cover it up. I have one word for Cowboy Joe's arrest: awesome.
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