This is not how I expected my return to FFnet to go. But it's nice to be back to writing fluff-with-plot Pokemon chapterfics.

The plan is simple enough.

One: Catch an Applin.
Two: Hand Gloria said Applin the next time they meet.
Three: Casually say, "Heeeey!" (yes, with the "hey" dragged out like that.) "I got you a gift. For being a great friend and a supportive rival. By the way, mate, you're looking amazing today, I love that new look you have going on, did you get that parka at Motost—"

No, no, scratch that.

One: Catch an Applin.
Two: Hand Gloria the Applin.
Three: Thank her without going off on a ramble about parkas, or how good she looks in them.

And four, be well on my way to Wyndon by the time she checks to see what's inside. That way, if she doesn't feel the same way, it won't be awkward, and he can curl up on a bench and cry his eyes out at a safe distance of about ten miles.

Hop stares at the Pokeball sitting in his palm. Step one: done.

Now for the hard part.

This is all a bit more complicated than he likes. He kind of hoped it wouldn't come to this, that he could just take things sitting, let this unexpected development roll over him like a wave, and dissipate. That is, until yesterday.

Yesterday, Hop caught Gloria and Raihan chatting at the door to Hammerlocke Gym. Sand gathered in the folds of their clothes and left trails on the floor, Gloria laughing with every other sentence, Raihan beaming without a trace of his usual smarm. It left no question about the outcome of their match.

That's my rival! he thought, an eager smile spreading on his face. The only one worthy of facing me!

It took all of five seconds, and two more chuckles out of Gloria, for his thoughts to swing to holy hell, to, has she always been so bloody adorable? to, I need her to notice me right this very instant?

That was when he decided to run into the fray, calling out her name.

Here's the thing with Hop: when he admires someone, the first and only thing he thinks to do is to impress them. Leon often teases him about it, about how he goes into "brag mode" whenever there's an esteemed guest over, talking about his trophy-studded future like it's already carved in stone.

As Gloria and Raihan whirled around to face the source of the shout, he felt the switch flip right away, all the lights in his head coming on. His mouth began to move of its own accord, levelling taunts at the second best battler Galar, eyes darting every two seconds to the goggling trainer beside him to see if she was reacting.

"I'm gonna beat you! And Gloria!" he finished with a grin, folding his arms. "And even Lee!"

Gloria laughed. "I'll see you at the semifinals, then," she answered, echoing his grin. A sudden pang pierced his heart like a burning arrow, one that brought his high-flying pride hurtling down in a fireball of confusing thrill and embarrassment.

He looked away, trying not to look like he was looking away. "You bet!" he said. "We'll meet at the station!"

It wasn't until Raihan's hand fell on his shoulder to steer him away that he snapped out of his daze. "Your turn to take on the gym, kid," he said with a fanged smirk. "You don't wanna keep Gloria waiting, do ya?"

Half an hour later, Hop walked out of what had proven a successful Gym Challenge—resoundingly so, if he could say so himself, capped off with a sliver of a win over Raihan's ten-storey Duraludon. He glanced about for any sign of Gloria, just in case she had yet to run off and they could walk together or something. But she was nowhere to be found, so he wound his way up the street and back to his hotel, just an ounce dejected.

That was about when his Rotom phone flew up in his face, flashing him a text message from his brother that bore not congratulations, but the following accusation:

rai says you have a crush on gloria 👀


His fingers were a blur as he tapped out his answer, face already heating up with indignation. She's my rival! I don't have a crush on my my rival. That can't happen. It's not allowed...

Cut to the present. Hop doesn't do denial very well; it has taken him all of two days and approximately twenty hours of daydreaming about Gloria and berating himself for it to figure out that it has, indeed, happened — and that it may, in fact, be allowed.

He clutches at his face as if it will stop the blushing. Well, it is time. Time for him to be a grown up about it, to come clean to her, and then maybe not break down in tears when she says no. But he knows the cardinal rule he must hold to in all this: he cannot make Gloria feel cornered. He's had the agony of watching Leon bungle up his romantic endeavours enough times, and he won't go down that same ruinous path.

Which is why this entirely-too-elaborate plan is important.

Hop casts one last look at his hand, and that fateful Pokeball cradled in it. "Appley...what should I do if she doesn't like you?"