Prologue: A Warning

It's evening time in Colony 6. We see Shulk and Reyn leaving the Defence Force Area, and talking to one another as Reyn says, "Man, what a day."

"Tell me about it," replies Shulk. "I may not be doing the exercises you're usually made to do, but even I'm not invulnerable to Colonel Square-stache's outbursts."

"Yeah, he's been workin' you pretty hard," responds Reyn. "Having you research so much Machina and High Entia technology to try to create better weapons. His heart is in the right place, but I don't know, he must be becomin' paranoid or somethin'."

Shulk then says, "After all we've went through, I can somewhat understand, even if it does look he's going off the deep end."

"Yeah, but still..." Reyn begins to respond. "Does get me a little worried about him."

"You and me both, friend," Shulk says back.

A little while passes between them without a word from either person, until Reyn breaks the silence by asking Shulk, "So, will I see you back at home?"

"Not right now," Shulk replies. "I promised Fiora that I'd meet her in the park for a late supper."

Reyn gives Shulk a big and jovial smile and says, "Lucky guy, you! Well, you better hurry up! Don't want to keep that girl waitin', as well as that food. Might get a right bit angry with you if you let it go cold."

Shulk just chuckles and replies, "Even if it does go cold, it should still be delicious."

Reyn's smile disappears as he quickly facepalms then says, "Sometimes, I wonder if Fiora is right about you?"

"Right about what," Shulk asks his friend while looking at his curiously.

Reyn then says, "About the possibility that you might not have a sense of taste."

Shulk just smirks then asks, "Is that it, Reyn?"

"Come on, Shulk, it's not funny," says Reyn in a serious tone as he looks at Shulk in a equally serious manner. "That girl pours her heart into everything she does for you, hoping that you will notice her more and more. Hoping you might... you know..."

"Reyn, don't assume I don't know what you're talking about," replies Shulk. "I don't need to see into the future to know that Fiora is my real future, like I've always known for the most part."

"Then what's the deal with you not properly complimenting her food," asks Reyn. "She goes out of her way to make it some of the best we've ever had in this world, which is just about darn near is. This especially is what she does for you, man."

"Now, I'm starting to think you're the one worrying too much, Reyn, and not the Colonel," replies Shulk calmly. "I always love Fiora's cooking. It's just that my taste buds don't want to discriminate, or that I don't want to build her hopes up too much to the point she might think I'm being a phoney. That's all, Reyn."

"Yeah, well..." Reyn starts to say. "Your taste buds better learn to discriminate if you want to have any hope of sweeping that girl off of her feet in the future. You've got the skills to build and research weapons, as well as the ability to swing a sword, but you better learn to be more romantic. Don't want to end up falling behind Sharla and me, do ya'?"

"It's not a competition, Reyn," answers Shulk.

"But you do get what I'm sayin', right," Reyn asks again.

"Of course, I do, and you're right," says Shulk. "I guess I need to step things up with Fiora here before too long."

"Well, just don't go too fast," says Reyn. "But at the same time, do the very best you can do, okay?"

"I will, Reyn," replies Shulk. "Anyway, I think I've wasted enough time talking to you, so I better hurry up and meet up with Fiora for our supper."

"Gotcha'," says Reyn. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Right," says Shulk. "Take care, Reyn."

As both friends wave to one another, they both go their separate ways as Shulk readies himself to go to the park.

After a bit of walking, Shulk hears a familiar voice says, "Shulk..."

Shulk stops for a minute and listens again to the voice call out his name, to which he responds, "That voice... is that you... Alvis?"

Just then, appearing from behind Shulk in a portal of light, we see Alvis step through, as he then says, "Hello, Shulk."

Shulk turns around to see Alvis, and says, "It really is you, Alvis."

"Shulk," Alvis says again. "You have done well at creating a boundless world without the need for any gods. This is the true world that life in this universe that was needed from the beginning. The world that Meyneth couldn't give the people, even with the power she possessed."

"Well, if we're being honest here, Alvis," replies Shulk. "I wasn't alone. I did have your help, and the help of my friends. That much, I can say."

"Perhaps so," responds Alvis. "But... even with this said, this world is still not a perfect utopia."

"I already have that figured out, Alvis," says Shulk. "I know that nothing is truly perfect in this world."

"Yes, indeed," says Alvis. "Which is why I come bearing a warning for you."

"A warning," Shulk asks with a curious expression. "About what?"

Alvis continues with, "Just because you have eliminated one great danger in the form of Zanza, this does not mean you are all safe. In fact, with what I feel, there may be dangers out their greater than that of Zanza."

"What do you mean, Alvis," asks Shulk, becoming more and more curious with each minute. "What do you feel?"

"I feel that this world you have created will soon become a battleground for a war that will throw everything asunder," says Alvis. "What will cause it, I can't completely say. The feeling I'm getting isn't quite clear just yet, but I hope it will become more so with time. I guess we shall find out down the road."

"Alvis," Shulk asks again.

"Until then, enjoy your time with your friends," says Alvis. "Spend as much of it as you can with them. With what may or may not be coming, you still want to be able to treasure as many moments as you can. Who knows how many more you might get after such a new battle has occurred?"

Shulk just stands there looking dumbfounded at Alvis, not saying a word.

"Farewell, Shulk," says Alvis. "If we meet again, I will try to aid you the best I can."

Alvis then walks back into his portal of light, disappearing into the ether.

"A warning," asks Shulk to himself. "A new war? Our world to become a battleground? Who else could be out there?"

Shulk just looks at the evening sky, which is quickly filling with stars. Afterwards, the scene ends.

To Be Continued in Chapter 1.