"I'm home, Hideki," Chii called as she returned home from work. There was no answer. All she could hear were muffled noises coming from the television. "Hideki? Are you there? I'm home now."
She fully entered the room and saw him sitting in front of the TV, looking like he was enjoying himself. He didn't even take his eyes off of the screen to greet her, he was so engrossed. She walked behind him, totally unnoticed, to see what he was interested in so much. She finally tapped him on the shoulder.
"Hideki, what are those two women doing?"
"GAH! CHII! Don't scare me like that!!" Hideki yelled as he violently reached for the remote to turn off the TV.
"Chii called for Hideki when Chii came home, and Hideki didn't answer."
"Ah… is that so…"
"Yes. What were they doing?" She asked naively.
"Nothing you need to worry about! They were just kissing," he fumbled.
"Kissing? Like when you love someone?" Chii knelt beside him, her eyes fixated on his.
"Um… sure," he stuttered. He had no time to go into the fact that those girls were probably just doing that to entertain viewers like him.
She leaned over and quickly kissed him on the lips.
Instantly his mind was taken off of what he had been watching. "Chii…" He saw her watch him sweetly as he blushed. She curiously ran her hands through his hair, and he held her.
"Hideki… this feels nice. Does Hideki think so?"
He gave her a bittersweet smile. "Yes, it does." He sighed and stroked the hair that flowed down her back.
That night, Hideki fixed himself a midnight snack of natto. Hideki had sort of gotten over the shock of his first kiss, and Chii seemed to be asleep. The case to the DVD Mr. Ohmura had lent him still laid open, and he was reminded of what he was in the middle of watching before. Quietly, he tiptoed over and put the video back on with the volume quite low, sitting close so that he could still hear every sound.
It was typical no-plot nonsense, but it still had all the visuals he was looking for. This time, one of the girls was with a man, and doing a lot more than kissing. He sat engrossed once again for quite some time. Apparently, however, the volume was still not low enough, because Chii woke up.
All without him noticing, she sat up next to him. She was about to say something to ask what they were doing this time, but decided it was best not to interrupt, because he looked very happy. So she sat and watched with him, wondering what was going on. The yellow highlights that moved across her eyes whenever she was learning something appeared. "They sure do look happy," she thought. But their reactions were different than normal happiness, she noticed. She glanced over at Hideki and noticed that his hand was idly resting between his legs, occasionally mimicking what the girl on TV was doing for the man on TV. She didn't get it at all, but somehow it interested her. The video ended.
"Not too bad, I must say," Hideki mumbled to himself. "The manager has pretty good taste."
"Hideki's manager gave this to Hideki?" Chii asked.
"Yeah, he did; gosh, it was such a task trying to hide the whole thing from Yumi…" He stopped short and turned his head to where the voice was coming from, and noticed that Chii was fully awake. "CHII? WHAT THE HELL!"
"Chii likes to watch movies with Hideki."
Hideki shook his head vigorously. "NO. Chii. Don't." He thought for a second. "Oh my God, Chii, how long were you awake?"
"Chii woke up when the girl started screaming; Chii thought something was wrong. Apparently there was nothing wrong."
Hideki tried to calculate how far back it was that she may have heard that, and realized it wasn't too long after he had started to watch it again. She saw everything, including all the things that led up to it. His face turned white. "Chii, you should never have seen that… oh my God, I'm a horrible pervert, I've corrupted you, I should have realized you were awake…"
"Corrupt Chii? Why? It was interesting."
"Interesting!? …What do you mean interesting?" he asked carefully.
"Chii didn't understand why they were doing that, but it seemed interesting. Chii doesn't know why it is interesting. It just was. And they were very happy, weren't they?"
Hideki noticed he had a slight tic. "Chii… well, I suppose it can't corrupt you, can it?"
"Chii doesn't understand."
Hideki gave up and sighed. "Never mind, Chii. Just pretend you never saw that, okay? Don't think any less of me?"
"Of course not. I love Hideki." She hugged him and they fell quietly back onto the futon.
"I love you too, Chii. Good night."