Author has written 166 stories for Pokémon, Maple Story, Fire Emblem, Greek Mythology, Lord of the Rings, and Hunger Games. 9th Decemter 2013: I'm finished. I've finished OTDOTS. Now I've just got to do the editing. ARgh hope you enjoy it. 9th August 2013: I'm pretty much right next to done with OTDOTS last chapter, just the final subchapter and the epilogue to write now. But goodness it's making me so nervous. Hope it's worth the wait. 16th April 2013: Sorry for the huge delay; I've been busy with things, some more important than others. Three writing projects going, none of them complete! I am glad to say that OTDOTS is headed for the climax now. 22nd January 2013: To those curious, I am writing OTDOTS's final chapter now. I imagine it will be done very, very soon. It's going quite well! 20th November 2012: Rewrote much of Compass; didn't touch the climax though. I intend to. 2nd November 2012: Do read the author's note in Ignis e Tenebrae. It says a lot that I've wanted to say for the past year. 8th September 2012: So suddenly two Maple fanfics (edit: one now, I deleted the other) popped out of me, and neither that inspired. I'm terrible at writing without inspiration. I simply think it important that I share every fanfic I write because I never know when the readers might like it more than I do. 4th September 2012: Revamped Of the Dragon, of the Stars: Prologue (Sparking the Flame), Ch. 11 (Turning) intro. Check it if you want. l'isle joyeuse [7612] if you actually like my writing, you'll want to read |